That night, another group of bandits had a fierce conflict with the group of bandits where he was. He made a move at that time.

Later, he became the leader of the mountain for no reason Six masters.

It's also a leisurely job to be in charge of the family. He doesn't have to worry about things on the mountain. The food is OK. Of course, it's not as good as the food around general Ruo.

If the general doesn't need money, he will spend a lot.

Of course, he doesn't have a high demand for food. It's enough to satisfy his hunger. Moreover, the information in this village is very well-informed.

For example, if the general ascends the throne.

In recent months, Li Jin'an has adapted to the life here.

He sat on the big bed for a long time, then he regained his mind, looked at the sky outside the window, and put out the candle in the room.

It's already dark.

Li Jin'an hung his clothes aside and lay down to have a rest.

It's a dream.

"The great prince is dead. What else can you do now to negotiate with me?" General Ruo in yellow robe is very happy.

He stood in silence.

It seems that he really has no value, only this face can hold hands, and his physical strength is also good, but it's a pity that he is a man, and he can't open branches and scatter leaves, can't he?

The pressure is like the tide, coming from all directions, like drowning in the deep sea.

"Hoo -"

Li Jin'an on the bed suddenly sat up from his dream and gasped. He wiped the thin cold sweat on his forehead and held the quilt in a daze.

He always had some strange dreams. The scenes changed all the time. The only constant thing was that general Ruo was around two women.

Because it's a dream, he can't see those women's facial features clearly.

Li Jin'an forced himself to throw these memories out of his mind.

Forget it, everything is over. His later life has nothing to do with the supreme ninth five year plan.

It's late now.

After a while, it's time for the insects to attack.

However, in three months, his attack time went from tea time to more than half an hour. Under his skin, those long and thin insects were much stronger.

Now it's as thick as red beans, and it hurts more every time.

According to this trend, I'm afraid he will be free within half a year.

More than half an hour passed.

Li Jin gets wet and gets up from the big bed. Numbly, he changes into clean clothes and has breakfast.

It's time for the bandits in the stockade to have breakfast.

The crowd gathered around and talked and laughed.

It is clear that he and these people are sitting on the same table, but it seems that there is an invisible lid, which divides him and these people into two worlds.

"Oh, did you hear that? Yesterday, when the emperor and his ministers went to the hunting ground, they met assassins!

The assassin hid in the dark and shot several arrows at the emperor's back heart! Emperor, if you don't defend for a moment, you will be shot directly!

The arrow was also smeared with poison. Now, I guess it won't work. I'm hanging a breath. "

There was a little bandit who was talking and gesticulating. He looked like he had witnessed the assassination with his own eyes.

Li Jin'an's hand with chopsticks stopped.

After listening carefully to the little bandit's words, he gave a faint smile and didn't take it seriously.

This kind of thing is absolutely confidential.