Chapter 298

Huangfu Jie took a hard breath and closed his eyes, as if he hadn't heard.

Huangfu Shaojie's eyes flashed angrily and said, "Huangfu Shaolong, it's all thanks to you that father and emperor can have today!"

Huangfu Shaolong sneered: "Huangfu Shaojie, you can't talk nonsense. After the king ascends the throne, the first person to kill is you!"

Huangfu Shaojie snorted heavily. There was no reason to talk to some people.

Huangfu Jie's whole body suddenly shook again, and his expression was full of pain.

When he finished walking 95 steps, he was already tired, sweating and shaky. The two princes supported him to the chair. He gasped heavily and his face was as white as paper.

Huangfu Shaolong glanced around and finally fell on Fu Qinghuang. Fu Qinghuang came out with the imperial edict in his hand and began to read it. Finally, the crown prince naturally fell on Huangfu Shaolong.

Huangfu Shaojie suddenly stood up, his eyes became as sharp as a knife, and shouted, "wait! Huangfu Shaolong, how dare you fake the imperial edict! It's a capital crime!"

This remark immediately caused an uproar around, and many informed ministers laughed bitterly.

"What? The edict is false. It's impossible!"

"Second prince, you are slandering your Highness the great prince! We support the great prince to ascend the throne!"

I don't know who screamed, "Huang Fu, Shaojie, if you commit a crime, you should be punished!"

Fu Qinghuang shouted, "bold! Second prince, how dare you doubt the emperor! You deserve to die!"

Huangfu Shaojie looked cold and sighed in his heart. The two brothers would eventually embark on the road of killing each other, but there was blood in the struggle between Wang and Shaojie. He shouted: "since this imperial edict is true, please take out the seal to convince everyone!"

To inherit the throne, in addition to the imperial edict, it also needs to seal. Without the seal, we can't exercise real power.

Huangfu Shaolong sneered, "how important is the seal? How can it be made public? Huangfu Shaojie, don't mess around! I'm the heir appointed by my father, so you can be a vassal! Don't worry, I won't treat you badly!"

"Oh? Really?"

Huangfu Shaojie suddenly sneered. The look in his eyes made Huangfu Shaolong's heart Click. He waved and said, "bring people up!"

Two Jinjia forbidden guards took a little eunuch to the high platform. When the little eunuch saw the people, he immediately knelt down and bowed his head and said, "Li Ying has seen your majesty and two princes!"

Huangfu Shaolong's Secret cry is not good. Li Ying is the close eunuch around Huangfu Jie. He is responsible for the food, drink and Lazar of Huangfu Jie. They are very close. Huangfu Jie will tell the little eunuch almost everything.

He took the lead and shouted, "Li Ying, do you know what occasion this is? Can someone like you come? Get out of here!"

Li Ying's face was pale and trembled. He didn't dare to say anything. He was scared to death.

Huangfu Shaojie said gently to Li Ying, "Li Ying, don't be afraid. You just need to speak out your father's wishes and let everyone understand the truth. My royal brother is also a kind-hearted man. He won't embarrass you, right, Royal brother."

As soon as he said this, several sporadic ministers at the bottom immediately agreed, intended to hat Huangfu Shaolong.

Huangfu Shaolong snorted heavily and had already killed the ministers. He didn't say anything. He just stared at Li Ying with wolf like eyes. His tone was full of strong threat: "Li Ying, tell me what my father meant? But be careful. Some things can't be participated by people like you."

Li Ying was in a dilemma. The two princes pressed on him like two mountains, which almost made him out of breath. His face was cold and sweaty. He bowed his head and whispered, "big prince, your highness, I, I, I just serve your Majesty's daily life. There are some things I, I."

Huangfu Jie suddenly looked at Li Ying and said, "Li Ying, what do you say!"

Huangfu Shaolong was shocked, his fist clenched suddenly, and a murderous spirit rushed to Huangfu Jie.

Huangfu Jie was old and weak. When he was rushed by the murderous spirit, his whole body seemed to collapse and tremble badly. However, his eyes glowed with a little vitality and repeated, "Li Ying, you say so!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

Li Ying was afraid, but now the king spoke. He dared not refuse. He wiped the sweat on his forehead and said tremblingly: "Your Majesty used to say that he would stand in the future."

As soon as he said this, everyone suddenly cocked up their ears and listened for fear of missing a word. Although the words spoken by a eunuch were useless, it also represented the meaning of the king today.

Huangfu Shaojie's eyes twinkled with excitement, and the whole person became extremely excited.

"Make the Grand Prince the crown prince!"

When she finished saying this, Li Ying was like a shriveled balloon, suddenly discouraged, plumped to the ground and fainted.

Huangfu Shaojie was completely stunned. If the whole person was shocked, why did Li Ying lie? He never thought that this trump card would eventually turn against Huangfu Shaolong!

Huangfu Shaolong, with a playful smile on his mouth, sneered: "brother Huang, you have heard clearly? Do you want me to wake up Li Ying and let him say it again?"

The previous ministers who spoke for Huangfu Shaojie suddenly turned pale. They were in the wrong team! When Huangfu Shaolong ascended the throne, they lost their heads.


There are two people with too much psychological pressure, directly in front of a dark, fainted in the past.

Those ministers who had long stood on the side of Huangfu Shaolong laughed coldly, with a smile of schadenfreude on their faces. They deserved it. They didn't even know what the general trend was. Now they're going to play?

Huangfu Shaojie stepped back to the chair and couldn't sit down. He just felt dizzy. He was already weak. Now he lost Li Ying's trump card. What else can he take to compete with Huangfu Shaolong? But he was unwilling and shouted, "where is the struggle!"

A residual shadow flashed through the crowd, and then ah Zheng appeared on the stage, stood beside Huangfu Shaojie, and said calmly, "ah Zheng!"

Huangfu Shaolong burst into a rage, stared at ah Zheng and said, "why, what do you want to do? Do you want to rebel?"

Ah Zheng said plainly, "the eldest prince is worried too much. I just see that the second prince is unwell and come to guard."

Huangfu Shaolong smiled cruelly at the corners of his mouth, stepped forward and said in a loud voice, "who else doubts that the imperial edict is false? Please stand up!"

At this time, who dares to doubt? Several people who opposed Huangfu Shaolong laughed bitterly.

Huangfu Shaolong glanced around and said, "since there's no, that's all for today." he turned and said to Huangfu Jie, "father, you've been ill for a long time. Please abdicate, hand over your power and rest for the rest of your life!"

Many people in the crowd frowned. Huangfu Shaolong is trying to force Huangfu Jie to abdicate!

Huangfu Jie looked at Huangfu Shaolong, his eyes suddenly became clear, and the green spot disappeared. He stood up, shook his head heavily and said, "Shaolong and Shaojie were born from the same root. Why is it too urgent to fry each other!" he watched the two sons fighting openly and secretly, and it was very painful to be a father.

Huangfu Shaolong said with a smile, "father, you worry too much. After I ascend the throne, Shaojie is still a vassal and has his own fief. Why do you want to fry each other?"

Huangfu Jie looked at Huangfu Shaolong in disappointment, his right hand moved slightly, then raised it high, and the Dragon Seal appeared on his hand. Lang said: "the real seal is here, and the imperial edict just now is false! Now I announce that the real crown prince is..."

Huangfu Shaolong suddenly changed his look and shouted, "father is not feeling well! Take him back to his bedroom to have a rest!"

Immediately, two Jinjia forbidden guards came and forcibly helped Huangfu Jie, and wanted to take him down.


Ah Zhengbao gave a drink, and his left and right palms burst out. The two forbidden guards puffed with blood and flew out. He looked angry and said, "Huang Fu Shaolong, how dare you! The king has not abdicated yet! You have committed the following crimes!"

Fu Qinghuang suddenly rushed over, looked at ah Zheng, and his eyes flashed. He said, "ah Zheng, don't you see that your majesty has been insane? I don't know what method Huangfu Shaojie used to confuse the king. In this case, how can the king's words be credible?"

Ah Zheng said angrily, "so the Grand Prince wants to seek power and usurp the throne in the face of so many people? What's the difference between this behavior and animals?"

Huangfu Shaolong sneered, "ah Zheng, your words are too ugly. I am the heir appointed by my father. Do you want to disobey the will of heaven? Ministers! Fellow citizens! Do you think I am qualified to be the king of the Jade Empire?"

The following people were all standing in the same boat with Huangfu Shaolong. Even those people were fake. Of course, they supported him and cheered one after another.

"We support the great prince's succession!"

"No two minds! The great prince is brilliant and powerful!"

"The great prince deserves to be the king of Pu Jade Emperor!"

Huangfu Jie's face was full of grief and his pupils were gray. Is this retribution? What he did in those years is now truly reproduced in his two sons! He puffed out his old blood and fell to the ground dejectedly.

Huangfu Shaolong's face was colored, and he waved his hand and said, "this is the result of public opinion. Huangfu Shaojie, have you heard that? I wanted to coexist peacefully with you, but you didn't discipline your subordinates strictly and slandered me. It's an unforgivable crime! Come on! Take these rebels down to me! Put them in prison!"

Immediately, nearly 100 Jinjia forbidden guards came and surrounded the whole stand. Two leaders rushed to the stand and were about to win Huangfu Shaojie and ah Zheng.

"Get out!"

Ah Zheng was already furious, and a sound wave mixed with Zhenyuan power burst out. Suddenly, the two leaders seven holes were shocked and bled, and the whole person fell into the stands.