Standing at the door, Shen Xiaoqi saw Che Yunlan calling. Before she entered the interrogation room, there was a noise outside the police station, including swearing words.

"Where is Che Yunlan? Let's sue her for violating our privacy and portrait."

"Where is she? How much loss did she make me rely on such a thing? The big customer who was preparing to sign a contract with me suddenly said not to sign. I don't know what happened. Later, when the other party took out the photo... It was a great shame."

"The female tiger in my family is rushing to the company with a knife to fight with me. The one who went there before was just a glass of wine. How did it become like this? It's PS. do you think I'm a little person and can black me like this at will?"

"No matter who's behind Che Yunlan, I have to sue her to the end for doing something out of nothing."


There were too many people at the door, and everyone was too excited. They were worried that something would happen. Xu Bing looked at Shen Xiaoqi and said, "don't mess around here."

"I know." the other party left, and then she did whatever she wanted.

Xu Bing looked at her and felt that it seemed inappropriate to leave so many eyes here, but there was a voice from his colleague calling for help at the door. He handed Shen Xiaoqi a warning look and turned away.

As soon as Xu Bing left, Shen Xiaoqi immediately turned over the things in his bag and showed a smile on his face.

Che Yunlan's face changed when she heard the noise outside. If they knew she was here, she would be dead. Get up quickly and run to the door to close it.

"Why are you here?" Che Yunlan saw Shen Xiaoqi standing in front of the door, and was worried that Shen Xiaoqi would call out and lead those people over.

"I came to see you. I didn't expect those people to come so late, but I can just ask them to come..."

"You can't shout." Che Yunlan called in a trembling voice. If someone came over, she would die if she didn't die.

"Then you have to answer me a few questions," Shen Xiaoqi said with a smile, "answer truthfully.

"..." Che Yunlan stared at Shen Xiaoqi with a cruel look on her face and said she didn't want to say.

"If you're so reluctant, you don't have to say. I'll call them..." Shen Xiaoqi said as he turned and walked to the door, his hand slowly raised.

"Yes," said Che Yunlan, gnashing her teeth, "come in."

Shen Xiaoqi immediately walks in. Che Yunlan closes the door of the interrogation room and locks it.

"What question? Ask quickly." Che Yunlan said impatiently.

"There are some bills for the nightclub I manage." Shen Xiaoqi said directly.

Che Yunlan didn't expect Shen Xiaoqi to ask. After being stunned, he said with a sarcastic smile, "do you think your face is too big? You can say that? It's ridiculous."

"You've had an accident now, and Ying Zhiqiang would have protected you at ordinary times. But now there are so many troubles for Ying Zhiqiang, he can't protect himself." Shen Xiaoqi looked at Che Yunlan as he said, knowing that this topic can cause each other's uneasiness, and then continued, "You have cooperated with Ying Zhiqiang for many years. You know he has too many things, or he takes this opportunity to remove you and replace you with someone who is obedient and doesn't know too many things."

What Shen Xiaoqi said is what Che Yunlan is most worried about.

She has cooperated with Ying Zhiqiang for many years and has his handle. Ying Zhiqiang has always hated this matter. This is her trump card, and why was it not her death.

"Didn't you think that Ying Zhiqiang probably used it to make us fight each other. Anyway, no matter which side loses, he makes money. If we both fall, the happiest person is him." Shen Xiaoqi said with a smile.

For what Shen Xiaoqi said, Che Yunlan naturally understood that she had seen too many dark things in society for so many years, but she didn't expect such things to happen to her so soon.

"I don't understand what you said." although Shen Xiaoqi was right, Che Yunlan didn't forget that Shen Xiaoqi was her enemy.

"You have understood." Shen Xiaoqi said with a smile, "I have no grudge against you, and you can't do such a small thing, but why should Zhiqiang let you do it? What's the reason? Don't you know?"

Ying Zhiqiang used this to get rid of her

This idea is getting stronger and stronger in Che Yunlan's mind.

"The current bill is very important. Why should I give it to you?" Che Yunlan didn't refuse Shen Xiaoqi.

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend."

"Ying Zhiqiang and I are not enemies. He and I are still partners!"

"Ying Zhiqiang is a man. His hostility to you will only be deeper than mine." Shen Xiaoqi said calmly.

Che Yunlan's face changed when she heard Shen Xiaoqi's words. It is undeniable that Shen Xiaoqi was right.

"I'll wait for your reply before 8 o'clock this evening." Shen Xiaoqi put her phone number into Che Yunlan's hand, looked at Che Yunlan and said with a smile, "it's overdue."

"Why should I trust you?" Che Yunlan is waiting for Shen Xiaoqi to convince her, or Shen Xiaoqi gives good conditions to impress her.

"If you don't believe me, you can believe Ying Zhiqiang." Shen Xiaoqi knew what Che Yunlan wanted to hear, but she didn't say, but said with a smile.

People like Che Yunlan can give conditions to impress her, but Shen Xiaoqi doesn't want to.

"You... Don't you value my help very much?"

"It's OK! With your help, it might be faster. Even if not, I'll just spend more time." Shen Xiaoqi told the truth. She smiled at Yunlan's eyes on the bus. "It's invalid to come over at 8 o'clock."

Without waiting for Che Yunlan's answer, Shen Xiaoqi went out of the interrogation room, crossed the gang of noisy people, and went out of the door to find Jun Beiting.

Shen Xiaoqi didn't expect that Jun Beiting had not left. He was surprised and asked, "haven't you left yet?"

"I'm waiting for you to go back together." Jun Beiting said with a smile and naturally stretched out his hand and led her hand forward. He didn't ask her why she stayed in there so long.