When night comes, street lights are gradually on the road, and pedestrians are less and less.

Bai Yu is still wandering outside. She is calm now, but she has thought for a long time why Bai Ziyan has become like this. Is it what she has done?

But Bai Yu recalled what she had done in this world, and there was nothing out of the ordinary. At most, she had a room with Bai Ziyan, but nothing happened.

She really did not understand, also want to break the head did not come up with a reason.

Bai Yu sighed a little, and she was no longer entangled with herself. She reached out to feel her stomach and starved her to death.

She looked around the environment, found that she did not go too far, so she quickened her pace to go home.

On the other side, in the dark living room with no lights on, Bai Ziyan is sitting on the sofa. His eyes are light, his hands are clenched together, and his eyes are staring at the door.

When a click appeared, he stood up in a panic, and arranged his clothes. Looking at the door, he walked into a man who made his face laugh immediately.

He was a little at a loss, just to his sister to do those things, now looking back, he also has a bit of impulse, but he does not regret.

Bai Yu was a little surprised to see that the light didn't turn on in the living room. She touched the light on button, and soon the living room was lit up. She also saw a person in the living room who was a little flustered.

Bai Yu breathed out her breath, without any anger or complaint on her face. She said to him plainly, "I'm hungry. Do you have any food to eat?"

When Bai Ziyan heard that her sister was hungry, he said, "I'll cook. You can watch TV first." Then he went to the kitchen.

Now Baiziyan really doesn't call her sister any more. Baiyu frowns a little unhappy, but now she has no choice but to let him go first. When the school starts and someone she likes, she should regret what she did to her today.

Soon, Baiziyan brought a bowl of noodles, and he felt very sad when he saw Bai Yu hungry.

He put it on the table and looked at the white jade coming.

Bai Yu looks at the noodles on the table. There is also an egg on it. There are some vegetables on it. It looks like a little vegetarian. But for the hungry Baiyu, she has an appetite.

She sat with the noodles and started eating.

It's vegetarian, but it tastes good.

The boy's cooking is something she admits to.

Bai Ziyan looked at Bai Yu eating. He was very happy. He also sat on the chair and quietly watched Bai Yu finish eating.

After a while, a large bowl of noodles went into Bai Yu's stomach.

Bai Yu immediately felt that her physical strength was back and her spirit was double.


"When are you going to stare at me?" Bai Yu raised her head and saw a pair of affectionate eyes looking at her.

Bai Ziyan's face flashed an instant of embarrassment, and his eyes were light on the bowl where Bai Yu had eaten up. He suddenly began to envy a bowl.

Can let elder sister touch, still let elder sister hold in the hand all the time.

"Bai Ziyan, I know you won't listen to what I say now, but I still want to say that your impulse to me is just youth rebellion. When you meet the person you really like, you will regret all the things you have done today, so..."

Before Bai Yu's words were finished, Bai Ziyan stood up with an angry look in his eyes and said, "I like you all my life! I love you

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