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Just bringing a Gong Cheng on the road was a bit of a disappointment. This person felt that he was not born to deal with her.

"Gong Cheng also rides the carriage?" she asked.


Speaking of Gong Cheng, Qian Jiyun's face turned cold.

After Gong Cheng knew that he was going to Hua Yan Jue Ding, it wasn't long before there was a lot of uproar. Children who didn't grow up were just children who didn't grow up. No amount of education would work.

"He will go ahead, Yan Qin will take him." He said.

Naturally, he wouldn't let Gong Cheng follow them and ruin their happiness, so he would let Yan Qin take Gong Cheng ahead of schedule and arrive at Huayan Jue Ding as soon as possible.

"That's good."

An Jiuyue nodded in satisfaction, she didn't want to see Gong Cheng.

At least when she was on the road, she didn't want to be disturbed by Gong Cheng in her cultivation. You must know that the original soul power had to be learned from scratch.

What's more, it's not certain whether her talent was blown out by herself.


Outside the King's Mansion.

It is obviously a hot summer, even if the weather in Kyoto is not very hot, it will not make people feel cool.

But Jian Xun, who had just come out of Prince De's Mansion, felt that it was not a cool wind, but a biting, icy wind, and he couldn't help shivering.

"Sir, we really want to..."

"Shut up!"

Before the attendant's words were finished, Jian Xun, who turned back, gave him a stern look.

He didn't want to hear the attendant's words at all, he didn't want to go to that ghost place on the southern border at all, and he didn't even want to go with King De!

"Sir, there's nothing wrong with going to the southern border. At least in the manor, you can show your ability." The attendant thought about it and persuaded him.

"What do you know?"

Jian Xun glared at the attendant angrily, and almost slapped him away.

Although he also knows that whoever can control the power in the southern border can be like Qian Jiyun, and no one dares to offend in Kyoto, even the old emperor must be polite to him!

He also thought about going to the southern border to fight, maybe he is not one of the many sons of the Jian family, but the only one.

But so what?

Can he go to the southern border if he wants to?

Without the support of multiple forces, what can he do on the southern border? Can't do anything.

If he went alone, he could get more support. His mother, father, and some other people would all support him.

But he just went with King De.

One of the many heirs in the palace of the eldest princess, who is more valuable than King De, everyone knows how to choose.

So If he really went to the southern border this time, it would be just a foil. Maybe, what happened to King De in the end, he would be the one who took the blame!

Who would want such a job?

"If it's so easy to go to the southern border, if everyone goes there, can they still get my turn? It's a place where there are only nine deaths. How many people like Qianjiyun can climb out of the pile of dead people indefinitely? "

There is only one thousand silent clouds, right?

What's more, now that the southern border is in the hands of Qian Jiyun, can he easily hand over the power back?

Even the old emperor can't help Qian Jiyun, let alone him?

Even King De, he just went to the southern border to block Qianjiyun a little bit, right? After all, even the Thunder King was in the hands of Qian Jiyun.

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