Chapter 608: There is a situation behind

In fact, looking at the performance of the North American media decades after the end of World War II, you will find that in some major events, the mainstream media has always maintained amazing consistency. Although the mainstream media in North America looks on the surface, most of the shares are scattered in the hands of many people. , But it has been deeply influenced by Jews or Jewish descent.

Anti-Semitism is the same as racial discrimination. You can think about it or discuss it in private, but if you express it openly in some way, you must be prepared for the storm.

Maybe this film is just a hype deliberately incited by Mel Gibson, but the Jews in North America don’t think so. They will be wary of any blatant opposition to the Jews.

Moreover, Mel Gibson's private views on Jews are not too secret.

Here he opened fire on two well-known Jewish journalists, and over there, the media dug up the old bottom of him and his family.

"Washington Post" published some disgraceful things about Mel Gibson's father, Gibson, in a prominent position. In an interview, he denied the existence of the World War II Jewish Holocaust and called himself a Nazist...

As for Mel Gibson himself, he also has a bad record in this regard. When he was young, he had participated in a right-wing organization coalition of the interests of the University of Australia, and that coalition was a famous extremist group; after he came to Hollywood, he also failed to constrain and funded. A traditionally divided Catholic church in the Los Angeles area, and the purpose of this sect is to'purge the Jews who killed Jesus'.

The media's remarks also stimulated major Jewish groups in North America. Some angry Jews gathered outside the theater to protest. Some even wore the jews' prison uniforms in the Nazi concentration camps. Some Jewish lawmakers even suggested that the film should be blocked.

Although I never thought that this movie was related to me, Ryan received a lot of calls within a few days. Among them were Hollywood traditional Jewish people represented by Pearson and Spielberg. Power, there is also a Jewish group from Wall Street. There are also some representatives of the National Jewish Association.

In an area with commercial freedom like North America, it is almost impossible to force a movie that is being released to be downgraded. How to suppress the rising anti-Semitism is the focus of their concern.

After hundreds of years of public relations and hard work, the Jews have established a huge and intricate force on this land, and they will never allow anyone to shake their foundation.

Things are very simple to say, Mel Gibson touched the sensitive nerves of the Jews, so you have to bear the consequences.

Although deep down in my heart, I didn't think it was true, and what was turning in my mind was my shit, but Ryan still verbally expressed that he would stand with all the Jews in North America.

Anyway. He is one of the most famous Jewish people in the United States, and a purely Jewish lover.

The protests now are just the beginning. After "The Passion of the Christ" is down and the topic gradually cools down, it must be a tough life for Mel Gibson.

Speaking of which, Mel Gibson is rebellious and has a bad temper. He still has a big mouth after drinking, even in the circle of Australian actors. But there is no conflict of interest with Ryan. If it is not against the interests of his class, he will only treat the other side as a passerby.

When a person enjoys the benefits that identity can bring, he must fulfill his corresponding obligations. This is the simplest truth.

Of course, for now, Ryan will not put too much energy into this kind of thing. There are a lot of tasks that need to be handled by him within Disney alone.

"What kind of benefits can the right movie bring to the group?"

I looked down at the dark night sky outside the conference room. Ryan put his hands on the conference table, his eyes turned to many Disney executives, "After "Pirates of the Caribbean" was released in North America and around the world. The number of visitors to our amusement park increased by 70%, of which More than 80% of them were influenced by the Pirates of the Caribbean, and after these people entered, they not only played the Pirates of the Caribbean project..."

He tapped the table lightly, adding to his tone, "When most tourists left, they also bought more than one souvenir related to Pirates of the Caribbean, and all of our merchandise sales have soared."

"In the past two months, sales of other types of peripheral products have increased by 40%." Robert Iger, who presided over the meeting, added.

Ryan nodded to him and continued the topic just now, "So, making movies or cartoons closely linked to Disney will be our next focus."

"But our traditional movies are based on various fairy tales."

Roy Disney, as a lifelong consultant, expressed his opinion at this time, "and these fairy tales have been made into movies or cartoons by us more than once."

"If there is no innovation, there is a huge risk of remakes."

Taking off her glasses, Nicole gently rubbed the corners of her eyes. Her words were approved by many people, "It is true."

"Ryan, your animal version of "Prince's Revenge" succeeded." Roy Disney said of the "Lion King" of the year, "and our "Romeo and Juliet" failed."

Many people's eyes are on Ryan. After all, his creativity in movies seems endless, and after these movies are operated through the entire industry chain of the Disney Group, the profits will be maximized.

If the classic fairy tale movies with Disney traditions can be re-interpreted, the benefits that can be brought will be significantly greater.

They all have such confidence, because although the financial report last year has not been announced to the public, it is not a secret to everyone present.

Walt Disney’s operating income in 2003 reached more than 38 billion 63 million U.S. dollars, and its net profit exceeded 4.9 billion U.S. dollars. In 2002, the two figures were more than 26 billion U.S. dollars and 3.3 billion U.S. dollars, respectively.

After a year of integration and internal digestion in 2002, the effects of the mergers and acquisitions of Pixar Studios, Jenkins Pictures and Marvel Comics became apparent.

Among them, most of the movies and peripherals that bring huge income to Disney have an inseparable relationship with Ryan.

Even some people are still considering that if Ryan hadn't sold the copyrights of "Mission Impossible" and "Terminator", Disney's revenue might have been even greater.

Fortunately, they now also have their own special agent series. Although "The Bourne" adapted from "Bourne's Identity" is not a super-sell, its profitability is considerable compared to investment, and it can be built. Into a series.

They believed that if Ryan said so, he must have a general idea.

"We can repackage and interpret those familiar fairy tales."

Ryan turned his head slightly, his eyes fell on John Lasseter, "For example, "Rapunzel" that the animation department just approved."

Most people don't know that Disney Animation Studios has already started a 3D animation feature film, and they don't know the specific content. Ryan didn't mean to sell it, so I went on to say it.

"Let's put it this way, we can use movies to interpret traditional fairy tales in another way."

"Isn't it a spoof like "Shrek"?" Someone said worriedly when Ryan stopped to drink water.

Putting down the coffee cup, Ryan smiled and shook his head, "Of course it won't be like that, it doesn't fit the style of Disney movies."

Many people who come here are the heads of the creative team and the editing team, and their ears have long been pricked up.

"Just give a few examples." Ryan didn't make them wait for a long time. "For example, Sleeping Beauty, the person who kisses the princess does not have to be the prince, but also the witch; and the ice queen, the prince may not be in love with the princess. Instead, she might want to take this to annex her kingdom...Well, even the traditional Snow White, with the help of hunters, might personally defeat the evil queen."

These principles are not complicated, but for the Disney creators who are bound by tradition, they have opened up their thinking from another aspect. Although some of them may not be suitable for the current social environment, they have also broken a thin barrier. Even if the fairy tale is not spoofed, it can be re-interpreted from another angle.

What Ryan gave was only inspiration. Disney’s creative department spent most of the time immersed in various fairy tales. As long as they had the right thinking, they were the most suitable candidates to adapt the script.

When the meeting was over and leaving the Disney headquarters building, it was close to midnight. When entering the parking lot, Nicole graciously got into his car. After Ryan closed the door, the black Rolls-Royce was in the front and rear bodyguards. Accompanied by, he drove out of the underground parking lot.

Although Burbank’s nightlife has just begun, the number of vehicles on the road has decreased significantly, but the drivers are still paying attention.

Because this is Burbank, the famous media and entertainment capital, there are countless little stars who are drunk at night and drive crazy and poor driving skills.

Every month, there are always a dozen stars in Los Angeles who cause traffic accidents due to drunk driving.

After turning a few turns the car went all the way south, and the speed gradually increased, maintaining a safe distance between the three cars.

"Have you reached an agreement on the Passion of the Christ?". Inside the car, Nicole asked Ryan seriously.

"For the time being, I will apply pressure through the media." Ryan just raised her finger, and Nicole had already leaned over to help him rub his forehead, and said at the same time, "Don't worry about our thoughts. We don't like him. He is very popular. ."

Sniffing the scent from Nicole's body, Ryan nodded slightly. He understood that Nicole was saying that Mel Gibson was also unpopular in the Australian gang.

"Ryan, fasten your seat belt! There is a situation behind!"

John's reminding voice suddenly came from the intercom. Ryan didn't hesitate to help Nicole fasten his seat belt immediately and buckle his own as quickly as possible.

Then, he turned his head and looked to the rear, and saw a police car flashing police lights, chasing a Lexus whose speed can only be described as crazy, rushing towards them quickly. (To be continued...) ()