Chapter 1435: Personal bodyguard, a bit poisonous (63)

Chapter 1435 Personal bodyguard, a bit poisonous (63)

" do you know so clearly?"

Of course, Mr. Su knew who his ancestors were, and why he became a grave guard.

But these things have been passed down from generation to generation by the owner of the family. He has never told Su Qiao, the fake Miss Su family.

"Don't worry about how I knew it so clearly."

Su Qiao raised her lips mockingly: "I think your dreams should also be broken."

"If there is really medicine that can bring back the dead and make people immortal, can the queen and her husband lie down here?"

"Then how do you explain what they are now?"

Shang Yu did not believe her.

"If the undead prescription is fake, it has been more than two thousand years, why are they still as lifelike as the living?"

Su Qiao was a bit contemptuous: "You are really ignorant. Not to mention Western countries, even in ancient my country, there have long been some ways to preserve corpses without decay."

"And this, it's just some drugs, and there are some special methods to keep the body intact."

"Plus the geographical location of this place is a bit special, and it doesn’t rot for thousands of years, so it’s nothing strange."

"If you don't believe me, you can take a look at the compass on your body and the compass. Is it impossible to settle at all?"

Taoyao Valley has been able to escape the world for thousands of years, so that everyone can't find the entrance, it still has some real ability.

I think at the beginning, if there was no help from 444, or she had not studied the formation in the immortal world, even she would not have been able to find the entrance to Taoyao Valley.

And Taoyao Valley originally chose to live here, because the special magnetic field here can delay aging, and it can also grow a variety of rare herbs and poisonous weeds, which is also very suitable for cultivation.

This is also the reason why she obviously lived seventy years old in that life, but when she died she looked only thirty or forty years old.

The original residents of Taoyao Valley, there are no old people who look very young when they die.

Someone took out the compass, and Chu Hui also took out the compass from his pocket.

But as Su Qiao said, the magnetic field in this place is simply wrong.

Whether it is a compass or a compass, it is constantly spinning around and can't stop at all.

"Oh, even if there is that prescription, do you have the ability to match it?

Where do you go to find those spirit grasses that do not exist in this world? "

Unless you go to the realm of cultivating immortals, you will be able to find some rare and rare spiritual grasses and develop a life-prolonging medicine.

Or even on a plane with supernatural powers, practicing supernatural powers will naturally extend a certain life span.

No more, you can go to the future plane with extremely advanced technology.

You can use advanced technology to extend your lifespan by changing genes and injecting genes from other organisms.

In short, on this plane, it is completely impossible to extend life to the greatest extent.

Gu Ling saw that everyone was being asked by her, and she was a little unwilling to say: "You haven't said yet, why do you look exactly like her!"

Su Qiao shrugged: "You ask me, who do I ask? Maybe she is my ancestor, and I am the descendant of Her Majesty the Queen?"

Others agree with Su Qiao's statement.

Because of this, it can be said that Su Qiao’s appearance is exactly the same as that of the queen who has been dead for more than two thousand years.

But Gulin obviously didn't want to give up.

"you are lying!"

"We have gone through so many traps and traps along the way, and all the people we brought have been folded inside, and even our own bodies have suffered large and small injuries.

But you are the only one who didn’t suffer any injuries, as if you already knew where the traps and mechanisms were. "

(End of this chapter)