Listening to Shi Xiaotang's question, Si Shaoheng suddenly remembers the words that Ji Zhenyu warned him when he was in the department store during the day.

For a moment, Si Shaoheng couldn't help but lift his lips. He just looked at Shi Xiaotang and asked him, "what did you and Ji Zhenyu say in the daytime today?"

Listen to Si Shaoheng so ask, when the expression on Xiaotang's face crossed a trace of tangle.

She doesn't want to conceal Si Shaoheng about Ji Zhenyu's confession to her, but if she can tell Si Shaoheng the truth directly She's a bit of a counsellor.

It's really a tangled matter.

"Why don't you talk?" Si Shaoheng stretched out his hand to play with Shi Xiaotang's soft fingers: "how did Ji Zhenyu tell you today?"

Listening to Ji Zhenyu's warning words in the department store, he can guess that Ji Zhenyu must have confessed to Shi Xiaotang.

Otherwise, Shi Xiaotang would not talk to him about that for no reason.

Think of when Xiaotang so crisp and jizhenyu that she has married things, directly jizhenyu want to pursue her bud to cut off at one stroke, Si Shaoheng's mood is very good.

So I want to find a chance to tease Shi Xiaotang.

When he asked about Ji Zhenyu's confession to her, Xiao Tang immediately turned pale and hesitated to explain:

"he didn't tell me, ah, it's not. He wanted to tell, but I choked him back in time. I didn't give you a green hat. Really, I'm very good."

Looking at Xiaotang's panic, he was afraid that he might misunderstand his appearance. Si Shaoheng was stunned and suddenly couldn't help laughing, so he continued to pretend to be indifferent and serious. He sat in the driver's seat with his legs folded, and raised his eyebrows to shixiaotang, teasing him:

"is that right? Why don't I believe that you went to places I couldn't hear in front of me today and talked for a long time. How do I know what you are talking about? How do I know what you are talking about now? Did you cheat me? "

"I really didn't!" Shi Xiaotang looks at Si Shaoheng, feeling a little crazy. Seeing that she wants to lose her temper, Si Shaoheng immediately asks, "if it's really not, just make it clear, and then prove it to me. What's losing her temper? "Guilty?"

After hearing what Si Shaoheng said, Shi Xiaotang instantly recalled what he said when he refused Ji Zhenyu today. His face turned red and he was at a loss: "I, I've made it clear Ji Zhenyu wanted to confess, but later he choked on my words. That's what happened I didn't lie to you

In front of Ji Zhenyu, she used [I have been married for two years, I love my husband very much, also I love my family very much. 】This kind of words refuse Ji Zhenyu, the heart doesn't feel uncomfortable, also won't feel embarrassed, because anyway as a husband of Si Shaoheng neither hear nor see

However, if you want her to repeat this simple sentence completely in front of Si Shaoheng When small Tang heart inside feel shame to explode.

"I know it's probably like this, but I want to listen to the details." Si Shaoheng folded his hands in front of his chest, and while appreciating Shi Xiaotang's shy, afraid and embarrassed appearance, he bullied and said: "for example, how do you refuse Ji Zhenyu? What did you say to choke Ji Zhenyu back? That's what I want to know. "

"I'll tell Ji Zhenyu that I'm married, and then there's nothing left." Shi Xiaotang bluffed. "Oh, is it?" Si Shaoheng looked at Xiaotang's eyes, forced to bear a smile, leisurely way: "the proof?"

"What proof?" When small Tang Leng for a while, in the heart some grievances: "Si Shaoheng, you so don't believe me? Don't believe that the person I care about most in my heart is you? "

I don't know that Si Shaoheng is deliberately teasing me. At this moment, I feel sad because she didn't expect that Si Shaoheng doesn't trust her feelings.

Si Shaoheng looks at Shi Xiaotang, who has been bullied by him. He coughs and scolds him for being a beast. But he can't help bullying Shi Xiaotang in his heart. He pretends to be indifferent and says:

"don't believe it"

hearing Si Shaoheng's reply, Shi Xiaotang's heart is frozen and his fingertips become cold.

Si Shaoheng looks at Shi Xiaotang and continues to bully his wife seriously: "Shi Xiaotang, think for yourself, from the beginning to now, who has been paying between us? You work in the Si family factory, and you refuse to show that you are my wife. You have never confessed to me. How much I want you to appear in the Si family factory as my wife, but you refuse to... "

In addition, Si Shaoheng also said a lot of things Xiaotang didn't do for him, a very sad and aggrieved look.

Shi Xiaotang really wants to get out of the car and leave after hearing what Si Shaoheng said. However, she can't help but feel guilty when she thinks that Si Shaoheng knows and takes care of her in every little detail when she goes out today, because Si Shaoheng really knows her very well, she knows her person, not the original owner of her body, but she knows nothing about Si Shaoheng's preferences.She looked at Si Shaoheng with red eyes: "how do you want me to prove that?"

Si Shaoheng waited for her words for a long time, immediately pointed to his lips, and then ordered to her: "come here, face me, sit on my lap, kiss me as I usually do."

“…” Shi Xiaotang bit his lips and quietly climbed over to sit down, with his hands against Si Shaoheng's shoulders, kneeling on the cushions on both sides of his body, remembering the way Si Shaoheng kisses her, shaking his thin lips close to Si Shaoheng.

Si Shaoheng felt her breath and finally couldn't help it. He put his hand around Shi Xiaotang's slender waist. In Shi Xiaotang's exclamation, he dropped his eyes and kissed her lips. While invading her beautiful taste, he released her lip petals. Then he lifted his eyes and laughed, and gently wiped the tears at the end of Shi Xiaotang's eyes with his fingers, comforting her:

"what I just said is a lie, I just want to tease you It's just you. How can I not believe you? "

"Si Shaoheng, you Shi Xiaotang was just a little aggrieved and cold at first, and didn't want to cry. Now when she heard that Si Shaoheng's behavior was actually teasing her, she immediately sat on his leg and accused him with crying voice:

"do you know, I just thought I thought you didn't know my heart for you at all. I'm very aggrieved. I didn't expect that you How dare you tease me! Si Shaoheng, you son of a bitch, liar, I ignore you! "

Shi Xiaotang is crying while talking. Si Shaoheng looks at Shi Xiaotang in his arms,

quickly pats his buttocks and comforts him: "I'm wrong, I'm wrong, I shouldn't tease you, it's me. If you continue to cry, it's time to cry. Don't cry soon"

Si Shaoheng comforts Shi Xiaotang in a hurry. Shi Xiaotang holds his hand and looks at him like a wild cat He bit his arm hard until he felt relieved. Then he crawled back to his co pilot, hugged his arm with a snort, and ignored him no more.

"Xiaotang" Si Shaoheng looked at Xiaotang's side face and flattered him: "after a while, when passing the market, can I buy you sugar?" When Xiao Tang snorted, he turned his head to look at the car window, and didn't pay attention to him.

“…” Hit a nose of ash Si Shaoheng chat up to touch his nose, see when Xiaotang ignore himself, can only drive alone in silence.

On the way of driving, he called Xiaotang's name twice from time to time.

Unfortunately, Shi Xiaotang is really angry this time. She has already vowed to leave Si Shaoheng in the cold for a few days and nights, so when she hears Si Shaoheng calling her, she directly adopts the shielding mode and lets him call her name in different ways, but she doesn't answer.

The cold war lasted until Si Shaoheng and Shi Xiaotang came home.

After returning to Si's home, Shi Xiaotang directly left SI Shaoheng and went back to his room, ignoring him.

Si Shaoheng looks at Xiaotang's back as he leaves. He goes to Si Fangjuan and sits down. They both lean on the sofa cushions in the same posture. They both look up at the ceiling and sigh together:
