Since the last event in the imperial study, min'er was asked by Liu Ruyan. She didn't know what she was thinking, but when she saw Lian Chengming, she was so scared that she almost threw away the things in her hand.

Just trembling, he saluted Lian Chengming, trying to calm his flustered look on his face: "see, I've seen your majesty..."

Looking at min'er's look and stammering tone, Lian Chengming couldn't help laughing. He stepped forward a few steps, shouted to flatten himself, and asked jokingly, "why, I'm so terrible. Are you a man eating tiger or a flood beast? Are you scared like this?"

Although Lian Chengming's tone was playful, he really startled min'er. He just got up and knelt down in a hurry: "no, it's not. I'm just absent-minded. I didn't see your majesty coming. I was surprised. Your majesty, don't blame..."

Liu Ruyan heard something in the room and frowned slightly. He picked up his skirt and came out.

Just after crossing the threshold, he saw min'er kneeling on the ground trembling. Lian Chengming was smiling on his face. He couldn't help but wonder, so he came forward and comforted: "Your Majesty, don't tease min'er. She is the most timid and cautious."

"Come on, let's go into the house." Liu Ruyan glanced at min'er kneeling on the ground.

Min'er just raised her head and collided with Liu Ruyan's line of sight. Suddenly, her eyes were flustered. Even if she avoided, it was so unnatural.

Lian Chengming was in a good mood. Not long after he entered the house, father-in-law Xu came in with a cage in his hand and a smile on his face.

"Look," Lian Chengming sat down and took a sip of tea, then pointed to the cage in father Xu's hand behind him and said, "I went out earlier and asked someone to find it for you."

"Rabbits and other livestock are still very easy to find. See if they are very similar to the one given to you by the 15th party?" Lian Chengming smiled, turned around, took the cage from father Xu's hand and put it on the table.

Fresh vegetable leaves had been placed in the cage. At this time, the rabbit had round eyes and red light. He was holding a long vegetable leaf in his mouth. He was looking at the people in the room with interest.

"Your Majesty how..." Liu Ruyan saw it, and was a little happy. He stretched out his hand to tease the rabbit and was overjoyed.

"It's said that fifteen is also very sad about the rabbit. No one can coax it well. Even the widow can't do anything about her."

As he said this, Lian Chengming patted his knee and seemed to have a headache for fifteen, but in a moment, he frowned and said, "but Mingyu has a better way than any of us. He found a young turtle in the market and sent it to us. A few words made people laugh. Are you magical or not?"

Hearing the speech, Liu Ruyan couldn't help laughing. He sat on the stool and leaned aside to give min'er a place to put vegetables on the table: "that's true, your majesty. Don't forget that Mingyu and 15 are peers. It's natural for peers to talk more."

"What do you mean, but I'm coming?" Lian Chengming raised his eyebrows and joked to Liu Rufeng.

However, before Liu Ruyan had time to answer, Lian Chengming approached Liu Ruyan's ear, lowered his voice and said, "I don't mind letting you experience it personally about whether I'm old or not."

As soon as the voice fell, a lot of pink pictures came out of Liu Ruyan's mind. His face turned red to the root of his neck. He couldn't help being coquettish and angry: "your majesty!"

Min'er's dishes are still very interested in Liu Ruyan. Even zhen'er joked that Liu Ruyan only knew min'er's craft. Now min'er is here. I'm afraid those individuals in the back kitchen of Zichen palace will lose their jobs.

A meal was full of fun and fun.

On the other side of Yunhua palace, Lin Jinxiu could only feel the coolness in the palace. At this time, Lin Jinxiu was fidgeting until Hong LAN came in to report. Green Pearl took a look and took the initiative to stand at the door to watch the wind.

"What's the matter?" Lin Jinxiu looked nervous and hurriedly met her.

Honglan looked at the outside and swallowed her saliva after confirming that there was no one. She said, "madam, the maidservant has gone to the Tai hospital. However, in order to avoid startling the snake, she didn't ask much. She just mentioned it casually by the way of filling the medicine."

"Listen to the young man there. The empress of Zichen palace goes to Doctor Zhang every month to get medicine. The maid tried her best to plug a lot of silver into the young man around Doctor Zhang. Only then did she find a prescription."

With that, Honglan carefully took out a crumpled paper ball from her sleeve and unfolded it to Lin Jinxiu.

"This......" Lin Jinxiu took a look and stared at some of the drugs. She couldn't help staring at them.

"What clue does your mother see?" Honglan naturally doesn't know about these medicinal materials. Children of poor people have never read books.

Lin Jinxiu folded the paper. She didn't recognize all the herbs in the prescription, but she was sure that there were several herbs in it, which were the formula of Bizi soup.

No wonder Zichen palace has been favored by all kinds of glory, but the stomach has been silent for a long time. It turns out that this cheap woman has been secretly taking Bizi soup!

Which of the women in the harem doesn't think it's an honor for the emperor to have children, but this cheap woman did so, and she didn't even pay attention to the royal heir.

This is the best chance, but I'm afraid this prescription alone can't kill Zichen palace

Lin Jinxiu put the prescription in her sleeve and frowned. It still needs a good plan.

"Let's go. Although we went to Zichen palace, we haven't gone to talk with sister huifei for many days." Lin Jinxiu had an impatient smile on her mouth and left with Honglan.

Honglan is also smart. She knows there must be a problem with this prescription, but she doesn't dare to ask more, so she closely follows Lin Jinxiu. When she gets out of the house, she turns back and winks at Lvzhu, indicating that Lvzhu will guard the house well.

Lian Chengming in Zichen palace had just left. Lin Jinxiu asked the palace man outside the door and said that Lian Chengming was not here now. There was only Liu Ruyan in Zichen palace. Lin Jinxiu walked in at ease.

When hong'er saw Lin Jinxiu coming in with a bad smile on her face, she went into the house and reported: "empress, empress concubine Li came with a girl, and the maid looked at her with a smile on her face..."

Yunhua palace and Zichen Palace are at odds. If Lin Jinxiu smiles, Zichen palace is bound to cry.

Just then, as soon as hong'er said a word, Lin Jinxiu stepped in.