Chapter 1413: Mr. Gu’s willful lady (78)

Chapter 1413 Mr. Gu's wayward Miss (78)

Bai Weiwei got the building materials, and with the various benefits given by Gu Nanli, the whole property was finally started.

Various documents have been made, and the construction team and the team of architects have already entered.

Bai Weiwei was busy for a while, and after confirming that the project was successfully launched, she had a very fulfilling sense to see what Gu Nanli was doing recently.

Gu Nanli is getting low-key, and those who retaliate have eaten up his territory.

Many people are now looking for Gu Nanli crazy, and intend to kill him a hundred.

Gu Nanli’s previous influence is more and more people are offended.

Now, whoever has a relationship with Gu Nanli is not allowed to die.

The means of the dark world are cruel and terrible.

Fortunately, Bai Weiwei was locked up by Gu Nanli.

Whether it was Baimu or Gu Nanli, she did not go out and said that she was well protected.

Almost no one knows that she has had a relationship with Gu Nanli.

I know that they have hatred.

Now, on the road, there is a hatred with Gu Nanli, and there are more people who have interest in entanglement. Bai Weiwei is inconspicuous.

The industry of Baijia is gradually transforming.

As long as the project is successful, Bai Weiwei will be able to stand firm and secure all the unspeakable wealth of Bai Qi.

Bai Weiwei does not want to be so busy, but she is a rainy day.

I have to spend my whole life, don’t get a career, how to buy shoes, clothes, cosmetics, travel, food, etc...

Life is too good, it all requires money.

When he was idle, Bai Weiwei asked the system: "Is there any plans for Gu Nanli to turn over now?"

The system looked at the only remaining melon seeds on hand, and it slammed a little bit, for fear of eating it.

I blame myself for eating too much in front of me, and I have to finish eating fifteen days.

"He traded with the Atlanta family because you leaked all his cards and he could only start the stove."

Bai Weiwei flipped through the information of the Atlanta family.

Both in black and white, the jewellery industry is world-famous, the electronics manufacturing industry is the first in the industry, and there are various people's livelihoods.

Anyway, it makes a lot of money.

But the money is with a shadow of darkness.

Arms manufacturing, d products, smuggling transactions...

All kinds of terrible transactions in the dark world are produced in the dark places behind this family.

The internal struggle of this family is also very fierce.

The two most important factions are the orthodox successor, Wiliatlan, and the illegitimate son Sesiatran.

The two factions killed you and killed me.

Gu Nanli, a good friend with Sethi, was a life of the same dormitory when he was from college.

Gu Nanli saved Sethi many times.

Although for Gu Nanli, this is just an investment.

But obviously, Sethi is very fond of Gu Nanli.

It's no wonder that she has turned over his old age. He hasn't collapsed yet, and he has such connections.

He can still turn over, or even... return to the peak.

Bai Weiwei feels that it is necessary to fight Gu Nanli. It takes many years to do it. She can't always leak.

After all, it was okay once, and two times, three times, the secret that could hardly be revealed was leaked by her.

Gu Nanli is not an idiot, how could she not think of any plug-ins in her body.

She will not reveal the existence of the system by half, even if there is only a little bit of a sign, she can not let anyone find out that she is zero or four.

Therefore, the plug-in must be used with caution.

This plane, her ability to dismantle weapons, and the first time to sell Gu Nanli all the old.

(End of this chapter)