After returning to China, even if Wan Tong didn’t actively follow up on Chen Jun’s situation, it was reported in the news. His money laundering activities couldn’t be hidden. A series of companies and overseas institutions were exposed, and he himself had been detained and could no longer cause trouble.

Due to Chen Jun’s negative influence, the stock price of the Chen family plummeted, and they were rumored to be on the verge of bankruptcy.

The most exciting thing for Wan Tong was that Lin Zhiwen had also been arrested, allegedly involved in helping Chen Jun launder money and transfer illegal assets.

As for Gu Chenyue, he didn’t have much time to spare after returning to school, and Wan Tong knew he was busy, so she didn’t force him to study with her.

Time passed quickly during this period. During the college entrance examination, the two of them were in the same examination room. Hu Tiankan didn’t know what kind of crooked idea he came up with and pulled up a banner with a few friends outside the examination room to celebrate the end of the college entrance examination for Gu Chenyue and Wan Tong.

Every year there are some weird things that happen after the college entrance exam, so there were many reporters waiting outside the examination room to interview the students. Seeing Hu Tiankan being so high-profile, they interviewed him first.

Hu Tiankan blabbed on and on, revealing everything.

“Tongtong’s parents don’t allow her to date in high school. It’s been tough on my bro. He has to be on edge every day, and sometimes he has to watch other boys give love letters to Tongtong. It’s really hard…”

Behind Hu Tiankan, the messy hair guy, maintained a smile on his face. In his heart, he sneered, thinking, what on edge? Yueyue was clearly aggressive. No one dared to give love letters. Clearly he didn’t hit anyone, but as soon as he turns his head, he grabs people by the collar and waves his fists to warn them.

The reporter was deeply moved by the “tragic and pure love” story and decided to interview the people involved later.

Not long after, Gu Chenyue and Wantong walked out of the examination room side by side.

Hu Tiankan vigorously waved his arms at the two of them, “Over here, over here! Yueyue, Tongtong!”

When the reporter saw the handsome boy and beautiful girl approaching, out of professional sensitivity, she had the cameraman shoot them, then walked up to interview them.

That night, Gu Chenyue and Wan Tong were on the Weibo’s hot search.

First, it was because of Hu Tiankan’s silly banner, and secondly, it was because of the clip of the two being interviewed by the reporter.

Wan Tong didn’t say much, mainly mentioning that the exam went smoothly and that she was no longer single after the exam.

Throughout the whole process, Gu Chenyue remained quietly by her side, and the reporter didn’t dare to ask him anything, only trying to get some information from Wan Tong by hinting at her.

Finally, Gu Chenyue became impatient and reached out his palm to block the camera lens, while his other hand embraced Wan Tong’s shoulder. “That’s enough.”

The final shot of the video was his slender fingers and the deep and pleasant voice of the young man.

Netizens tend to forget things quickly, but everything online leaves traces. Therefore, it didn’t take long for everyone to recognize this couple as the one who previously made headlines on the internet, the Nineteen High School couple.

The reformed boss and the cute study goddess!

When they were dating before, they were even captured on video. The study goddess sang a love song to the boss, who instantly became shy like a little wife!

It turned out that the study goddess’ family had a requirement that they could only date after taking the college entrance exam!

Finally, the boss could have his own title. His bros were right; it was really tough!

In the KTV private room, Hu Tiankan stood on the sofa, enthusiastically reading the comments online to everyone.

People below clapped and laughed, and Wan Tong and Gu Chenyue were surrounded in the middle, accepting everyone’s scrutiny.

This KTV was located near the university town, and the owner was Gu Chenyue.

No matter if it’s a workday or a weekend, the customer traffic is huge. The cost was recovered within less than three months of opening.

At 11 pm, everyone was preparing to move to another venue to continue the party, but Wan Tong received a phone call from her parents and had to leave.

When she told Gu Chenyue about it, everyone looked at him with pity in their eyes.

“Can only look but not touch, hahaha, poor Yueyue.”

Gu Chenyue remained calm and got up to leave with her.

Lin Zhiwen didn’t have a chance to see any of this. Because of the extra 50 million yuan in her account, she was sent to prison.

She had no evidence to prove her innocence, and Chen Jun was so malicious that he wanted to drag her down with him and accuse her falsely.

At this point, she had no choice but to turn to her own system for help.

[045! Don’t I still have a chance to save and restart?]

[Currently, the plot has not triggered the save mechanism.]

[So, are you going to watch me go to jail for several years? By that time, the plot will have been completed!] Lin Zhiwen was on the verge of collapse!

At first, the luck and favorability she gained made her underestimate this mission world. As a result, she found it almost impossible to move forward later on, and even the system store could not be used due to low points.

The system did not reply, so Lin Zhiwen asked again, “Has no one else had an experience like mine? How did they deal with it?”

[Submit the task, leave the world, and accept the punishment for failure.]

[The punishment for failure is almost the same as death. It’s better to just take my life!]

[If the host is willing, the system can help you apply to end your life ahead of time.]

[Ahhh! Get out of here!] Lin Zhiwen’s emotions exploded.

The system fell silent.

Late at night, Wan Tong received a reminder from Shishi.

The Raider had left, and Lin Zhiwen’s body had suffered various organ failures and could not be rescued.

Three days later, Wan Tong attended Lin Zhiwen’s funeral.

Lin Zhiwen’s parents were surprised by her presence, especially since Lin Zhiwen had not been very friendly to her before.

“In my memory, Wenwen has always been the best, but later her mind was controlled by the devil.” After Wan Tong said so, Mother Lin burst into tears.

Yes, the old Wenwen used to be so well-behaved and sensible, but after a fall, she became hideous.

Wan Tong hugged her and left some money for this poor family.

When she left the funeral, the Lin family was in tears, and Wan Tong also felt heartbroken.

Lin Zhiwen had once been the original owner’s best friend.

Gu Chenyue drove to pick her up and saw her with red eyes getting into the car. He leaned over and hugged her, “Silly girl, she deserved it.”

Lin Zhiwen indirectly caused the death of his mother, and he once hated her enough to want to kill her himself.

But he didn’t expect her to die suddenly in prison.

He knew how good the girl in his arms used to be with her, so he couldn’t say anything negative about her now.

The college entrance exam results came out soon.

Wan Tong successfully enrolled in B University, becoming a special honor boasted by Nineteen High School.

Gu Chenyue’s scores didn’t make it to the admission line of B University, but he entered a school in B City that was not far from B University.

Both of them didn’t live in the school dormitory, but rented an apartment nearby.

Wan Tong didn’t tell her family about this, and secretly rented the apartment with Gu Chenyue.

On the first day they moved in, when she looked at the two-bedroom and one-living-room decoration, Wan Tong didn’t know whether to laugh or cry.

Initially, she said she wanted to rent a two-bedroom and one-living-room apartment for sharing, not cohabitation. However, Gu Chenyue played a trick on her, making the second bedroom only a small study room, leaving her with no choice but to sleep in the master bedroom.

Gu Chenyue even suggested that they could draw a line in the middle of the bed.

Wan Tong : Haha.

Even if they draw a line, it won’t work.

Sure enough, in the middle of the night, Gu Chenyue couldn’t resist the temptation and snuggled up to her, using his low and sexy voice to seduce her.

Wan Tong couldn’t resist his charm and gave in.

The two young bodies were unrestrained, and they both overslept until the afternoon. It wasn’t until then that Wan Tong went to school for registration.

In the days that followed, having tasted the sweetness, Gu Chenyue had all kinds of excuses to pull her into his arms.

But he was also busy, shuttling back and forth between B City and his hometown, juggling his studies and his career, without neglecting his time with Wan Tong.

When the Lian family acquired the Chen family, Gu Chenyue also got a share of the pie, but he didn’t get involved in the Chen family’s affairs, just took a huge bonus.

Without the Raider, Wan Tong was no longer worried about him having any accidents over there, so she never asked about his work, but he would always take the initiative to report it to her.

Wan Tong enrolled in the Chinese Department at B University and posted a healing bedtime story on Weibo every few days.

Gradually, she gained more fans and in her second year, she began to advertise for Gu Chenyue’s industries and her writing skills improved.

On a leisurely weekend night, Wan Tong stretched and posted her latest bedtime story and stretched her body.

A pair of strong arms wrapped around her from behind. “Finished?”

“Mm-hmm,” Wan Tong nodded, and then her body was lifted up by Gu Chenyue.

“I want to hear a bedtime story too.” He couldn’t wait and pressed her onto the bed.

“Ah, you can just go read it yourself. I’m too tired to speak.”

“I want to hear you tell it.” He lightly pecked her lips, his dark eyes burning with desire, “I like listening to bedtime stories from your mouth.”

“…” Wan Tong felt like he was being suggestive, and she had evidence.

Sure enough, when she couldn’t stand it any longer and let out a moan, he leaned into her ear and whispered, “I like listening to you, Tongtong.”

Wan Tong : “…” She could never look at bedtime stories the same way again.

Gu Chenyue’s dark eyes were deep, but they couldn’t hide his tenderness, and he kissed her sweaty collarbone.

The two years of non-stop work left him mentally stressed, but only in her presence, could he find a moment of peace.

It was a feeling of being filled in his heart and chest, and as long as she was by his side, his body and his life were complete.

Wan Tong was too tired to move and reached out to touch his slightly cool earlobes, feeling drowsy.

“Yueyue, I don’t want to go to class tomorrow…” Her voice came in a daze.

“Okay, I’ll help you ask for leave. Sleep now,” whispered Gu Chenyue in her ear.

Only then did Wan Tong fall asleep deeply.

In the original plot, Gu Chenyue started with real estate and often took crooked paths, doing anything to achieve his goals.

Wan Tong was once worried that he would become like that, but in fact, he is very upright, just still using tough means.

He is currently focused on the entertainment industry, which coincides with Lian Yi’s interests, and they have many collaborations.

In their third year, Wan Tong’s Weibo went from promoting products to promoting her boyfriend, and she would sprinkle sugar every day, making her fans melt with sweetness. Later, Wan Tong simply stopped writing bedtime stories and started writing emotional inspiration.

Lian Yi has many followers on Weibo and would often check in and repost her posts, allowing fans to imagine the stories her and her boyfriend YY.

Gu Chenyue, who usually doesn’t appear on social media, registered for a Weibo account at this time.

After he posted a selfie with Wan Tong, fans flocked to him and one million followers helped stabilize his position.

In her senior year, Wan Tong interned at a magazine, and was quickly promoted to editor-in-chief after her probation period, which was unbelievably smooth.

Later, she discovered that the magazine’s owner had changed hands long ago.

Gu Chenyue was afraid that she would suffer, so he bought the magazine.

Wan Tong knew his intentions and never exposed him.

After the plot was completed, Wan Tong and Gu Chenyue got married and stayed in this world until they passed away.

rokumi’s note : World 2 ends here. I will post Part 3 (Start World 3) tomorrow together with Chapter 47.