Chapter 637: What are you going to do?

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Isn't he just about to see his sister, if it wasn't for Ye Chengzong's collar, he would have seen his sister by now.

And all this was caused by Ye Chenglin alone.

"You guys talk, I'm going to see my sister."

With that said, he left.

No one can replace the bitter fruit he brewed and eat it himself, so he doesn't care about Ye Chengzong.

"You said, this Ye Chenglin is also true. She actually ran away with Mingfu City. What is the future for that person? If you want to find a good one."

After Qin Tingfeng left, many guards also left, and there were only a few people left outside, chatting without a word.

"Mingfu City isn't useless, isn't it? At least it's more generous, isn't it? Ye Chenglin may think that following him can improve materially."


"Following people... ran away?"

When An Jiuyue came out of the space and heard the discussions outside, she couldn't help but feel a little speechless in her heart.

Can this tolerance be any worse? It's only been a few days, and I can't stand it and run away with the man? After all, Ye Chenglin has lived in Huayanjue for so many years, right?

"Who is Mingfucheng?" she asked.

Remember that in their plane, there is no royal family with the surname Ming, and what is being discussed outside is that Ye Chenglin ran away with a royal family.

"Second sister-in-law, you don't know, that Mingfucheng is not a good person. He has not missed the idea of ​​hitting our Zhanyun camp all these years, and this person has a very bad hobby, that is, he likes the idea of ​​hitting little girls. "

Without waiting for Qian Jiyun to answer, Gong Cheng, who came to eat every day, took the initiative to solve An Jiuyue's confusion.

To talk about this Ming Fu City, there is more than one camp that has an idea. He is obviously a person who has no skills, but he is trying to swallow the sky.

I don't care if I can eat the entire Hua Yan Jue Ding, I just want to swallow it.

But you must know that there are so many planes above Hua Yan that are higher than his Yueming Empire, and he has to eat them.

"He's from another plane, he's far away from us, and he doesn't know how to know about Ye Chenglin, but he actually hit her on her."

He shook his head, shook his head again, and felt that no matter how severe the punishment for Ye Chenglin was, it would be better for her to follow Mingfu City.

Is it that easy to live by Mingfu City's side? Without any use value, it would be difficult to survive, and only Ye Chenglin's brain would follow Mingfu City.

"Second brother, what are you going to do?" he asked Qian Jiyun.

Qian Jiyun glanced at him coldly, but did not speak.

What can he do? What does this have to do with him? Ye Chenglin wanted to follow Mingfu City, but he didn't force her, did he?

"Ye Chengzong, what are you going to do?" An Jiuyue also looked at him and asked.

The scene where Ye Chengzong carried Qin Tingfeng's collar just now happened to be seen by her.

This Qin Tingfeng sister and brother are also pitiful. They did nothing, but they were implicated by Ye Chenglin. In the end, they had to be blamed by Ye Chengzong.

If it was her, it would be good to be in the same place with Ye Chenglin and ignore each other, and I wanted her to take care of Ye Chenglin and live their spring and autumn dreams.

"I'll handle it."

Qian Jiyun thought about it seriously and spoke to her.

Since he can blame Qin Tingfeng, it can be seen that even Ye Chengzong himself did not think that Ye Chenglin was at fault.

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