"Thank you so much," Si Fangjuan said to Hua Yishu. She ran away happily. Hua Yishu looked at her back, thought about it carefully, and suddenly said, "Miss Si Fangjuan, wait a minute"

"hmm? Any questions? " Si Fangjuan stops and looks at Hua Yishu. Hua Yishu takes out a set of packaged dolls from the bag and hands them to Si Fangjuan: "can you take this to Si Yitian, please?"

"Toys?" Si Fangjuan went over and reached for the doll: "Tiantian likes these things best, but how do you remember to give them to her?"

"The child helped me a lot last time, and I didn't have anything here. I was afraid that something would go wrong and the taste was not suitable, so I bought this one and wanted to thank her," Hua Yishu said. She handed the doll over and said casually, "you don't have to say who sent it. She's happy. I just want to thank her, and don't have to let her know my body Share, I'll go first, thank you first "

with that, Hua Yishu put away his bag and left the company. Seeing this, Si Fangjuan didn't think much about it. She turned to put away the doll and went to the address that Hua Yishu gave her.

Xuzhou, a suburb.

By the time Si Fangjuan got there, it was dark and the crew was resting.

Si Fangjuan takes the Xingmei employee work permit that Si Shaoqi once gave her and says hello to the director. Then she starts to look for the shadow of Si Shaoqi everywhere. After a long circle, she finally finds the rest room of Si Shaoqi. As soon as she wants to go in, she sees an assistant with a lunch box and mineral water ready to give it to Si Shaoqi.

As soon as she saw that Fu Zhixin was about to come, she told the assistant that she was going to have lunch and mineral water. She pushed the door and went in:

"Dong Dong Dong, the food is ready"

she knocked on the door, then strode in and put the lunch and mineral water aside. As soon as she entered the room, she trotted over and covered Si Shaoqi's eyes from behind: "guess Guess who I am "

"... " Si Shaoqi quietly grabbed the hand that she covered in front of her eyes, gently pinched it, and casually said: "guess who I am

, you will know that it's you. No one in this drama group dares to make such a fuss except you"

at least, it's also a male star. Who would be so coy with him.

"Hei hei" Si Fangjuan loosened her hand and looked at Si Shaoqi after standing firm: "do you eat this kind of nutritious box lunch in the cast? The food is terrible. "

"It's good to have a box lunch, at least the male stars can have meat to eat," said Si Shaoqi, shouting outside and asking for another box lunch to come in, put it into Si Fangjuan's hand and eat with her, and asked: "how can you come here suddenly?"

"Because I have nothing to do in the hospital recently, I'm bored after taking a vacation." Si Fangjuan looked at Si Shaoqi with wide eyes: "so I came to see you"

"do you think I'm a fool? Well Si Shaoqi reached out and knocked on her forehead: "so many holidays from the hospital for you? You didn't invite it yourself? "

"Ah, I don't care. I want to be with you." Si Fangjuan looked at Si Shaoqi and gave him a kiss with her oily mouth: "I'm very lonely and cold when you're not at home. What should I do?"

Si Shaoqi pushed away her face, wiped the oily lipstick on her face, and said casually: "cool, anyway, you rely on me and your big brother. Do whatever you want. The hospital is looking at you for the sake of big brother, and most of them dare not do anything to you, but you can't do it when you are very busy." Si Fangjuan nodded: "well, don't worry. I've left my phone. If the hospital is busy, I'll cancel my leave."

But recently, it's very peaceful, and there's no major traffic accident. Si Fangjuan is still very relaxed, and she probably won't be OK.

"Well, that's good." Si Fangjuan took a mouthful of the sausage in the lunch box and said, "ah, the sausage tastes good. Come on, let's exchange it"

she held out her chopsticks to take away the sausage in Si Shaoqi ' Change your meat dish "

" tut tut "Si Shaoqi threw it back disgustedly:" I don't like radish, I won't change it with you. Take it if you want sausage, don't give me what you don't like "

" ah, why don't you know a good heart? "Si Fangjuan said with a straight face:" radish is smooth, it's good for your body! "

"What if you fart when you shoot after eating too much?" Si Shaoqi shook her head to Si Fangjuan: "I don't eat it. You eat it yourself. You really should eat more radish."

"I don't want it. I'd better throw it away." Si Fangjuan looks disgusted and wants to throw the radish on the cover of the lunch box. When she sees this, she shakes her head helplessly. As soon as she wants to say something, she hears someone at the door say, "brother Shaoqi, the director outside says he wants to find you"

"ah, I see." Si Shaoqi answers and takes a few bites of clean lunch box. When she sees this, she waves to him to do something, I'll wait here myself.

After Si Shaoqi left, Si Fangjuan rolled on the bed in his room for a while. At last, she felt really bored, so she just stood up and went outside, ready to go for a walk.The accommodation selected by Si Shaoqi's crew is very close to the shooting area. There is a pull off line nearby. As soon as Si Fangjuan walks along the isolation line, she arrives at the shooting location.

In the middle of the shooting site, Si Shaoqi is talking head to head with the director, pointing to the script in his hand, as if discussing the plot.

Looking at Si Shaoqi's serious side face, Si Fangjuan squats on one side with her hands holding her gills, how to see and how to feel eye-friendly.


Si Fangjuan put out her hand to crush the small stone on the ground. Suddenly she felt that she was too sticky. She seemed to want to be on Si Shaoqi all the time.

"Would he not like me to stick to him like this..."

"But I used to be like this, um It's a little bit too late "

" ah When will he be able to come back to accompany me? When he was in the cast, was he always like this

Si Fangjuan feels like a psychopath. She squats in the corner and looks at the shining si Shaoqi not far away. Balabala keeps talking to herself.

Before long, Si Fangjuan saw that Si Shaoqi and the director seemed to have finished talking.

She stood up on her knees and knocked on her numb legs. As soon as she was ready to turn and leave, she heard the director say to Si Shaoqi, "Shaoqi, there is a story about playing billiards in this play. I found someone who is very good at it. I want him to teach you. His name is he Ziqiu. He will be here almost tomorrow"

she said