Chapter 663: It's clearly poisonous.

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This time, Gong Cheng is really suffering.

He thought that the second brother asked him to go to the Beast Fate Club, just joking with him, how did he know, this is really going to let him go! !

He didn't want to go at all, he really didn't want to go, because this kind of meeting is either a comparison or a show, there's really nothing to attend.

"Can't I not go, second brother, I will go outside the Five Elements Domain and build a place to grow vegetables, how about you send someone to the Beast Fate Club?"

"Shut up, your second sister-in-law is meditating."

Qian Jiyun turned around and glared at him before really leaving.

Gong Cheng pursed his lips, what else could he say, sure enough, how could my brother be inferior to his daughter-in-law!

"Third brother, you can hurry up, if you came earlier, you can go to the beast fate meeting on my behalf, after all, you are also a lord, aren't you?"

He bowed his head, muttering incessantly.

a few days later.

After waiting for several days, I thought Qian Jiyun would always send people to negotiate, and would not let them set up a tent on his newly expanded camp.

However, this has been waiting for a few days, and there is no news at all.

"Obviously, this thousand lords are determined to let us send someone there to settle in." One of the lords said, tapping his index and middle fingers on the table, looking at Shang Ningyi.

"Lord Shang, you are wrong this time, he Qian Jiyun wants us to go to his newly expanded camp... No, it is not from Qian Jiyun, but from someone newly sent by the old emperor of Daqing. Where's the camp?"

Another lord also spoke.

"Before we thought about it, we all said that the old emperor of Daqing was always targeting Qian Jiyun. If this is the case, how can Qian Jiyun tolerate the people sent by the old emperor?

He wants us all to move in and fight the new guy, right? "

Thinking of this possibility, everyone's faces turned ugly, and they all turned their attention to Shang Ningyi's body.

"Lord Shang, you said something, you won't really let us send someone there, if you do send someone over there, can you rest assured?"

Lord Tang slapped the table hard and asked Shang Ningyi.

I just sent a few people to guard the tent, what is it? It's not only troublesome, but also has to be mindful at all times. I'm afraid that someday early in the morning, the people sent will never wake up again.

The point is, even if someone does attack them, there is no reason to do so.

"Let me make a statement first. I don't really want to send someone to Qianjiyun. This is not a meat bun beating a dog. It's obviously a matter of no return."

"That's right, I just want to get some inner beads. It's not that Qianjiyun's camp is the most rich. I don't want to really get a share of it."

"This is a beautiful soup. It's clearly poisonous. Qian Jiyun is not doing anything right now. Maybe it's just holding back."

A few lords, you said every word, guessing that Qian Jiyun let them set up camp so easily, is it really bad for them to sing with the new lord?

This is also something Qian Jiyun can do, and it has not happened before.

"Lord Shang, you have to say something. You have to give us an idea. What should we do?" One person looked at Shang Ningyi and kept silent, and finally couldn't help it and asked him.

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