Xi Ying is wearing a white shirt and a milk white sweater. At first glance, it feels like a couple's clothes

Xi Ying suddenly understood why she should wear a shirt in the dark night.

"Your clothes are too shabby." The dark night is like giving an explanation, "the one who goes out and throws me away."

Then he turned and went to the door.

Xi Ying followed him and explained: "but I changed that dress in chunche villa. Aren't all the clothes you prepared for me? Are you hitting yourself in the face when you say that your clothes are shabby? "

Night suddenly turned around, cold eyes staring at Xi Ying.

Xi Ying was not afraid at all, but also reached out to touch his gold rimmed glasses.

"Are you going to wear it out?" she asked with a smile? Don't say that high looks are good. No matter what kind of style, they are adaptable and good-looking. "

The night snorted, "of course."

Then they went out of the room, left the villa, got into the car prepared by the housekeeper and drove downtown.

Twenty minutes later, they came to one of the most prosperous parts of s city.

We're going to have dinner here in the dark.

This kind of thing never happens in the dark night.

Even in the most prosperous areas, every high-end restaurant has VIP seats specially prepared for dark nights.

It's definitely one of the best places in the restaurant.

Once the dark night came to s City, that seat will automatically be empty, until the end of business hours on the day will not let anyone sit past.

After getting off the bus, the housekeeper and two plainclothes bodyguards follow Xi Ying and dark night far away.

"What would you like to eat?" Walking well, I suddenly asked in the dark night, which had never talked.

"Are you hungry now? I'm not very hungry, or go shopping first. Do you care? "

Dark night did not answer, as if in silent silence irony Xi Ying, how could he matter.

They were walking in the mall.

In the dark night, I saw a shop on the right side in front of me. The clothes looked good.

He also wanted to buy clothes for Xi Ying, so he turned around and went to the women's clothing store.

Xi Ying immediately ridiculed: "Yo, I still don't forget to buy clothes for your girlfriend when you are out. It's not me that you should bring out. It's Nancy. By the way, what about the southerners? Is she missing? "

I have explained to Xi Ying before dark night that there is no relationship between him and Nanxi.

Now, the reason why Xi Ying said this is completely in the disgusting dark night.

In any case, I feel a sense of achievement and joy when I feel disgusted at night.

Before entering the women's clothing store in the dark night, the waiters standing by the door called out "Mr. good" one by one.

These shopping guides are all human beings. We can see whether the customers have this consumption power just by looking at their clothes and temperament.

Although she only wore a simple milk white sweater in the dark night, she only wore a shirt.

Neither of these clothes has a label.

But these shopping guides can still see from the dark night temperament that he is a local tyrant!

Hold on to this local tyrant, maybe they can finish their monthly achievement in a blink of an eye!

"Hello, sir. Are you choosing clothes for your girlfriend?" The shopping guide came up with an attentive smile on his face.

"No, I'm not his girlfriend." Xi Ying refused.

----Orange seventeen has something to say -

thank you for the reward, the monthly ticket and the recommended ticket.

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