Soon after, hong'er's mouth also exuded blood, and her eyes began to blur. She only vaguely issued a few syllables: "madam, it hurts... Good... It hurts..."

When the abbot came in, the assassin had disappeared. He immediately sent someone to chase the assassin and came forward to check hong'er's injury.

"Abbot, you save her..." Liu Ruyan's eyes were slightly red, his shoulders trembled, and his hand holding hong'er kept trembling.

The abbot took a look at hong'er, whose eyes were dull, stretched out his hand to test under hong'er's nose, and finally sighed helplessly.

His hands came forward, brushed hong'er's face and helped hong'er close her eyes. Liu Ruyan felt that hong'er's hands were cold to the bone. Tears burst from her face and fell on the skirt in front of hong'er's chest. They were mixed with blood, scarlet and dazzling.

"Madam, I'm sorry..."

"I scratched the assassin's arm, and there will be scars on his arm. Please abbot, be sure to block the mountain gate and catch him." Liu Ruyan still held hong'er's hand, with tears on his face, and said faintly.

"Yes, I understand." the abbot stood on his chest with one hand and bowed his head to express his condolences.

Zhen'er also ran in from the door. It was originally a shift between the two. Because Liu Ruyan hadn't woken up, they were very worried, but Liu Ruyan was also a little tired after several sunshine. Hong'er asked zhen'er to go to the house to have a rest for a while, and then change shifts in the middle of the night.

But unexpectedly, when zhen'er heard the news and ran over, she saw hong'er lying on the ground. The blood under her body was winding and eye-catching, like a scarlet snake letter. Zhen'er was frozen there.

"Hong'er..." zhen'er murmured and knelt in front of hong'er. For a moment, she didn't know what to do, and finally burst into tears.

Hong'er went so suddenly that everyone was caught off guard, including Liu Ruyan.

You know, hong'er in the last life was never so short-lived. At this time, hong'er should follow her safely, but the pattern of this life has changed too much. Over time, more and more things have exceeded Liu Ruyan's expectations.

At first, Liu Ruyan thought he could control these emergencies. Until hong'er's death, Liu Ruyan completely found and understood that even if she was the one lucky to reincarnate, it never meant that she could control the pattern of this life.

Hong'er taught her this with her life.

That night, Liu Ruyan didn't support the column for long. From the moment the assassin touched the house, Liu Ruyan's expression had been tight. She fought with the assassin and experienced hong'er's death. She couldn't support it any longer, and soon fell asleep again.

And this coma is sleeping for two days.

Jane stood at the head of her bed. The whole person was haggard. There was a dark blue under her eyes, with heavy bags under her eyes. Her eyes were red and swollen. At a glance, she knew that she had cried a lot.

Seeing Liu Ruyan wake up, zhen'er's eyes turned red and her tears fell down again. The voice line trembled and said, "Madam... Madam, you woke up and scared the slaves to death!"

"The palace is fine." Liu Ruyan looked pale. Seeing a bowl of porridge beside the bed, he pointed to zhen'er and said, "the palace is hungry. Bring it."

Zhen'er reacted and fed Liu Ruyan with porridge. Liu Ruyan didn't want it. She immediately opened the quilt and got out of bed.

Although the body is a little tired, it is much better.

"Where are you going, madam? The abbot said your injury is not good enough to get out of bed..." zhen'er raised her hand and wiped her tears, and immediately followed up and helped Liu Ruyan.

She knew she couldn't persuade Liu Ruyan, so she had to hold her.

Liu Ruyan stumbled a little, his body was vain, and he had no strength at all, but he finally came to the Abbot's Buddhist hall.

At this time, the abbot was kneeling in front of the futon, closing his eyes and knocking on a wooden fish in front of him. After hearing the sound, he opened his eyes, stepped forward and nodded in front of Liu Ruyan. He folded his hands and saluted Liu Ruyan and said, "I've seen Princess Hui."

"The temple wants to chant scriptures and pray for hong'er." Liu Ruyan said, her lips tight. She didn't say anything else, including whether the assassin was caught or not.

The abbot hasn't reported for such a long time, that is, the assassin must have no news, and his whereabouts are still searching.

"Please Abbot also recite a passage for hong'er in order to transcend." Liu Ruyan said, bending over the abbot to show his request.

"Poor monk, take orders." the abbot quickly leaned down, knelt down on the futon in front of the Buddha with Liu Ruyan, and began to speak.

Zhen'er didn't know how to chant, so she had to put her hands together, learn from Liu Ruyan and the abbot, close her eyes and lower her head, and silently pray for hong'er in her heart. The tip of her nose was sour. Even with her eyes closed, tears almost fell.

After returning, Liu Ruyan began to handle hong'er's affairs. Because they were outside the palace, they couldn't go back to the palace to do hong'er's affairs, so they had to be buried on the mountain.

But Liu Ruyan thinks it's a good thing. For palace maids like hong'er, many end up being buried with others, or they are suffocated in the imperial mausoleum and can't escape the Imperial Palace all their lives.

It's close to the mountains and rivers. The imperial palace is free for hong'er.

Thinking so, Liu Ruyan felt a little more comfortable and less guilty, but she was always there. She felt that she didn't protect hong'er. She felt that she had hurt hong'er. If she didn't shout, it might not be hong'er lying inside now.

Liu Ruyan knows that she has a great mission in this life, but she is still so powerless and remorseful in the face of hong'er's death.

Soon, Qin Jiayan finally came up the mountain with the bodyguard. Although he met an assassin, he could not be interrupted after all. Therefore, the arrival of Qin Jiayan made the Empress Dowager feel as if she had taken a dose of reassurance.

"I'm late to help you. Please make atonement for the Empress Dowager." Qin Jiayan knelt down at the first time when he saw the empress dowager, and knelt down to the bodyguard behind him.

"All right, all right, get up, just come." the Empress Dowager sighed. Knowing that the matter was important, she immediately helped Qin Jiayan up.

Then the abbot arranged accommodation for the party. When he brought Qin Jiayan into the house, the abbot stared at Qin Jiayan's face for a while and suddenly said, "the little prince doesn't look very good."

"Do you have?" Qin Jiayan was stunned. He quickly raised his hand and touched his cheek. He couldn't help laughing and said, "maybe I've been tired recently. It doesn't hurt."