Now Baiyu has only one target left to search for the lost little red riding hood.

This task has no hint, it's just a name.

Little Red Riding Hood?

The first picture that Bai Yu thinks of now is the mushroom head inside Mario.

She thought for a long time and didn't know how to do the task. Now she can only go to the task hall and ask people.

"In fact, this task is very simple." When the scene came out, he looked at the name of the task of looking for the lost little red riding hood. His face was warm and his mouth was smiling.

Bai Yu frowned. Now she really doubts whether this person is a trumpet.

Can trumpet in this game is not allowed, each person has only one IP, only can bind an account.

This is also to prevent some players to open a small private brush game currency and equipment.

Shijing was smiling, but Bai Yu was staring at his face all the time. He touched his face and looked at her suspiciously, "what's on my face?"

Bai Yu did not move and continued to look at the scene.

"Now I look at my face and finally feel that I am handsome? And you're crazy about me The scene is very plain, boasting of their own words.

Bai Yu's face trembled, but she still threw off her idea and asked casually, "you just said that this task is very simple, why?"

When the scene of the smile to the white jade side, "please me, please I will tell you."

Bai Yu took out her own dagger.

When he saw the dagger, his face turned blue. He swallowed his saliva and said, "tell me, move what knife."

Bai Yu looks at the scene, holding the dagger tightly in her hand.

Shijing looked at Bai Yu, not joking. She could only tell her own fate, "this task is to go to the main city to buy a red mushroom and resurrection potion, then throw it in the monster area, and then drop the resurrection Potion on the mushroom. You will know the answer naturally."

Bai Yu heard the answer, she did not have a trace of happiness, but approached the scene.

Shi Jing looks at the person who is close to him. He goes back with Bai Yu's steps. "I told you that the gentleman doesn't move his mouth."

"Why are you familiar with this game?" White jade eyebrows with doubt, "no matter what I do, you are clear."

When the scene facial expression is slightly stiff, his eyes Dodge, "I said I was the game God."

"Don't talk nonsense to me. If you don't make it clear to me, I'll take you to the rebirth area." Bai Yu waved the dagger in her wave.

"No, no, no, No "This game is not just a public test?"

Bai Yu does not move when she looks at the scene. Her eyes indicate that he continues to speak.

"Before the public test, there was the inner side of the file that was not deleted, and then it was the inside of the deleted file. Although every test will change, most of them are the same. I played on the inside of the game and the inner side of the non deleted file. Recently, because of something, the public test was held for a while before I had time to pass it." A quick explanation of the scene.

He watched the dagger close to his neck. As soon as he said it, the dagger was taken back.

When she explains this, she doesn't believe it.

She thought again in a twinkling of an eye, if he really was a player inside and without deleting files, she would be regarded as having an encyclopedia for her who knew nothing about the public beta. , the fastest update of the webnovel!