For why not save that aunt, Bai Yu is unable to save.

No, it can't.

At that time, the envoys of the underworld were waiting nearby. They were also a little curious when they saw the appearance of Baiyu. They thought it was to interfere with their enchantment. Bai Yu explained a little and then gave up the idea.

They also mind, do not interfere in the life and death of ordinary people, or the rules of heaven and earth will be locked, and it will be difficult to walk in this world in the future.

Bai Yu naturally understands this truth.

She would not interfere in such things as black and white impermanence. If she wanted to save people, she would stop it before it happened.

As long as there is no direct intervention between mortal life and death, it is not interference.

Just like this man, when she disappeared with the bamboo basket, black and white impermanence appeared. However, they did not come to enchant the soul, but stood in a daze at the midwife's place.

"Just now this piece has dead breath, how can it disappear now?"

"Maybe it's the mortal who fell down. Isn't it that sometimes the spirits who almost enter the underworld will give out death breath?"

"Yes, too."

Black and white impermanence finish saying, float to the place that oneself enchants a soul.

On the other side of the white jade, she has held the baby in her arms and came to the seaside.

She cleaned up the bloody man with a bubble and found some pieces of seaweed to wrap the man.

Now that the man has been saved, the rest is to bring up and satisfy his wish.

This is a little difficult again

Bai Yu wants to take the man to grow up on an island, and then bring him back, which is very convenient.

But in this way, the man may not be in the mood of becoming a monk.

She was a little upset.

So the next day.

At this time, the man began to cry, and the little hands were holding on to the white jade void.

Fortunately, Baiyu found a cave to stay. The man's crying just made Bai Yu a little upset. The rest was OK.

"Are you hungry?" Bai Yu thinks about this.

Yes, I haven't eaten anything since I was born last night.

But Bai Yu has no milk for him to drink

This makes Bai Yu a little embarrassed.

At this time, there was a noisy voice in her ear, and she quickly squeezed the secret to isolate the man's crying.

"Why? I heard the cry of children here. Why is it gone now? " A woman's voice appeared.

"This side is a cliff. How can there be a baby crying? You thought it was my Dalang accident just now." The other replied.

"I'm also afraid that my little treasure will come here. If I don't, go back. My baby is waiting for me to nurse."

"Let's go. Let's go."

Soon it was quiet again.

But Bai Yu thought of how to raise the man.

She immediately disappeared in the cave with the man in her arms, and soon came to the county again.

This side is more prosperous because it is close to the seaside and close to the city, so there are more outsiders here.

The appearance of Baiyu with milk baby did not arouse some people's suspicion, but felt that such a young woman with children did not have a man around.

At this time, she had changed her appearance again, and without the beginning of amazement, she found a nanny by taking the change.

"You just feed him. That's your pay." Bai Yu put a piece of silver into the nurse's hand.

The mother looked at so much money and nodded quickly, "good lady." , the fastest update of the webnovel!