Chapter 1358: Princess Mary Su never shed tears (30)

The next day Ye Chuijin turned her head when she woke up in the morning to see if wings grew behind her.

But her back is still smooth and clean.

Ye Chuijin sighed.

Is it true that her dream failed?

How can she still dream of becoming an angel when she is a good-looking queen of the new era?

Is it really downgraded?

Ye Chuijin sighed and got up lazily from the bed.

Today is a cloudy day, the sky outside is gloomy, and there is not the slightest sunlight.

Ye Chuijin yawned and looked at the sky boredly.

After a while, Alro came in with breakfast.

Because of physique, the princess Ye Chuijin could only eat some fresh fruits and vegetables, and Alro thought of ways to collect some rare fruits and vegetables every day.

What I found today is a kind of fruit called "Snow Fruit" unique to the Heavenly God Realm.

Xueguo was white and flawless, and each was the size of a baby's fist, neatly placed on a plate.

This thing is not very easy to handle, and Alro also took a lot of thought to find it.

He put Xueguo in front of Ye Chuijin as if offering treasures. Just as he was about to introduce Xueguo to her, he saw Ye Chuijin speak clearly, "Xueguo? Have you gone to the Heavenly God Realm?"

Alro's breathing was stagnant.

His throat moved slightly, and he looked at Ye Chuijin in front of him slightly stiffly.

"How did you know?"

Ye Chuijin actually didn't remember why she knew this fruit was called Xueguo, but at a glance she seemed to recognize it unmistakably.

Hearing Alro's question at this time, Ye Chuijin thought for a while, a little unsure: "It should be what I saw in the book before."

After Alro was with her, he would find any book Ye Chuijin wanted to read for her.

Ye Chuijin thought he saw it in the book, so he didn't care too much.

It's just that after she answered this way, Arro was silent in front of her.

Ye Chuijin didn't know why he pushed him: "What's the matter?"

Alro then raised his head.

A weird smile appeared on his face: "It's okay."

After breakfast, Ye Chuijin lay in bed bored, and Alro handed over a book.

"I burned your book yesterday, and I will pay you a new one today."

Ye Chuijin took it and turned over two pages, and found that it was a romance spread by the Sea Lansi Empire.

If Ye Chuijin really wanted to watch any program, this little romance would not interest her at all.

So she turned two pages casually, put it aside, and said, "I will come back to see this. I want to read books related to the history of the Heavenly God Realm..."


Before she could finish her words, Alro denied it directly.

Ye Chuijin was startled.

Before she said she wanted to see something, Alro will find it for her soon.

But this time rejected her without hesitation...

Before Ye Chuijin could understand the meaning of it, Alro said, "There has been no major incident in the Celestial God Realm, so there are few books about the history of the Celestial God Realm."

Ye Chuijin nodded suspiciously.

Alro grinned reluctantly: "If you like to read history-related books, tomorrow I will find the history of the Hyland Empire to show you."

The smile on his face was too reluctant, Ye Chuijin became suspicious, but didn't know what happened, but finally nodded.

The two of them talked one after another, and when the night came, Ye Chuijin took the initiative to hook his neck again.

It was another spring night.
