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"Silent Cloud."

An Jiuyue felt that the man beside her was really motivated to kill, and quickly reached out and held his hand.

"Don't know him in general."

"Oh, haha!"

Seeing them like this, the old emperor laughed out loud.

"Is it right? Qian Jiyun, the princess of your county was not missing at all, but was sent by you to approach the king of Anyang, right?

You are really capable. In order to achieve your goals, even your own woman can give it up. No wonder you can get the current status. It turns out that you have paid so much.

He also said that I was vicious, no matter how vicious I was, I would never let my woman sacrifice her looks to her own life! "

He stood up from the ground with support, and looked at Qian Jiyun with a mocking expression on his face, as if he was looking at a living bastard. He was really angry with Qian Jiyun.


Qian Jiyun wanted to take a step forward and kill this person directly.

But the person beside him was holding him tightly and not letting go, and he turned his head to look at Jiuyue.

"Jiuyue, even if I killed him, no one would dare to do anything to me, you should know."

Yes, he is Hua Yan's top person, who dares to do anything to him, even if he kills someone on a higher plane, how can he do it? All I can say is those who were killed by him, **** it!

"I know."

An Jiuyue nodded, of course she knew how damned this dog emperor was.

But after seeing it, it is really too cheap for him, dare to slander her reputation, she wants to make his life worse than death, as I said before, give him medicine first.

"It's easy to kill him, but it's too cheap to kill him like this."

As she said that, she took out another bottle of medicine from her own space, the one she gave to Boss Yan before, and stuffed it directly into Qian Jiyun's palm.

"give him."

"it is good."

Qian Jiyun let go of her hand and strode in front of the old emperor with a porcelain vase.

"You, what do you want to do? I am the emperor, if you dare to poison me, the ministers and the people will not let you go!" Seeing Qian Jiyun walking towards him with a porcelain bottle in his hand, The old emperor was really panicked.

It's not a good thing to look at in this porcelain bottle. If you eat it, you will have to peel off the skin if you don't die, right?

He must not be able to eat!

The old emperor couldn't collapse any longer. He clutched his chest and stepped back until his back touched the wall before he stopped.

"No, no... um!"

He still wanted to struggle, but Qian Jiyun wouldn't give him this chance, so he poured the medicinal pill in the porcelain bottle and stuffed it into the old emperor's mouth.

He raised his hand again and supported his lower jaw, this time, he didn't want to eat.


After Qian Jiyun fed the old emperor with poison and stepped aside, the old emperor fell to the ground and retched.

But how could this medicine still be spit out? No matter how he digs his throat with his hands, there is no way to spit it out. He can only raise his head and look at Qian Jiyun angrily.

"You, you... how dare you poison me? I am the emperor!"

"Do you still know your emperor?"

An Jiuyue folded her arms around her chest and looked at the man who kept claiming to be the emperor.

After doing so many things that an emperor should not do, still have the face to say his emperor? It's ridiculous.

She walked towards the old emperor step by step, crouched down in front of him, and looked at the embarrassed and grim-faced man on the ground with mocking eyes.

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