Mingyu is not a comforter. At this time, she saw that the 15th party was puffed with cheeks, and her eyes were red. It seemed that she had been greatly wronged. For a moment, Mingyu was at a loss, so she followed closely behind the 15th party.

"I... I'm not a talker either. I just want to call you out to fish together. Don't you like eating fish very much?" Mingyu followed fifteen in a small pavilion and pulled fifteen into the pavilion, ready to say well with fifteen.

Although he was angry, he followed Mingyu into the pavilion, sat down, and turned his back to ignore Mingyu.

He was still a child. Although he was angry, he couldn't help listening to Mingyu.

But Mingyu was an elm pimple. He didn't know why he was angry. After saying a few words, seeing that his attitude was no longer so firm, he said to him again, "do you want to go back fishing?"

"You..." fifteen suddenly became angry. At this time, Mingyu was still thinking about fishing. He couldn't help standing up. Fifteen stared at Mingyu. Without waiting for Mingyu's explanation, he turned and lifted his skirt and ran out.

This time, she didn't give Mingyu another chance to catch up. Maybe she was really sad and angry. She ran quickly and disappeared in a moment.

Mingyu ran out of the pavilion and paused. She raised her hand and grabbed the back of her head. After thinking for a long time, she finally shook her head and went back.

After all, fifteen is always angry. Maybe it will be better in a few days.

So without much thought, Mingyu also left the pavilion.

When she came back to her yard on the 15th, she cried and lost her temper. She was late when she knew her life experience.

The palace people in the palace couldn't persuade them. They didn't eat when they saw the fierce cry of the tenth five year plan. However, they had to go to Zichen palace and invite Liu Ruyan. They thought that the tenth five year plan might listen to Liu Ruyan's advice. After all, the last time they learned about their life experience, Liu Ruyan advised them to move.

Liu Ruyan frowned when he heard it. After a little thought, he knew the reason.

"Hong'er, take the snack made by our palace at noon. Let's go and have a look at the 15th day." Liu Ruyan ordered hong'er and got up to go out.

"Empress, what's wrong with Princess 15 this time?" hong'er took a snack. Liu Ruyan was waiting at the door. The two hurried to Princess 15 and hong'er asked.

"It must be because of Princess Anping." Liu Ruyan said.

She also overheard that Mingyu's father asked lianchengming for Princess Anping's marriage in advance for him.

Princess Anping is also a good family. It's normal for the king to do this. Maybe he doesn't know that Mingyu played well with the 15th. He won't have any feelings when thinking about these children's families.

But I don't know. It's the beginning of love.

Of course, it may not want to have anything to do with the royal family

But in any case, no one else knows what Mingyu's thoughts are, but Liu Ruyan knows best. At this time, fifteen must know this and be sad.

Hong'er immediately knew it and shut her mouth without asking again.

When they arrived at the 15th palace, a group of palace people were blocked at the door. From time to time, there was a sob of the 15th in the house. The servant girls and eunuchs were in a hurry, and they didn't dare to report it to Lian Chengming and the Empress Dowager.

Seeing Liu Ruyan coming, it was as if she had seen the Savior. A servant girl hurriedly came forward and said to Liu Ruyan, "empress Hui, go in and have a look. If the 15th Princess doesn't eat or drink, the slaves can't persuade her."

Liu Ruyan stretched out his hand to hong'er and took the box of snacks. He ordered the people around him: "go in and have a look. You'll wait here. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do."


Fifteen was lying on the couch table crying. His eyes were red and his nose almost ran down.

"Come and try the new snack made by our palace. Your majesty loves it most. I brought you some specially."

Liu Ruyan put the snacks on the table. When he saw that fifteen looked at it and didn't move, he held out his hand to fifteen and said, "come and sit here. Even if you keep crying like this, you can't change anything. It's better to come and discuss with this palace. Maybe this palace can help you."

"Ah..." fifteen days later, he raised his head, jumped down from the soft collapse, came to Liu Ruyan, sat down obediently, looked at the snacks and twisted his clothes.

"King fan likes Princess Anping. He hasn't seen you, or he doesn't have a deep impression of you." Liu Ruyan put a cake on the plate in front of 15 and said to 15, "I heard you haven't had a good meal. Come on, have some first."

Fifteen red eyes raised his head to see Liu Ruyan, took a good bite, and raised his eyes to look at Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan raised his hand to touch his hair and said, "do you know what Mingyu means to you?"

After hesitating for a while, she didn't know how to answer, and immediately wanted to deny it. She didn't mean anything to Mingyu. Why did Mingyu agree with her.

But after seeing Liu Ruyan's serious look at this time, he knew that it was not a time to be angry, so he shook his head and said, "I don't know..."

"Then don't worry. You'll know when you ask."

Fifteen immediately raised his head, and a pair of eyes looked at Liu Ruyan in a panic. Liu Ruyan couldn't help shaking his head and said, "I know you're embarrassed to ask, and the palace asked for you clearly. Is that always OK?"

"If you love each other, there must be room to go back to the world. Ask first and don't be capricious and angry again, OK?" Liu Ruyan saw that the 15th had eaten up all the cakes. He probably didn't eat for a long time and was hungry, so he sandwiched another piece for the 15th and comforted in a soft voice.

Fifteen seemed to see hope, so he quickly nodded, answered, and began to eat cakes.

Liu Ruyan couldn't help sighing. Looking at the 15th, he didn't know whether it was good or bad for the 15th.

The royal family protected her as a Royal Princess so well that she is still so simple at her age. It may not be good for her to get married in the next 15 years.

But anyway, all she can do now is to give the best protection like lianchengming.

Mingyu doesn't belong to the royal family. Xu will follow King fan back to fan, but it will be a good thing to stay away from the court and the capital at that time.

What's more, fifteen pairs of Mingyu are deeply rooted. She will help with this matter.