Until the evening.

At this time, Bai Yu made clear the animal street.

Why is a city called animal street? It's also because the city is a place for selling things. You can buy anything you want.

For example, the legendary dragon skeleton and the phoenix feather.

Although they are all ordinary dragons and phoenixes, it is also very strange to have this name.

Her first task now is to hatch the eggs.

Then I saw a shop called yuyoutang.

This is a place where eggs are hatched and cubs are raised.

She went in to find out how the egg needed to hatch.

"Oh, my guest, do you want to hatch offspring or foster them on behalf of others? We have everything on our side! " A man with a sharp face came up.

"Oh, I want to hatch eggs. What can you do?" Bai Yu touched the egg in her arms and said faintly.

The man soon found the white jade chest so convex place, should be put the egg.

"That's simple. What kind of family are you from? We have a special place for all kinds of species to hatch. "


The man's face was stiff, but still forced to smile, "at that time, what attributes?"

"Almost all of them." Bai Yu was indifferent.

Men have guessed that maybe people don't want to talk about their race.

So is it.

Some strange races have some quirks.

"In this case, our ice and fire incubator absorbs the two properties of water and fire, which can strengthen the body of the unborn orcs."

"That's it." Bai Yu nods.

"A thousand animal coins for ten days."

Bai Yu sounds so expensive.

She also knows what currency is in common use here, and then she steals several money bags in some crowded places.

She started to buy some food, and now she has 1200 animal coins all over her body.

The man looked at her a little embarrassed and murmured in his heart, could it be that there was no money?

Then before he could sneer at him, a bag was thrown over, and he quickly caught it.

"Well, I'll take it for ten days."

The man sees money, natural is very happy, also very good manner takes her to a stone front.

"My guest, this is a card. Just put it in the empty slot if you want to." The man pointed to an empty space on the right.


Bai Yu didn't want to talk to him, so she went into the stone room and closed the door.

As soon as she went in, she understood the feeling of the double sky.

It turned out to be half water and half fire.

Then there is a huge bird's nest in the middle of the stone house, which is relatively clean.

There is also a Tai Chi circle in the middle of the nest, with a slightly higher groove in the middle.

She immediately understood that this was where the eggs should be put.

Bai Yu put the egg in without thinking about it.

And then there was no reaction.

She looked around and found that there was no place for herself to lie down, and only the nest could sit.

It seems that this is specially for the bird people, and there is no human figure here.

"Cat, can this egg hatch in ten days?"

If it doesn't hatch in ten days, she really doesn't want to do the world mission.

"Master, be patient." The cat is comforting.

"No, ten days is not enough?" Bai Yu stares in her heart.

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