Netizens all know that the head of a satellite TV station is not the highest decision-making party. There is also a leadership class above the head.

But since the head of the station can send out these words, it proves that the top leaders of Sule satellite TV agree with him.

That proves that the leadership of Sule satellite TV is also such a group of people with anti plagiarism passion!

Such a satellite TV, with such a group of leadership and Taiwan directors, how can it be bad!

As a result, the head of the station who just wanted to show his position didn't expect that his micro blog had been forwarded millions of times, and the comments were tens of millions.

Become the first person in the history of microblog to forward and comment the most.

After this incident, Sule satellite TV gradually came into the eyes of netizens.

The head of the TV station has received many offers from TV dramas.

He took every one of them seriously.

Although many of these TV dramas are low-cost and use new people, their acting skills are online, which can make every character live and immerse him in the story.

After consulting with the senior leaders, the TV station director made a decision and asked for these TV plays.

Before the first low-cost production, no flow of actors are new, but the performance of the drama is about to start broadcasting, the director tentatively sent a micro blog to promote the TV series.

As expected, this microblog is like a stone sinking into the sea, with only a few hundred forwarding and less than 100 comments.

The reason why there are so many forwarding and comments on his previous micro blog is that what he said is aimed at plagiarized dramas, and it is easy to excite netizens.

But this is a propaganda TV play, and the role is not familiar to netizens, and even a trailer has not been put up.

Only those who support him will forward the comments.

The head of the station is not discouraged. He will do what he says next time he fails this time.

However, what he didn't expect was that after the TV series was broadcast, the audience rating exploded! Good reviews continue!

The supporting roles of male and female stars in TV series are popular!

Sule satellite TV's search rate leapt up, becoming the highest among all satellite TV!

It turns out that many people who pay close attention to the head of the TV station have not forwarded or commented on it, but they are still quietly watching the TV series bought by the TV station director.

Did not expect such a look, was deeply attracted, completely unable to extricate themselves.

I like it and recommend it to the people around me.

Good works are handed down from mouth to mouth.

The big touch on the Internet began to draw pictures of the same people for TV dramas, write and write with humanity, edit big hands to make trailers

Since then, Sule satellite TV's high heat has never come down.

Because the head of the station bought several TV series like this at one go, not to mention the continuous stream of excellent works to recommend themselves.

After the new actors and actresses became popular, they all regarded Sule satellite TV as their "mother's home" and the station director as their "mother's family".

They will never forget that it was the head of the TV station and Su Le satellite TV that gave them a chance to make a start.

As a result, when they attend activities or fans' meetings, they will mention Sule satellite TV at the right time.

They are popular, and they want to use this way to help Su Le satellite TV rise.

Because of their good acting skills and good looks, these new generation actors are naturally favored by various directors.

They in the entertainment industry this road, with their own strength, the farther they go, the higher they climb. , the fastest update of the webnovel!