I'm a normal girl. I can't resist this way of making money.

But as a model, it's not normal for me to have such a mind. Because my job is modeling, participating in variety shows is just my sideline, but during that time, I wanted to develop my sideline into my main business, that is, people often say, not doing business.

Now that I can say all of these words, it proves that I have reflected on my behavior and I know how far wrong I am. Just as it happens, last night's mistake also gave me a wake-up call. It tells me how long I haven't focused on my modeling career.

So what I want to tell you is that I will not give up my modeling career, even if I am ridiculed by the group now, even if I can't return to the runway for the time being, I believe that I will go back one day. I'll show you a different kind of Xi Ying

After Xi Ying's words came down, all the reporters present wanted to applaud her.

It is not because of the philosophy and skill of Xi Ying's words, or how precise and gorgeous the words are, but because of her sincere attitude.

Nowadays, there are almost no artists as sincere as Xi Ying.

How can you apologize to the public for your mistakes? How can you fully reflect on yourself and realize your mistakes?

They cover other people's bodies with pots.

They all have no problems. It's others who have problems.

This is not only the state of the entertainment industry, but also the state of many people.

That's why Xi Ying wants them to applaud.

There are too few humble public figures.

There are also a lot of people who pretend to be modest, but you can see from their eyes and expressions that he is disguised. He is just a play that the media reporters cooperate with him to play.

But Xi Ying's sincerity is so full that we can feel it.

"Do you have anything else to ask?" Xi Ying looked at the reporters, deepened the smile of the corner of the mouth, "if not, then I will go to exercise."

"Xi Ying, are you going to exercise again and then go to the interview for a big show? This process can be said to be very difficult. Although you used to be a model for big shows, last night's mistake has drawn a huge cross on your resume. I think you might as well enter the entertainment industry

A reporter suggested sincerely.

"No, maybe after experiencing, I will know how important things are to me that I didn't cherish before." Xi Ying smiles and shakes her head, "I think of my original heart."

"First thought?" People are confused.

What is Xi Ying's original intention?

"Well, don't forget my original intention. My original intention is to let people all over the world know that Chinese people are no worse than people from other countries. Their country can produce supermodels, so can our country."

This sentence was lightly said by Xi Ying, but it ignited the patriotic soul in most people's hearts. With deep hatred and resentment make complaints about

, though many people can't see how patriotic they are, even when what happens in the country, they are crazy about tucking up the Internet.

But at the critical moment, when the reactionary forces deliberately stir up people's hearts and discredit the country, they are the first to stand up.

This country, good or bad, can only be evaluated by me.

I can scold it, but you can't.

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