Chapter 1548: Is it not contagious?

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"Damn things!"

Several dragon and tiger guards immediately stepped forward and slashed at the female corpse.

"Come here, come here, what are you still doing, don't hurry up and bring firewood and burn all these things." One of the Longhuwei ordered to the Shu family.

It is impossible to take something like this away, it can only be set on fire.

When the butler heard Long Huwei's words, he quickly greeted a few daring servants, and hurriedly brought the firewood, but they did not dare to go forward and only handed all the firewood to Longhuwei.

Long Huwei threw all the firewood on the two corpses and set them on fire.

Then, they looked at their sabers. Those who had slashed the corpse with their knives threw their sabers into the fire at the same time.

Who knows what kind of poison this is, if it is contaminated, they will become like them, what should I do?

Compared with a saber, their own life is more important, they still have a little insurance, burn it, don't turn around and make yourself look like a ghost or a ghost.

As the Xiongxiong fire burned, everyone could still see the corpse struggling in the fire.

This scene is horrifying.

Many of the servants had already vomited out their stomachs, but they were still lying in the corners and retching, because they imagined in their minds that if it was them who were poisoned, it would not be too scary.

The same thing happened not only in the Shu family, but also in several other aristocratic families.

Boss Yan got the news and hurried over to Zhanyun County's palace to look for Qian Jiyun, not to mention looking for Qian Jiyun, mainly to find An Jiuyue.

Didn't she have antidote powder, maybe she would know the reason for this.

"how so?"

Hearing this news, Qian Jiyun was also incredulous.

Didn't Jiuyue say that this is just a half-puppet poison, it can only cause death, and can't make people a puppet? What happened to the situation that Boss Yan and the others said?

"Boss, don't worry, go with me and ask Jiuyue, maybe she will know."

He couldn't tell what was going on, he could only go to Jiuyue, she might know what was going on.

When they came to Qiongzhiyuan, An Jiuyue just got up not long ago. After she was about to eat breakfast, she asked Qian Jiyun to inquire about the situation, but unexpectedly, she saw that he brought someone over.


Looking at the two, she made only one syllable.

What's the situation? It's not a good thing to come here so early.

"Second brother and sister, the father and the emperor's people did it last night. Although they were rescued, ... the corpse moved." Boss Yan didn't talk nonsense, and directly explained his intention.


An Jiuyue was stunned for a moment, and the next moment she understood.

Is this puppetization?

"This kind of half-puppet poison may make a corpse puppet, but such a puppet does not have much lethality. If it can be found in time, it can be burned."

"What if someone is injured by the puppet?" Boss Yan asked.

On his side, one of the Dragon Tiger Guards was accidentally injured, and now I don't know what to do.

"Look at the doctor, just heal the injury." An Jiuyue said.


I heard this, let alone Boss Yan, even Qian Jiyun was stunned for a moment.

Look at the doctor, heal the injury? Is it that simple?

"Isn't it contagious?" Qian Jiyun asked.

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