Aware that Mingzheng is just standing in the same place, his face seems to be a little twisted. Si Shaoheng doesn't stay any longer, so he turns around and is ready to leave.

Not far away, Si Shaoqi is saying goodbye to Zhang Chengyu.

"After chatting with the elder today, I feel like a spring of inspiration. Thank you for your advice." Si Shaoqi smiles at Zhang Chengyu. Zhang Chengyu picks her eyebrows and nods. Without saying anything, she just waves her hand and turns around to leave with Qi Ziyun in her arms.

On the way back, Xiao Tang and Si Shaoheng said what they saw and heard in the toilet today, which made Si Shaoheng look surprised: "you mean Cough, Mingzheng just did that with an unidentified man in the toilet? And he's the one down there? "

"Well!" Shi Xiaotang nodded, shocked: "do you think it's incredible?"

"Don't you think" Si Shaoheng picked his eyebrows: "do you think your husband is like me? Obviously, it's an attack, and it's a strong attack. "

And when small Tang mix for a long time, Si Shaoheng also began to move in the direction of not serious.

"Poof, assault, well, what am I?" Shixiaotang tilted his head and pondered. After a while, he answered firmly: "I am meishou!"

Si Shaoheng smiles.

This time, they got together until more than three o'clock in the morning. When he got up the next day, Si Shaoheng just sent his children to the nursery and came to the office of the company. He saw a lot of people holding newspapers and laughing.

"What's the matter?" Si Shaoheng took a look at the newspaper. The secretary next to him handed it to him in a hurry. Then he said with a sullen smile, "Mr. Dong, do you still remember Yu Shaoning, the new student of Xingmei entertainment? Ha ha ha, last night, Yu Shaoning made the entertainment headlines! It's said that he was beaten and stripped of his clothes. He was found by the garbage can on the street this morning. He was surrounded by onlookers! Mr. Dong, have a look

Most of the people in the company know that Yu Shaoning and Si Shaoqi are rivals. Although they are not equal in Xingmei entertainment, Yu Shaoning is always following Si Shaoqi closely. Moreover, he often makes small moves and has a rebellious attitude. This time he makes such a big joke, and everyone is happy for Si Shaoqi.

Of course, no one knows that Si Shaoqi is the culprit.

Si Shaoheng didn't pay much attention to Yu Shaoning. After a casual smile, he returned the newspaper: "what's the news about Shaoqi? Is black powder still deteriorating? "

"Well, everything is progressing as expected." the secretary handed over a document: "before I went around Ji's house, I found that Ji's family was not very depressed. Qian Cuiping and Ji Xian seemed to have gone to a newspaper, and they didn't know what they wanted to do."

hearing the speech, Si Shaoheng gave a sound, looked down at the document in front of him, and fell into a deep depression Think.

Ji Zhenyu's family doesn't know where they found the channel. They always play tricks behind their backs. At first, they just discredit the image of Si Shaoqi, saying that he and his sister are incest.

In order to attract a lot of fans to point out the love affair between Si Shaoqi and Si Fangjuan, let those fans turn black, and threaten Si Shaoqi in private. From then on, they will pay for Ji's family, buy a house and a car for Ji's family, and improve Ji's life. Otherwise, they will continue to expand the "black stuff" about Si Shaoqi.

Before, Si Shaoheng had thought of taking advantage of this time to make the evidence of all the things the Ji family had done to Si Shaoqi public.

But later, he thought about it, but he didn't do it. Instead, he chose to continue to deliberately manipulate the incident, and let it gradually worsen under the back stabbing behavior of Ji Zhenyu's family.

Now these fans misunderstand where Si Shaoqi and his sister are, so they are stuck in writing ugly words or swearing words on Si Shaoqi's poster. Otherwise, it is to attack Si Shaoqi's car with eggs.

Director Cai of Xingmei entertainment is worried about this. He has no idea what Si Shaoheng is doing when he doesn't help Si Shaoqi solve the news. Instead, he deliberately aids the tyrant and worsens the incident.

Director Cai more than once called to set up the words of Si Shaoheng, and wanted to know whether Si Shaoheng gave up the maintenance of Si Shaoqi or what.

But Si Shaoheng's answer is four or two thousand catties every time, which makes director Cai crazy.

"Is there any action from director Cai?" Si Shaoheng casually hung his coat on the wall. His secretary shook his head: "master Shaoqi's recent work and contract in Xingmei entertainment have been smoothly carried out. Although his reputation has been greatly affected by the recent black news reports, all advertisers have not terminated their cooperation with master Shaoqi"

"I am here After reading the document for a while, Si Shaoheng suddenly threw it back to his secretary: "in this way, you should pay attention to Qian Cuiping and Ji Xian first, see what they want to do in the newspaper, and be prepared. If there is any situation, please remember to contact me. Do you understand?"

"Understand" Secretary nodded, holding the document turned away, Si Shaoheng stood up and looked out of the window, a deep sigh, no words for a long time.

At the same time, the people's newspaper.Qian Cuiping and Ji Xianzheng pull Ji Zhenyu to cry in the submission Office of the newspaper.

Opposite them sat a young girl with glasses.

"Auntie, uncle, don't cry. Is everything true in your contribution this time?" The girl with glasses looks at Qian Cuiping and Ji Xian with suspicious eyes. They have already contributed a good article to her. The matter is also related to Si Shaoqi. At that time, it was a contribution to expose the black material of Si Shaoqi's falling in love with his sister.

The content of this contribution is even more outrageous, saying that their son Ji Zhenyu was disfigured by Si Shaoqi.

"Of course, it's true. I know their company. My son worked in their company's factory and met with Si Shaoqi, but look at my son! Look at my son's face. This is what Si Shaoqi did at the beginning. At the beginning, we were still in the hospital. If you don't believe it, you can go to the hospital to prove it. " Qian Cuiping drags Ji Zhenyu by her side, lifts his hat, and begins to weave it vividly.

After so many years, which doctor in the hospital has the ability to prove it?

Of course not.

It's just that there happened to be a relative of Ji's family in the hospital who was dug up by Qian Cuiping as a false witness. The purpose of all this is to hope that Si Shaoqi can feed them both and buy Ji Zhenyu a house and a car by the way.

Qian Cuiping and Ji Xian did not dare to do this, but who let Si Shaoheng deliberately turn a blind eye to their behavior of discrediting Si Shaoqi and completely refuse to fight back.

Si Shaoheng's inaction makes them discredit the image of Si Shaoqi, gradually from careful to bold operation.

Qian Cuiping has drawn up a plan in her heart. As soon as the contribution is approved, she will take advantage of the fact to handle Si Shaoqi

before the manuscript is published.

If Si Shaoqi is willing to bow her head and show respect to her family from now on, she can consider canceling this manuscript. If not, there's no way.

The girl with glasses frowned slightly. She just looked at Ji Zhenyu and touched the scar on his face. Seeing that the scar on his face was real, not painted, she said solemnly:

"I didn't expect that Si Shaoqi was so attractive on the surface, but actually such a violent person. Si Shaoqi is Si Shaoheng's brother Si Shaoheng is the chairman of Hengjiu group. When Si Shaoqi injured your son, didn't he make compensation? "

"No!" Qian Cuiping's face was angry: "girl, you don't know, their family hasn't paid a dime for training!"

"It's like this." the girl with glasses filled her heart with indignation: "I'm sure I'll publish this report! It's Fair for both of you "

that's what I said, but whether the manuscript can pass the review or not depends on the handling of the top.

"Well, then, when can we publish this manuscript?" Qian Cuiping wiped her tears and looked at her. After hearing this, the girl with glasses immediately said, "I'll give you the news this Friday. If it passes the review, it will be published next Monday. If it doesn't pass, it will be told to you as usual. Please keep in touch."

"Good" Qian Cuiping nodded and then turned to leave.

The first thing they did after they left the people's daily was to find Si Shaoqi.

Qian Cuiping called Si Shaoqi at home. As soon as she answered the phone, she immediately told her story of going to the newspaper. By the way, she also gave a complete account of her purpose:

"if you listen to me and do what you should do as a son, we won't be so cruel. I gave birth to you in October, but I didn't get any credit There is also hard work. Now that you have a successful career, I should be the first to thank you. If it wasn't for me and your father, where did you get your life? "

"Thank you for giving birth to me in order to save Ji Zhenyu, and finally throw away the redundant me. Do you want to abandon me?" Si Shaoqi's voice was coldly ironic: "I'm really good, thank you"

"you're talking about a mess." As soon as Qian Cuiping felt nervous, she immediately interrupted: "I don't care where you heard these rumors, but anyway, I gave birth to you in October when I was pregnant, and I didn't feel sorry for you! You are my own son, I didn't stop you from being filial to the family, but you shouldn't be filial to me, right? Anyway, my words are here. If you don't think about who you should be filial to, you can't think about quietness in this newspaper in the future! Before this Friday, think about my words and give me an answer then! "

With that, Qian Cuiping hung up with a bang.

Ji Xian was smoking a cigarette and didn't say a word. Ji Zhenyu looked at Qian Cuiping for a long time and suddenly asked, "Mom, don't you think everything is strange now? Who is Si Shaoheng? Can't he tell us the little news we made? "

What's more, the contents of the news articles they submitted are all slandering Si Shaoqi, and the general newspapers dare not publish them. Now who doesn't know that Si Shaoqi is the person protected by Si Shaoheng?

This newspaper that dares to publish negative news about Si Shaoqi is indirectly offending Hengjiu group.Who doesn't want to get mixed up, and they will start on Taisui?

Ji Zhenyu thinks more and more strangely, always feels that from beginning to end, they publish the newspaper to discredit the behavior of Si Shaoqi, it seems that the progress is a little too smooth

In principle, all the manuscripts should not pass the review. They can not only pass the review, but also cause so much attention and disturbance from fans, just like who It's like cutting through the thorns for their plan ahead.