Chapter 356: I have a number in my heart

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His face was dark and he looked at a few staff members.

This is to fear that the world will not be in chaos, right? If he really opposes Qian Jiyun and asks his father to slap Qian Jiyun, then the southern border will definitely be troubled, and Daqing will not be peaceful.

He still knows this, don't make it so simple for him.

"My lord..."

"My lord..."

A few staff members look at me, I look at you, and want to persuade a few words.

But King De was helpless and didn't listen, he waved his arm impatiently at them, "Go, go go, go away for this king!"

He was upset, it was hard enough to survive in the gap between the father and Qian Jiyun, what else do you want him to do? Suicide by wiping your neck directly?

In the end, the aides were unable to persuade King De, and one by one they left in dejection.

"My lord, is the carriage still... ready?" The guard looked at his lord and asked softly.

In fact, he felt that the prince was thinking too much. According to Qian Jiyun's deep temperament, his prince would not be taken seriously by him.

"My lord, you don't really need to go directly to the border to be an idle lord, it's fine."

Hearing this, King De looked at his bodyguard like a fool.

To be an idle prince?


If he really went to the border, could he be an idle prince, when all those aides were brought by the emperor to his mansion to play around?

One by one, I wish that every word he said and everything he did would reach the emperor's ears, how much the emperor favored his son.

"Wei Ran, you don't understand."

When the Thunder King went to the border back then, didn't he want to be an idle prince?

But the fact is that some things are not something they can decide, they can be forced to keep moving forward, and they can't stop.

"Have you found out what happened over there?"

"I haven't found everything yet, but one thing is certain." The guard Wei Ran glanced around, making sure that there was no one else before speaking.


King De's eyes widened and he swept towards him.

"It's not that simple to work with Thunder King," Wei Ran said.

Li country?

But it is only in the skin of a man from the country of Li.

Just who is this guy? It's not easy to check, even Zhanyun County King didn't find it, right?

"My subordinates estimate that the King Zhanyun also knows about this matter, but on the surface, all the information about the people who cooperated with him in the Thunder King incident pointed to Li Guo."


The King sneered.

What he should have known long ago, as for who really cooperated with the Thunder King, only God knows.

"Continue to check, be sure to find the person behind Thunder King."

he ordered.

"Yes, my lord." Wei Ran responded.

He will naturally investigate this matter After all, it already concerns his prince.

If King Thunder was not passive, how could King De be ordered by the emperor to go to the southern border? Fortunately, in the imperial decree, there was no indication of when to set off, so the lord could drag on for a day or a day.

"My lord, are you going to hide outside for a while?" he asked.

Hearing this, King De raised his eyes and glanced at the sky.

"Today is too late, let's go early tomorrow morning, you go and get ready to go, we will go to Bieyuan to live for a while."

He still had to go out and hide. Of course, it was not Qian Jiyun that he wanted to hide, but his father.

Now that Qian Jiyun is back, the emperor has not immediately summoned him to the palace, forcing him to set off for the southern border at a moment's notice. If he doesn't hide, he will wait to enter the palace.

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