Chapter 218

Lan Yu and the four came to the street and headed out of the city. Old Yun couldn't help asking: "Boy, I haven't seen you so greedy for money before! Now I've emptied the city master's house. I'm going to trace it down. I'm afraid you'll lose your position as an imperial general! But this class surnamed special is really rich. The things in the warehouse can be worth 500 million Chinese spirit stones."

Lan Yu said calmly: "Did you see that I had the opportunity to collect money like this before? Who doesn't like money? People who don't like money are fools, okay? Don't I need huge expenses to run an army? The military expenses given by the Empire every year are not enough for me to fill my teeth. Don't worry, even if I broke up these cities all the way, Huangfu Shaojie will help me down."

Old Yun nodded and said in a deep voice, "that's reasonable! I think I was a little pedantic in the past. It's a rogue behavior like you that can make me really happy." he patted Lan Yu on the shoulder with a big hand and showed a greedy expression. "Give me some money next time."

Lan Yu said: "now you know it's good to follow me? Now it's just the beginning! There are many cities behind that are from Huangfu Shaolong school. A lot of money will be in our pockets at that time!"

You'er despised Lan Yu. She was not interested in money. Instead, Lan Yu brought her out of the wilderness. She was very grateful to him.

Yu Lesheng didn't say it, but he was also very happy. Although he was a ruffian general, he had strength and big fists. Who dared to fart out? He was really right.

Several people talked and laughed out of the city. Lan Yu climbed the mountain and sat in a chariot. The team started and went towards the next city.


On a broad road ten miles away, a team of 20000 people moved forward slowly. The two generals, who were led by them, looked a little careless.

One of the generals said to the other, "Lao Xu, you said that the Bamba sent us a signal for help this time. First, we saw the highest level fire dragon arrow, and then the housekeeper of the city Lord's house came to ask for help himself. I'm afraid something big happened in Jinghe City."

Xu Guangfeng glanced at Qiu Guangping, who was beaten half dead on the back of the horse and covered with blood. There was a sense of schadenfreude on his face and said: "You look like a fool in a hurry. It's strange that there are no major events in Jinghe city. Now it's finally possible to stop for a while. There are 20000 garrisons in Jinghe City, and there's Bai Qingming. Although the overall strength is much worse than us, it's not weak. Even so, Bamba still sends people to our Youcheng for help. I'm afraid the people who come are very difficult!"

Youcheng is only a hundred miles away from Jinghe city. It took Qiu Guangping less than half an hour to arrive under the whip of a superior fire dragon horse.

Liao Wenzhuo pondered, "well, ordinary people are absolutely afraid to make trouble in Jinghe city. We'd better wait and see the change before we find out the origin of each other. If possible, I don't mind letting Bamba's old thing bleed."

Xu Guangfeng said with a smile: "that's natural. My 20000 troops are pouring out. How can we solve the problem of food and clothing without paying some military salaries? But Qiu Guangping's fool doesn't mean that the warehouses in jinghecheng have been emptied. I think a large amount of money has come to each other. We will..."

Liao Wenzhuo picked his eyebrow and said, "hehe, we naturally want to catch it. As for the money, it may be hidden somewhere by the other party and can't be found."

Xu Guangfeng laughed, turned his horse's head and ordered, "hide in the depths of the jungle. No one is allowed to act rashly without my command!"

The army immediately started, quickly disappeared into the woods, and then a large number of spies went towards Jinghe city.


The tiger garrison chariot drove slowly in the front, with two teams of 30 people guarding on both sides.

Lan Yu asked Yu Lesheng, "tell me about the deployment of troops in Youcheng in detail."

Yu Lesheng thought for a moment and replied, "there is a team of 20000 people stationed outside the Youcheng City, led by Xu Guangfeng and Liao Wenzhuo. They are both strong kings of martial arts. I'm afraid they won't be so easy to deal with. As for the escort team in the city, the captain is just a person with nine martial arts teachers. I forget what it's called. It's nothing to worry about."

With Lan Yu, Yu Lesheng's vision is also higher, and those who connect with the strong near King Wu are not in his eyes.

Lan Yu nodded, his eyes twinkled slightly, and said, "after arriving at the Youcheng, I will let old Yun and youer stay and command them. As long as I can hold them for half an hour, I will go into the city alone and make a quick decision."

"Ah?" Yu Lesheng was surprised and said, "general, you don't want to use our less than 3000 troops to deal with the 20000 people? Isn't this hitting the stone with an egg?"

Lan Yu hummed, "the strength is not more, but more. Don't talk nonsense. You'll stay at that time."

Yu Lesheng suddenly had a bitter melon face and a bitter smile.

The team moved forward a distance. Lan Yu suddenly changed his look and shouted, "stop!" just ahead. He felt many breath fluctuations. I'm afraid there was an ambush in the woods.

Yu Lesheng waved, motioned for the team to stop, and said, "general, what's the matter?"

"There is a team of nearly 10000 people in front, and there are two strong breath. I'm afraid it's for us." Lan Yu said in a deep voice.

Yu Lesheng changed his look and said, "is it the team of Youcheng?"

Yun Lao also felt the abnormality and said, "what should I do?"

Lan Yu pondered, "how could the troops of Youcheng take the initiative to attack if they didn't move and respond to changes? Someone must have reported it! But who is this person?"

"Did you find out that the housekeeper of the city Lord's residence slipped away before we didn't pay attention?" You'er suddenly said. The girl was careful and said something unusual.

"So it is!" Lan Yu suddenly, but he was not angry. Even if Qiu Guangping didn't report, he would contact the team sooner or later.

In the opposite woods, Liao Wenzhuo and Xu Guangfeng hid in the grass with doubts in their eyes. According to the spies, they have determined that the other party is the one who robbed the city master's house of Jinghe city. They are waiting for them to enter the encirclement circle, but they don't know why they stopped.

Liao Wenzhuo whispered, "did they find out?"

Xu Guangfeng shook his head and said, "it's impossible. We hide so well that even our breath converges. How can they find us? Wait."

However, until they waited until the sun was about to set, there was still no movement from each other. Looking from a distance, except for a few people walking back and forth before the chariot, the others poked on the ground like wooden stakes.

Xu Guangfeng frowned and said, "are they making a hair?"

Liao Wenzhuo said, "I don't know. Grass, wait. We have 20000 people. I'm afraid they won't be able to make two or three thousand of them? Brothers, rush out with me and annihilate them in one fell swoop!"

With his order, the whole forest suddenly burst into murderous anger, startling all birds. The soldiers rushed out of the forest and gathered into a long silver river, not far from the Lanyu team.

Lan Yu's pupil contracted and said, "I can't help it at last!"

Xu Guangfeng glanced around and finally fell on old Yun. He said, "are you the leader of this team? You robbed the city master's house of Jinghe city? If you don't hand over the money obediently, arrest yourself!"

"Fool!" old Yun has never seen any battles. Such boring words make him feel sick. "I'm not the leader. You recognize the wrong person."

"En?" Xu Guangfeng was stunned. His eyes turned on Lan Yu and said, "who is that? Get out and talk to the general!"

"What a fool's eye." Lan Yu sneered, "I'm the leader of this team. Should you be the team stationed in Youcheng? I'll give you ten seconds to consider whether to roll or stay. If you roll, you may get back a life. Stay, then stay forever."

Xu Guangfeng and Liao Wenzhuo looked at each other and laughed at the same time. Xu Guangfeng smiled back and forth and said, "little doll, you're so awesome. Do your parents know? Did you forget to bring your diapers when you went out?" although he cursed like this, he didn't dare to take it lightly. The other side had two strong kings of martial arts sitting down!

Lan Yu sneered: "two dregs, didn't your parents tell you to accumulate some oral virtue before you went out?"

Liao Wenzhuo's eyes were cold. He took a knife and pointed to Lan Yu and said, "don't talk nonsense. Do you pay or don't you pay?"

"Teach!" Lan Yu said. The two immediately thought he was afraid. The sarcasm on his face was self-evident, "teach them to be human!"

Yunlao and you'er are already ready. They stretch their wings behind them, and the whole body soars into the air. The green lightsaber shines thousands of times, and is fierce. It turns into a blue chop and rushes towards Xu Guangfeng. At the same time, several transparent crystals suddenly pricked out from the ground and spread out in a progressive way. For convenience, hundreds of soldiers were strung with sugar gourd.

Lan Yu pinched the Yin formula in her hand, and several rays of light played out. There was a sound of explosion and fragmentation on the ground. Pieces of spirit stones turned into powder. With dense spiritual power, they turned into a nearly 100 meter size Dharma array, covering Liao Wenzhuo, Xu Guangfeng and many soldiers.

In the Dharma array, those people immediately felt that the spiritual power in their bodies was blocked, almost didn't listen to the scheduling, and sank towards the Dantian. Even the blood flow speed began to become extremely slow.

Xu Guangfeng was shocked. He quickly cut out a blade and roared with the oncoming sword Qi. He said in horror, "when did he arrange this silent soul swallowing array?"