Chapter 789: Don't offend people related to Disney

Los Angeles, which has always been sunny, began to rain on the 24th, but this did not affect the interest of the stars on the red carpet.

For the rainy weather, the Oscar awarding agency seems to be well prepared, putting up a white canopy to protect the stars on the red carpet, and for Hollywood, which has just gone through the screenwriting strike, this bit of wind and rain is really nothing.

The bleachers and streets around the Kodak Theater were packed with thousands of fans. The first stars to step on the red carpet included George K. Ke, who was nominated for this year’s Oscar for Best Actor for "Michael Clayton." Rooney, as well as the German supermodel Heidi Klum and her black singer husband Hill.

Renee Zellweger wore a backless evening dress, which caused fans to scream as soon as she appeared; Cate Blanchett wore a huge and dazzling necklace and walked slowly onto the red carpet; Harrison Ford and Penelope Stars such as Cruz and Hilary Swank also stepped onto the red carpet and entered the Kodak Theater.

The two-month-long strike of Hollywood screenwriters once made people worry about whether the 80th Oscars could be held as scheduled. Now that the strike is over, the suspense has disappeared. The Oscars is a blessing in disguise, and people’s interest in watching live broadcasts has increased. The advertising price of the awards ceremony. Even hit a new high.

As a broadcaster, the TV station surpassed $100 million in Oscar advertising revenue for the first time. It seems that the screenwriter's strike has increased everyone's interest in this year's Oscars.

At all large-scale awards ceremonies, the male stars are all black and old, with little novelty and fancy.

Therefore, the important task of attracting eyeballs on the red carpet naturally falls on the shoulders of female stars. Hollywood is star-studded today. A group of female stars who are not dressed up and brave are spared no effort to show off **** and noble, and selling **** is no longer limited to low-chest exposure. Back, slanted shoulders, split ends, perspective and even retro... the tricks are endless.

Like male stars, black has always been the insurance choice for female stars at the awards ceremony. The calm temperament exuded by black can be interpreted as mystery, can be interpreted as sexy, and it can also be noble, and there are few mistakes.

But at this year’s Oscars awards ceremony, the female stars seemed to have agreed. There were a large number of people who moved to the red camp, and they all chose bright red. The newly-rising Anne Hathaway and the last movie queen Helen Mi. Lun and the retro beauty Catherine Heigl, both veteran acting school and youth idol. They all have a special liking for bright red, bringing fiery enthusiasm to the noble and classic Oscars.

Just look at the frequency of the flashing light bulbs to know how strong their heat is.

However, more enthusiastic than them are the nearly 10,000 people gathered on Highland Boulevard and Hollywood Boulevard. They hold high slogans — oppose Iran’s censorship of Hollywood and support Hollywood’s freedom of speech — and they will shout out from time to time. The voices of the fans on the red carpet were suppressed.

No wonder these liberals are so excited, just yesterday. The Iranian government once again issued an attack against Hollywood, believing that "I grew up in Iran" was nominated for the best animated feature film and "A Farewell" was nominated for the best foreign language film, which is Hollywood’s ulterior motives and an insult to all Iranian people. . Regardless of the results of the final awards, Iran will lodge a solemn protest.

At the same time, they also claimed that Hollywood has been completely occupied by Jewish forces, which is a Zionist war against Iran.

Just in the midst of protests from the Liberals in Iran. Marion Cotillard stepped onto the red carpet. Although she was very excited to be nominated for an Oscar for Best Actress, she saw this situation. The mood can't stop getting bad.

In the previous series of important awards, she almost all lost to Natalie Portman, but she also won many Film Critics Association awards. She knew that the other party and the Disney behind it had a poor relationship with the film critics, and the film critics She still has some influence on the aging Oscar judges. In this way, she is not without the possibility of upset.

But now?

The **** Iranians keep attacking the Jewish forces in Hollywood, which is simply cutting off their hope of winning.

Although he is a Frenchman and doesn't know much about Hollywood, Marion Cotillard also understands that the essence of the Oscar is not much different from that of the Cannes Film Festival, and it will definitely be affected by the socio-political situation.

According to her speculation, I am afraid that the four most important awards will fall on the Jewish head.

Randomly said a few words in the interview area. She walked into the Kodak Theater and greeted the people around at the suggestion of the agent who came up. Among them was Ryan Jenkins.

He was not enthusiastic about himself, he just gave a polite handshake and nodded, not even a smile, but Marion Cotillard could not give birth to any dissatisfaction. Her status and status were so different from that of the other party, I am afraid it was in his eyes. , I am no different from those little famous actors.

Then, she saw Natalie Portman, the hottest actress of this year’s Oscars for Best Actress. The other party smiled brilliantly, just like the sunshine in Los Angeles yesterday. She did have reasons to be so happy. After all, the best actress. The protagonist's statuette is almost at your fingertips.

In her opinion, this award cannot be upset at all. The Jewish identity and the full support of Ryan Jenkins are almost the greatest guarantee of winning.

Marion Cotillard is very unwilling, she thinks she will never lose to the other side in acting.

However, the difference in other aspects is too far, too far, just relying on acting and role can be awarded? She is not so naive yet.

There is also the social situation, and Natalie is completely the beneficiary.

Thinking of this, she suddenly looked in the direction of Ryan Jenkins, and a thought popped out of her mind.

Could all this be planned by the other party? In order to fight for the most favorable situation for Natalie Portman, after all, Iran is world famous for being hostile to the Jews. After all, he and his films are the biggest beneficiaries. After all, he has persecuted Iran when operating "Argo" Things.

If this is the case, his means...

Shook his head, Marion Cotillard made up his mind not to offend anyone who has a close relationship with Disney in any case.

She even strode to Natalie Portman's side, and with a spring breeze smile, she sent her best wishes.

"What did she tell you?"

When she walked to Natalie's side, Ryan happened to see the French woman who had left.

It's no wonder that he thinks this way, the female stars really have to compete, and the means and thoughts of action are much more vicious than those between male stars.

"Nothing." Natalie shook her head at him. "Just come over and say hello."

"Nate, time is almost up."

Mrs. Shelly on the other side came over and pulled Natalie up, "We should go in."

Natalie sighed helplessly to Ryan, Ryan waved her hand, and walked towards the hall of the theater with Harvey Weinstein who followed.

"There is nothing to worry about."

With no one else around, Harvey Weinstein whispered as he walked, "I got the exact news, Nat's advantage is very big."

"Where is Miramax?" Ryan asked.

"We are the most competitive company." Harvey Weinstein laughed, "Such a favorable social and political situation, if you can't get a few heavyweight awards, then Miramax really should go bankrupt. "

"I don't want the investment to be in vain."

Seeing someone coming again, Ryan changed the subject, "I will do network protection in the future. This kind of thing will happen for the first time, and there will be a second time."

"I see."

Entering the hall, Ryan nodded to the person who greeted him, and found his seat. His position was not considered forward, not bordering the "Black Swan" crew, but sitting with the big fat guy Harvey Weinstein. Together.

Not far from the front is the seat of the crew of "Black Swan", Natalie greeted the people around, and started to look around after sitting down.


Scarlett Johansson, who came in earlier than her, asked curiously, "What are you looking at?"

"It's nothing." Natalie finally saw Ryan's position and turned her head back comfortably, "Scarlett, are you ready for your acceptance speech?"

"I didn't prepare much." Scarlett shrugged, "You know, I'm biased towards business now, those people may not vote."

"Ryan and Disney also did PR for you."

When she heard Natalie's words, Scarlett just smiled, but did not say anything. It is impossible to say that she is not jealous at all, but the friendship of more than ten years is enough to suppress this negative emotion.

Besides, I was four years younger than Nat, and I still have time.

For the best supporting actress, even if Ryan and Disney did a lot of public relations for her, what is the chance that she can get it under the premise of guaranteeing Natalie's award?

"Why didn't Ryan sit with the crew?" She suddenly found out that Ryan was not nearby.

"It's behind."

Natalie pointed at random, her eyes drifting towards her mother unconsciously, Ryan was away from the crew, presumably she was also hiding from her mother, so as to reduce the possibility of intensifying conflicts.

She sighed secretly She was the most difficult person in the middle, but fortunately, after the awards ceremony, my mother would return to New York and everything would be back to normal.


My mother's voice came in my ear, "How do you think I am your manager?"

Natalie had an urge to cover her forehead. Fortunately, when the music started, she quickly said, "Mom, the award ceremony is about to begin."

After the short prefixes, Jon Stewart, the host of "The Daily Show," stepped onto the stage, and started with the topic of the Hollywood screenwriter's strike that had just ended.

He said in a joking tone, "The past two months have been difficult. The bitter screenwriter strikes have torn apart Hollywood. I am very happy that this struggle is over."

The Oscar officially celebrated its 80th birthday, and the 80th Oscar Awards ceremony kicked off. (To be continued...)

