Chapter 665: ESports What Love 3

Su Tang also had some knowledge of e-sports in previous lives, but he didn't go deep.

She stared at the boy in the photo and said to Guagua with certainty, [Guagua, this is reincarnation. 】

Guagua gave an affirmative answer, [Yes! 】

While Su Tang lowered her eyes to talk to Guagua, the girl turned back a few more photos.

Obviously, the lazy teenager has gradually grown out, and the outline has gradually become clear. The greenness of the past has also become mature, but it still looks lazy.

The slender eyelashes are slightly drooping, and there is a kind of calm coldness.

Su Tang sincerely sighed, "So handsome."

"Yeah, right!" Seeing that Su Tang had eaten her own Amway, the girl quickly fell in her heart and said to her with a smile, "Miss sister, what is your name? Why don't we add a friend!"

"My name is Su Tang."

Seeing the girl poking open WeChat enthusiastically, Su Tang pursed her lips with a headache.

"I... didn't bring my cell phone today."

She is now penniless, not to mention mobile phones!


Generally speaking, this is a tactful rejection.

After all, almost no one goes out without a mobile phone anymore.

But the little girl looked downcast with clean eyebrows and looked depressed, looking soft and sincere.

And this cos suit on her body is really not like Yazi with a pocket to hold things...

The girl scratched her hair and said nothing.

The game screen is projected on the big screen in front of me, and there are exciting commentaries on the stage.

Su Tang really couldn't see the people on the stage, so he turned his head up and stared at the screen.

After watching for a while, Su Tang reacted.

This is a "Battle Royale" mode game, each game will have 100 players participating, players will be dropped in the sky above Jedi Island.

Players need to collect various materials on the island to fight against other players, because the final settlement screen after victory will have "good luck, eat chicken at night", so this game is called "chicken eating" by most players.

The game modes are single row, double row and quad row.

Su Tang used to play with Jian Shubai before, but he was playing mobile games.

The reincarnation playing now should be a terminal game.

At the beginning, the girl was still chatting with her Amway, but later she was obviously immersed in the game and watched the game intensively.

Just as the little girl stood on tiptoe and tried to look up, there was a burst of cheers around her.

"Ah, ah, I won, I won!"

"The God of Caoyu is the God of Yu, the last wave of 1v4 is awesome!"

"It's really time to let those Heizi take a look, and say that the **** of the island should retire when he gets older... the **** of the island is awesome!"

"Which of you still remember how many kills were made by the Island God in this round? I'm patronizing the final result..."

"I remember it was 17 kills!"

The person next to him smacked his lips, "Island God is really awesome, 17 kills! I might not be able to meet so many people in one game..."

The people who stood with him obviously played games with him often, and laughed at what he said.

"You **** pull Lao Tzu to jump into the wild every day, and you think that the island is going to jump into the rain forest. Military bases never take a detour. If you go to the finals, you will be gg. You will be a ghost if you meet people..."

This is a friendly match between King and LP. In addition to King fans, there are LP fans.

LP fans saw that the team they supported failed to eat chicken, and heard the admiration of King by the people next to them, and immediately yin and yang said strangely, "The Fish Pond Bureau is saying that your mother is 17 kills. I can also take this head. Even if you are getting older, retiring honestly can guarantee the title of a'god', don't let the altar fall down and cry."
