When Chi Shuyan arrived at the downstairs of Yu's dormitory, he was acutely aware of the body gas and went upstairs immediately.

In the dormitory, several people in the dormitory were more or less injured. Not to mention Tang Zhaoming, the earliest person who died, Xiao le and Lu Yunfeng had a large meat stall on their legs in the corner. Yu Jinzhou, though not seriously injured, was in great distress because of his thunder guiding talisman.

As for Chen Yang's most serious injury, he not only had a big bite in his face, but also had his leg cut off. Now the monster was pinching him around his neck. He was making a loud voice and sniffing at Chen Yang's neck.

Chen Yang's face was covered with tears and snot. He was almost ferocious, his eyes red, and he screamed for help: "Yu Shao, help! help! I don't want to die! "

Soon, Yang Mingwei's mouth constantly emerging from the corpse has been falling on him, the corpse found the human flesh, immediately into the meat, through his bones, from the back of a big bloody mouth wriggled out, Chen Yang's back bulged a dozen bulges, at the same time split a blood dripping big mouth, then a dozen corpses wriggled out. At this time, the indoor floor is full of Chen Yang's blood and his shrieking and chilling screams.

Yu Jinzhou, Lu Yunfeng and Xiao Le were stunned by the terrible scene. Yu held the thunder charm in his hand, his hands trembled and trembled, and his eyes flashed with despair.

At the moment, Chen Yang is so miserable that Lu Yunfeng and Xiao Le can't help but vomit, and all the bile they vomit comes out.

Lu Yunfeng couldn't afford to vomit. His face turned pale and asked Yu Jinzhou if Lu Chengfu had any news.

Now he regretted that Lu Chengfu had advised them to leave at that time. Why did he not listen to him? Besides, Chengfu didn't say the seriousness of the matter. However, at that time, he took Chengfu's words as a joke. Thinking that he had ridiculed Chengfu, he now felt that he was a fool.

Xiao Le regretted that he had been hammering his chest, and his face was in despair. He was not afraid of death, but he was afraid of being eaten alive by the monster. He chewed and swallowed it, and he was skinned before chewing. Thinking of the blood on the ground and the tragic death of Tang Zhaoming, Xiao le was more and more desperate, and his teeth trembled all the time. His eyes were fixed on the door and he was watching Yang Mingwei.

Riding on the gap, bearing the pain on his leg, his eyes suddenly turned red and asked Yu Jinzhou, "Yu Shao, are we all going to die? I don't want to die! I don't want to die. Why don't I listen to Cheng Fu's advice? "

"Why did Yang Mingwei become a monster? Why are there such terrible monsters in the world

Xiao Yue said that the more paranoid, really wish time back before, back to Chen Yang this fool with Yang Mingwei this monster before.

He must have run home for a long time.

Thinking of Cheng Fu's effort to ask his sister-in-law to set up an array, they refused?

Xiao Le thought of that moment had the impulse to hit the wall and die.

With Xiao Le's words, the dormitory atmosphere is dead.

Lu Yunfeng sat down on his legs and looked at the blood on the ground. His lips moved. His face was pale. He was very ugly and desperate. He regretted Xiao le. He lived outside all the time. Why did he choose to come back tonight?

All of a sudden, he said to Xiao Yue, "why don't we commit suicide now? There are still runes in Jinzhou. By the way, how long can your rune last? Forget it, Jinzhou, you still have a talisman. You can run quickly in the gap. Don't run between us. We can't run either

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