"Koi Abandoned Women: Raising Adorable Babies in a Portable Space (!

"It should be the most poisonous poison in this plane. It will die if you touch it. You don't even need a breath, and just one drop can kill the entire people."

An Jiuyue replied.

Are the royal families of the Moon-Ming Empire all so vicious, as long as it is beneficial to them, no matter what they do to harm the common people, they can do it?

But also, what kind of son, what kind of father, isn't it?

What kind of good father can Mingfu City have with that virtue?

"Not to mention, refining it into a medicinal pill will only make it more toxic. The Moon Empire wants to play a big game."

"What do you want?"

Qian Jiyun's eyes flickered slightly, looking at Jiuyue and asking her.

"Those guards don't need to be kept."

An Jiuyue raised her eyebrows at Qian Jiyun and said.

Now that the goal has been achieved, she knows what they are looking for, and then, she knows the use of this thing, it is so sinister, what is she going to do with these guards?


Qian Jiyun responded, and with sharp eyes, she immediately looked at the guard leaders.

Without any hesitation, the long sword on the right hand had already slashed towards the guard leader, and the sharp sword energy slashed directly from the body of the guard leader.


Ben was still on his way, thinking about how to deal with the guard leaders of Qian Jiyun and the two of them, when he suddenly stepped down and his whole face became contorted.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?"

The guards around him saw him stop and turned to ask him.

"But what did you find, chief?"

"Why did we stop, we still have to hurry, chief?"

A few guards were talking one by one, but when they saw their leader, they didn't say a word, as if they didn't hear what they said.

One of them frowned, raised his hand, and pushed it on their leader's chest.

It was just that, and the upper body of the guard leader was pushed to the ground. At this moment, the human body had been diagonally divided into two, and blood spurted out.

Such a scene stimulates everyone who sees this scene.


Those who were a little timid, screamed directly.

He was clearly walking well, but why did he suddenly become like this? This is their leader. Among them, the cultivation base is the best.

How could it be divided into two, so that it could no longer die?


Nie Gongzi also saw this scene.

Although he was just a tool man, he grew up in the Nie family after all, so how could he have seen such a **** scene.

No matter how calm he was, he couldn't help but run under a tree and vomited while holding the tree pole with one hand. He could see that the five internal organs in the body of the guard leader were all flowing out, all over the floor.

"Master, how are you, are you alright?"

Seeing this, Young Master Nie's guard hurried over to see the situation of his Young Master.

As for why the guard leader became like this, even if he didn't understand it at the time, after a while, he wanted to understand it. I'm afraid that the two people are going to attack their group.

"No, it's fine."

Nie Gongzi held the tree pole weakly, and waved his empty hand towards his own people.

Getting used to the brutality of those two people when they killed Zhan Lang, he thought he was ready, but he still overestimated himself. The means of those two people were really cruel.

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