I don't want to do anything except stay here waiting for sun Yuemei and them to take her home.

When Xuanxuan saw that Si Fangjuan was leaning against her with her eyes closed, she could not help clenching her fist. After a long time, she asked contemptuously, "Hey, aren't you from the Si family? Why are you here? "

“…” Si Fangjuan was very tired and didn't want to talk to her. She just closed her eyes. Seeing this, Shi Xuanxuan couldn't help but ask angrily:

"what's your name again? Si Fangjuan, right!? Si Fangjuan, I'm talking to you, don't you hear me? Why don't you answer me? "

"Do you know how sparrows die?" Si Fangjuan opened her eyes and asked shixuanxuan such a question.

"How did the sparrow die?" Shi Xuanxuan was stunned: "what are you talking about? How can I know how sparrows die? "

What's more, there are no sparrows in her family.

"I'll tell you how the sparrow died." Si Fangjuan closed her eyes and said slowly: "sparrow, you are boring me to death"

"you Shi Xuanxuan stood up and said, "what are you talking about!

"don't say good words for the second time" Si Fangjuan finished, turned her head leisurely, closed her eyes and dozed off.

Today, she did the rough work that she had never done in her life. Her hands were red. She was hungry, tired and homesick. She really had no energy to deal with Shi Xuanxuan.

"Hello", Xuanxuan is not willing to let Si Fangjuan stay here.

She looked at Si Fangjuan who was squinting, waved to her, and then said mysteriously:

"the Si family is quite far away from here. Do you think you want to sit here until they come to meet you? How boring it is for you to sit like this. I know there is a fun place in my home. Would you like to go with me? "

"Don't go" Si Fangjuan shakes her head without hesitation. Sun Yuemei said that she should not walk around, so this time she should be obedient.

"Are you really not going?" Shi Xuanxuan pointed to the cellar not far away, then stepped on the cellar door with her feet and said, "Si Fangjuan, I tell you, if you don't go, you will really regret it. Do you know the supernatural story? I suspect that there are ghosts in this cellar. "

When she said this, Shi Xuanxuan was serious. She was looking at Si Fangjuan with serious eyes.

Si Fangjuan said: "Oh, but I still don't want to go."

She is really not curious, because, first of all, it is not her own home, it is very impolite to walk around in other people's home.

Secondly She didn't feel that her relationship with Shi Xuanxuan was so good that she could sit down and tell stories or explore the cellar together.

All the time, she didn't talk to Shi Xuanxuan very much. She didn't know Shi Xuanxuan very well. She only knew that Shi Xuanxuan was always uneasy and kind-hearted when she talked and did things, so she had to be careful.

Seeing that Si Fangjuan was really not curious, Shi Xuanxuan could not help but pursed her lips. She opened the cellar door by herself and pointed to it. No matter whether she wanted to believe it or not, she said solemnly:

"what I said is true, Si Fangjuan. I didn't fool you. There is a ghost here. That night I came to the cellar to get the apple As a result, I heard a woman crying in the cellar... "

“… Can you shut up? " Si Fangjuan hugged her arm: "that's enough. I don't want to talk to you about this kind of topic." as she said, she turned her head and looked out of the hospital, silently reciting to her mother and second brother, why didn't they come yet

This time Xuanxuan is really annoying. She even tells ghost stories here!

She hates these ghosts, gods and so on. She can't sleep at night.

Seeing that Si Fangjuan was not curious, Shi Xuanxuan couldn't help turning around and running into the room to take out two flashlights.

She first forced a flashlight into Si Fangjuan's hand, then took another one and took it by herself. Finally, she took the lead in jumping into the cellar, stood in the cellar, pointed to the ground and stamped her feet. After stamping her feet, she said to Si Fangjuan: "Si Fangjuan, come to the door quickly. Listen, there are really women crying in the cellar!"

Smell speech, Si Fangjuan pursed lips, swallowed saliva.

She stood up with her schoolbag in her arms, turned on the flashlight in silence, and took a picture at the entrance of the cellar. After a while, when she saw that nothing was wrong, she couldn't help but get up and said:

"Shi Xuanxuan, don't be crazy, the cellar is full of things, how can there be any women..."

Before she finished speaking, something broke in the cellar, followed by women's crying and banging.

That knock sound more and more effort, Si Fangjuan faintly, still can hear the sound of the chain.

She stood at the entrance of the cellar with a serious look, feeling strange in the face of the supernatural phenomenon.

The cellar of Shijia How could this sound come from?

When she used the flashlight just now, she specially checked it. Except for some sundries and apples, dried meat, bacon and so on, there was nothing else in it.The cellar of Shijia is really not rich. You can sweep it at a glance with few things.

Shi Xuanxuan just stood there and didn't move. She saw all these with her own eyes. The sound Where did it come from?

Is it under the cellar floor?

Just when Si Fangjuan was confused about the situation, Shi Xuanxuan stood in the cellar and turned pale.

She screamed and climbed up the cellar mouth with all her hands. When she got up, she looked at Si Fangjuan with pale face, and her hands trembled and said: "Si, Si Fangjuan, this, this, you see, I, I'm right This cellar is really haunted "

before, she really wanted to play pranks to scare Si Fangjuan.

But She just had this idea. Just before she could pretend to be a ghost, a woman's crying and knocking came from under the cellar,.

It has nothing to do with her being real

Hearing the speech, Si Fangjuan didn't speak. She and Shi Xuanxuan looked at the cellar entrance together. At this moment, she suddenly heard Li Shuang's voice behind her:

"what are you two doing!? Who told you to open the cellar at will? "

Li Shuang's voice was very serious and her old face was cold. Seeing that Li Shuang was angry, Shi Xuanxuan immediately reached out and pointed to Si Fangjuan. Without thinking about it, she began to frame her up and said, "Grandma! Yes, it was Si Fangjuan who opened the cellar. She relied on her cousin's sister-in-law to do whatever she wanted in our family. I just found out that she opened the cellar! "

"Shi Xuanxuan, can I trouble you to use a little brain before you frame someone up?"

Si Fangjuan sighed:

"the cellar key is still hanging on your wrist, and the lock is also in your hand. How did you think of pushing it on me?"