
Joey, come out.

All the pirates in the audience showed silly expressions.


What's going on?

Did we hear wrong?

The family members and prisoners on board also looked confused and didn't know why.

The Joey man standing in the ship building shouted at the top of his voice, "little guys, can't you hear me! I'll let you let go of the brothers of the stars and pay them a million yuan each! Gage, your boy, hurry up!"

With Joey man's repeated howl.

Gage woke up first, his face changed for a while, and finally showed a flattering smile: "little guys, let go of the brothers of the stars!"

Although I don't know why Joey man suddenly changed his face.

But judging from so many years of experience.

Gage is sure that Joey man must have his reason for doing so.


The pirates followed the trend.

Untie the people of the star guild one after another.

Until freedom.

The players of the star guild still have a trance expression and don't aftertaste it.

Only Ning Qingxue, with a complicated expression, glanced at Joey man at the ship building.

"Hey, Hello, beauty."

Joey grinned, showing a row of snow-white teeth, and waved his arm to say hello.

Ning Qingxue ignored him.

His eyes seemed to pass through the wall and see the Chu Jing in the house.


Biting her lips, Ning Qingxue sighed in her heart that she owed Chu Jing more and more human feelings.


ten minutes later.

All the stars are released.

Despite their repeated refusal.

But gage was too enthusiastic.


Each player of the stars received a million gold coins paid by gage himself.

More Than This.

Plundered goods and spoils from the star guild.

Gage returned it all.

even to the extent that.

A warship whose stars were sunk.

Joey male pirates will also pay for it.

But it's no longer a medium-sized warship.

It's a large warship!

It's like saying.

Robbed by Joey pirates.

The stars seem to be a little injured, but in fact, everyone gets compensation, and the medium-sized warship is upgraded to a large one.

It's totally... Making a lot of money!

"What the hell is going on?"

"Why are these stars suddenly so lucky?"

"Is Joey man drunk? I don't accept it!"

Many prisoners and their families talked bitterly.

The wise man looked at the ship building and vaguely understood something.

"Needless to say, it must be the assassin's credit!"

"Who is the assassin and why has Joey man become so good after separate negotiation?"

"No doubt, the assassin must be a big man... But what's his identity?"

When players are talking.

Joey man grinned and said, "brother Jingrong, you can't get your warship until tomorrow. Tonight, you go to Joey island for the night."

Follow his orders.

The pirate fleet began to set sail towards the dark sea.

In half an hour.

The fleet docked on a rather vast island.

The inscription of this island is more than ten times wider than that of Chuen island.

Joey's headquarters, too.

In this chaotic place.

It's not that easy to rule an island.

Especially on such a large island.

Joey man did it.

In addition to the strength of his pirate guild.

Another reason is that he confesses to the pirate king Blackbeard on time every month.

Strong shelter with a black beard.

Joey, it's hard to be weak.

After landing.

The pirates got on board one after another.

Families and prisoners who have paid ransom can either entertain on the island or leave using the island's transfer point.

As for some poor prisoners who have not been redeemed.

Will be placed in prison on the island.

Before relatives and friends come to pay the ransom.

These poor players will not be let go.

During this time, they will only be able to move in prison.

The account number seems to be abolished.

The experience of these poor people has nothing to do with Chu Jing.


He was led by Joey man into a brightly lit city.

Although the scale of this city is not as large as bantour, Elven King City and so on.

But it's also pretty good.

Compared with chu'en village, it is also several times larger.

It is a small and medium-sized city.

"This is joy city. It was originally an important city on the sea to do tasks for players. Later, I took it. I also became the city master here."

Joey man is walking ahead.

Behind him was a long line of pirates.

In the middle of the team are the people of the stars and Chu Jing.

Joey man generously introduced his brilliant deeds.

Chu Jing showed that he was catered to. In fact, he looked at Ning Qingxue and asked softly, "are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

Ning Qingxue shook her head and rarely showed a touch of bitterness on her face: "you don't have to help me all the time."

"We are friends. We don't need to say so much."

Chu Jing's expression was serious, Ning Qingxue bit her lips, and her complex face was touched.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen, my palace is here. Go in and have a look."

Joey man burst into laughter.

Chu Jing raised his head and found that there was a very huge palace in front of him.

This palace is in Western European style.

Carved dragon and painted Phoenix, exquisite facilities.

With Joey man walking into it.

Many NPCs come as servants.

There are men and women.

Women are mainly wheat skin, but they are full of wild beauty.

"To be honest, I am very grateful to heaven for this game. It makes me earn a lot of money and makes me experience the feeling of emperor in this virtual world."

Joey man hugged the two wild beauties, winked at Chu Jing and said, "you can choose the beauties here at will and do whatever you want... Of course, if your friend is not angry. Hahaha!"

Chu Jing showed an expression of bewilderment.

Ning Qingxue has a straight face and doesn't show any emotion.

It's the people of stars who look at the wild beauties around, but their eyes shine.

For so long.

They have had too many hard times.

Now you can enjoy the service of virtual beauty.

Naturally, they are greatly moved.

"Go to the bar, everyone!"

Joey man broke the awkward atmosphere again.

He led the procession into a palace.

All kinds of wine and delicious food have been prepared inside.

The people ate and drank happily.

Joey man hugged two beauties, walked near Chu Jing and said with a soft smile, "man, are you satisfied with my reception?"

Chu Jing nodded: "I'm very enthusiastic and I'm ashamed to receive it."

"Ha ha, you don't have to be polite, and you don't have to worry about the future. I'm actually an honest man. I'll never let you suffer or violate your personal rules if I need your help in the future."

The more Joey said that.

Chu Jing felt that the more ungrateful he was.

But he didn't get to the bottom of it.


Joey man also helped himself once.

It's just that his request is not too much in the future.

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