Chapter 3561: This forensic doctor is a bit weird (23)

Chapter 3561 This forensic doctor is a bit weird (23)

Su Qiao casually found a place to sit down and listened to their speech silently.

She did not make her own suggestions until they were over.

"I suggest comparing the DNA of the headless female corpse with that of Sun Zhihao's wife Ding Peixin."

Su Qiao always feels that these two things are somewhat related.

Someone committed suicide by jumping into the sea. No body has been found. Within a few days, a headless female body appeared on the outskirts of the same city.

Although the circumstances of the two cases seem to be unrelated, this time is a little too coincidental, right?

The most important thing is that Ding Peixin’s house is also on the upper reaches of the river, and is still within the river bank where Su Qiao calculated that the body may be thrown away.

Su Qiao’s proposal surprised everyone.

One is depression and suicide, and the other is brutal dismemberment. Isn't it a piece of cake?

"But isn't Ding Peixin's case confirmed? Someone witnessed her standing on a coastal reef, and afterwards she dropped her silk scarf and purse from the shore."

“It’s normal for a patient with severe depression to commit suicide, and she also left a suicide note. She still has a confirmed medical record and depressive medication at home, and she has committed suicide.

"We also talked to the psychiatrist who treated her and confirmed that she did have depression and it was very serious."

Su Qiao raised her eyebrows: "Who said that patients with severe depression must commit suicide? The previous suicide was only a one-sided word by his husband. Who can prove it?"

"Also, I have read the information. She only went to the hospital three months ago. She was diagnosed with severe depression. Based on her family conditions, and if her husband really loved her as he said. , I must have taken her to the hospital a long time ago, and it will not be delayed to such a serious time."

Su Xiyan couldn't help but sneered sarcastically: "Oh, people have already seen Ding Peixin commit suicide. Isn't this a superfluous act?"

Do you want to show your IQ is high?

Still want to show your own difference?

Tao Junhui also disagrees with Su Qiao’s opinion, reminding: “The suicide notes and notes have been appraised by the five groups. They are indeed left by Ding Peixin, Sun Zhihao’s wife.”

Su Qiao shrugged indifferently: "I just made my own suggestion. Whether you want to compare or not is up to you to decide."

Except for Ding Peixin’s suicide and disappearance at the same time as the female corpse’s death, and the two points that her family was also within the range of possible corpse throwing, Su Qiao really can’t come up with much reasonable basis for speculation.

So, she did not force them to do what she wanted.

Psychological profiler, currently belongs to an embarrassing position that is not taken seriously in China, and her opinions are not taken seriously, which is also normal.

But in private, she will use her own methods to check, and she will always find some evidence.

Her intuition really rarely makes mistakes.

Whether in the end times or in the realm of comprehension, this intuition has saved her countless times.

Tao Junhui curled his eyebrows and pondered for a while, and finally decided to rule out this possibility.

"Xiao Li, you and Qiangzi find a way to collect Ding Peixin’s hair and dandruff. By the way, visit Tao Junhui’s neighbors to see how their husband and wife are feeling, and whether there is anything unusual."

"Okay." Xiao Li is still quite attentive to Su Qiao's suggestion.

He felt that with her ability, it was impossible to make unfounded suggestions.

As for Yu Qiang next to him, it doesn't matter, he does what he orders.

(End of this chapter)