In a dark dark dark road, North Wood carrying oil lamp to go down.

Now he covered the position of his heart with one hand, his face was very ugly, and he could feel his soul trying to get out of his body.

If you don't hurry up, you may have to hang up.

And Bai Yu, she came to her target.

This time it was a large mansion with several doormen standing in front of it.

She went in lightly and saw many servant girls in a hurry.

"Come on! Wenpo said to boil water A big girl's face was flustered and told the servant girl outside.

Bai Yu pinched her fingers, and the time came.

"Ah!! Young granny, wake up! " The woman's voice resounded through the room.

This makes a group of women standing outside in luxurious dress, their eyes flash with joy.

White jade tut.

She did not delay any more and went into the house through the wall.

I saw a soul floating by the bed.

White jade makes a move, soul pan a wave, "return."

The soul slowly came to Bai Yu's side as if conscious.

Is a more elegant woman, wearing a white coat, hair scattered in the back, the face light without fluctuation.

"Liu Muzi, 20 years old, was born in tianjimao month, when he was ugly on the third day of emperor's reign, and died in the mid autumn month of the earth floating year. Is there any regret?"

When she heard this, she cast a glance at a woman's baby in her arms. Her eyes, which had no fluctuation, began to shed tears. She opened her mouth and found that she could not make a sound, but her body could not move. She could only look at Bai Yu for help.

Bai Yu knew what the woman wanted to do. She reached out and nodded the woman's forehead. "The unsolved wish needs to be completed in seven days. I'll come back to you seven days later, and then you'll have to cut off all the causes and effects in the world."

The woman nodded in a hurry.

White jade once again waved the soul pan, a ray of light fell on the woman.

At this time, the woman can move, she immediately came to the woman's side, looking at the baby in her arms.

Bai Yu looked at the solution and wanted to go back.


when she came back to the scholar's house, she couldn't find anyone.

Bai Yu is a little confused. Has this man gone out?

But then!!!

Bai Yu's enchanting spirit thin appeared the reaction, that person who wanted to hang up in his mind finally hung up!

She quickly went to look for the scholar's soul.

Finally, after searching for a stick of incense, Bai Yu did not find the scholar's soul. Even if he used the soul book to guide the direction, he saw the place in the house.

Bai Yu felt strange. She turned the house upside down and couldn't find it.

Beimu, who had been looking for Bai Yu for a long time, was lying on a stone, white and bloodless.

Not to mention the lack of blood, even breathing stopped.

The soul of Bai Yu's mind is floating in the air at this time. He looks down at his body and senses the action above. His face is a little worried.

Is it true that their own destiny will be broken now?

In fact, Beimu is not worried whether he is really going to die, but now he still has an important thing to do, which needs to be completed, so he really has no regrets, so he has been hanging his forehead life with secret arts.

Beimu calculated the time, which should be half an hour away.

This is a secret skill that needs to be completed in a hurry. It may last about ten days.

But this ten days is enough, should be able to let him complete the regret. , the fastest update of the webnovel!