Chapter 1553: The plan didn't work out

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He also wanted to see the old emperor who was now like a mad dog, biting every person he saw, to see what else he could do.

"Probably, already dead?"

In the old emperor's bedroom, he was extremely nervous at this moment.

King Yu should be dead, right? He can't be saved again, right? But why hasn't anyone here come? The third child, the rebel, will definitely come to him to settle the account when he hears the news.

But he waited left and right, and he didn't get the news. What's going on?

Could it be that it was unsuccessful, and those people he sent were caught?

"No, it's impossible, he wouldn't have expected that I would attack King You, and King You would definitely die." He shook his head, not believing that his plan would fail.

"Dare to plot against me and take my throne, and I will make him regret it for the rest of his life!" he said bitterly.

He has been calculated that he has no rights at all. If he doesn't take revenge, should he wait for him to die and go to the Palace of Kings of Hell to take revenge?

The third child, the rebel, should have tasted the pain of losing a loved one at this moment, right?

As long as he thought of the third child crying bitterly, and then questioning him with scarlet eyes, but making him look helpless, he was happy, and there was nothing that made him more happy.

"Does he think that this throne is something he can hold if he wants it? Hmph, a dream!"

The palace was besieged, and he was trapped here. As long as King Yu died, his predicament would be solved. The world would think that the third child did it.

How can a person who can kill even the great-grandfather and uncle who raised him get the seat of the emperor?

In the end, he had to find a puppet to give the throne to one of his brothers.

"It's a pity King Yu."

He sneered, although he said so, but his heart was very happy.

Although this King You was his grand-uncle, he was very incompatible with him. When he was still young, he suffered a lot of losses. After that, he brought his unwanted son to his side to raise him. on.

So much so that now he has raised such a renegade son to fight against him.

Looking at it like this, King You should have died a long time ago. He was able to let King You die so comfortably, which is already worthy of him.

"Why hasn't there been news yet?"

After a while, he became a little anxious, guessing in his heart if something went wrong, or did he not kill someone?

"What news do you want, you can ask the king of this county."

Suddenly, Qian Jiyun's voice came into his ears, his pupils shrank suddenly, he looked up and saw outside the temple door, two black shadows walking towards him.


How could Qian Jiyun be in the palace, or at this time?

The reason why he dared to attack King You was because he knew that the palace of Zhanyun County was a little far from the palace. Even if King You was poisoned, he was discovered by the guards. He went to the palace of Zhanyun County to seek medicine. After coming and going, people should die. .

But who was going to tell him why Qian Jiyun came to the palace?

" are you in the palace?"

His face turned pale, and Qian Jiyun came over, does that mean that his plan failed and King Yu was rescued?

"The king of this county is not here, where should he be? Jingyang Palace?" Qian Jiyun asked him back.


The old emperor had a bad breath stuck in his throat.

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