Arnold chuckled. "You're still the same. You haven't changed at all." He said, as if to think of something, "by the way, I saw a child today."

Shen mubai thought of Raphael at once. She didn't speak.

On the contrary, Arnold has been concerned about this matter, but he said, "I don't know him, but I always feel like I took his things away. What a poor little guy."

The power of light can't be wasted. It takes a lot of energy just to explore it.

Arnold soon went back to rest.

Until he met a young boy.

The other side is staring at him, blue eyes are clear and innocent, "are you the son?"

Arnold said gently, "is your excellency?"

Raphael looked at him and for a moment said, "you also believe in the God of light?"

Arnold was stunned. "Did you mean the God of light?"

Raphael hung his head. "Why did Andrea ignore me?" Without waiting for an answer, he turned and left.

Leave Arnold standing alone.

The next day, Shen mubai heard Raphael again from Arnold's mouth, and she simply explained a few words with a cold look.

"I brought him back by accident, and your excellency seems interested in him."

Arnold laughed and said, "I thought he was special for you."

"Of course not." Shen mubai replied, "I will only follow the God of light all my life."


the girl's cold voice came into his ears, and Raphael lowered his head and clenched his fist gently.

He had not seen Andrea for many days.

Raphael missed Andrea very much.

He even felt that, except for the God of light, the golden haired son who stayed with Andrea felt unprecedented ostracism.

Andrea clearly belongs to him...

Raphael was shocked by his own ideas, but he didn't feel anything wrong. He covered his chest in a daze.

Only him...


when Shen mubai saw Raphael again, he was in the temple.

She lifted her foot and went in.

In front of you is the young man looking at the huge figure of the God.

Raphael did not notice that this was the first time he had ever seen the God of light in the true sense of form.

He could even imagine the girl praying and praying every day, and the attentive gaze.

Raphael didn't think there was anything remarkable about the gods. He was staring at it, and he was absent-minded.

God, too, can fall from the altar.

The thought came to mind without any sign until an angry voice sounded, "Raphael!"

It's Andrea.

Raphael turned around, a little confused for a moment.

He opened his eyes to see the silver haired girl's angry face for the first time, and his heart was slowly eroded by an unknown feeling.

Shen mubai is going to be pissed off by the bear.

No one knows more about the temple than she does.

If Raphael broke into the temple without permission, it was a great disrespect to the God of light. If the Vatican knew about it, it would be an unforgivable sin.

"This is not the place you should come." She said coldly.

Raphael stood in the same place, Andrea's eyes let him a little breathless, he did not want to see the other side angry, appeared a little helpless, "Andrea?"

Shen mubai walked over and pulled the boy out of the temple until he could not be found out. He said, "the temple is not the place you can come to. Raphael, you let me down." , the fastest update of the webnovel!