As soon as I opened the door, I could smell the sweet smell of fermented grain in the air.

Hua light snow curiously looking for taste son to go to the kitchen, see he aunt is busy inside. On the chopping board with a layer of white flour, there are big white steamed buns one after another.

When Aunt he saw her come in, she took a steamed bun and stuffed it to her, "wake up? Here, take it

The steamed bread was very hot, but it was still hot in my hand. Hua Qingxue blew it and said, "it's delicious."

And white, soft, round, looking at the super appetite.

Hua Qingxue didn't mention it, so she took a bite at the moment - soft and vigorous. After chewing, the rice flour fermented the sweet taste of maltose. It was delicious!

Perhaps it is empty stomach, the first white steamed bread in the morning, actually let Hua Qingxue eat out the feeling of delicacy.

"Auntie, this steamed bread is really delicious." Hua Qingxue praised with sincerity.

Aunt he laughed, "there will be steamed stuffed buns later."

When she finished, she went to uncover the steamer on the stove. The white steam was noisy, and there were really big white buns inside.

Hua Qingxue opened her eyes and marveled. She couldn't help asking, "Auntie, are you going to take it out to sell?"

"Yes, I have an breakfast stand on Fuxing street to earn some money." Aunt he quickly put the steamed bread buns into bamboo baskets covered with clean cotton cloth and wrapped them with thick cotton pads. The top layer was covered with a thick layer of large cotton pads.

Hua Qingxue saw that she was going to lift the bamboo basket and said in a hurry, "Auntie, I'll help you."

They carried the bamboo basket full of steamed buns out of the kitchen and put them on the two wheeled carts in the courtyard. They carried two baskets altogether.

At this time, the sky was still dim, aunt he took the scooter out to set up a stall.

Hua Qingxue stands at the gate of the courtyard and yawns. She closes the gate and returns to her room.

Seeing aunt he go out to set up a stall, she can't help thinking about how to make a living in the future.

In fact, there are many methods in her head, but most of them are restricted by raw materials and can not be made


Hua Qingxue remembered!

When she was in Renqiu before, she wanted to make money by cooking tea. Later, she had to give up because there was no sugar and cooking pot at home. Now she can give it a try!

The most important thing is that the cost is very low. Even if it can't be sold in the end, it won't lose too much.

Hua Qingxue thinks more and more excited, and her mind flies over the tea recipe. She decides to make four kinds of tea, namely chrysanthemum Sydney tea, red dates, wolfberry and ginger tea, plum green tea and wax gourd tea.

The ingredients of these tea drinks are quite common, and the taste is very good.

In fact, Hua Qingxue thinks that it is the best to drink honey and grapefruit tea this season. However, pomelo and honey are luxury goods for ordinary people, and the price is relatively high. If you make tea, the cost will be too high.

People can spend one Wen on drinking a bowl of tea to quench their thirst, but two Wen or three Wen is not necessarily because people will think that they can eat a bowl of wonton for three Wen, and only drinking tea is too expensive.

Hua Qingxue thinks carefully about her house. She remembers the lack of tools and materials for home use and tea making, and decides to go out and purchase.

As the day dawned, shops on both sides of the street opened one after another.

While walking, Hua Qingxue pays attention to what the shops on both sides sell and what the pedestrians on the road are buying.

Although she already knew that this was the state of Qi, it felt like the Song Dynasty in ancient China, whether it was the dress of pedestrians on the street, the style of architectural furniture and the production technology of small commodities.

For example, the production technology of sucrose in the Song Dynasty was very close to the modern sugar making technology. The sugar made from Western sugarcane was not pure white and slightly light colored, so the price was not high. Duroc is sweet and thick. The sugar used to make it is snow white and like frost and snow, and its price is the highest.

Hua Qingxue thinks that this place should be separated from history, similar to another world in Ancient Song Dynasty.

The Song Dynasty is good. The Song Dynasty is the one with the most prosperous economy, the most developed science and technology, the most prosperous culture, the highest art and the richest people's living standard among all the dynasties.

The most important thing is that this dynasty has the most inventions, so it is very suitable for Hua Qingxue to settle down here.

Hua Qingxue is slowly picking and choosing in the street.

Dried chrysanthemum, ginger and wolfberry are all very common and can be sold in pharmacies. Hua light snow just started to do, not ready to buy too much, so each kind only buy a little bit, did not spend much money.

I just had a problem buying plums.

Plum green tea taste good or bad, plum is the key, must choose the kind of salty enough sour plum, the tea out of the taste.

However, Hua Qingxue has been wandering around for a long time, but she hasn't bought a suitable plum blossom. In other words, the preserved plum in this era, the curing method and the taste are different from her cognition.

Plum green tea can't be made.

Hua Qingxue can't help but be disappointed. She is thinking about whether there is any other tea to replace her. She glances at the shop selling rice grain in front of her and moves out a lot of corn!Corn?!

Is it really corn?!

Hua Qingxue is shocked!

Isn't corn supposed to be available in the Ming Dynasty Ah! Forget again, this is not the history in her cognition!

Hua Qingxue curiously went to inquire. She mainly wanted to know whether the corn was local or imported from other places?

At present, there are not many people shopping, and the bartender is happy to chat with her.

Originally, the corn here is not called corn, but called Yumai. Merchants brought it back from overseas to present it to the emperor as a rare thing. When the emperor saw it, the emperor was very happy, and immediately asked the grand Secretary of Hubu to promote this kind of crop.

However, it seems that this promotion has just started for a few years, and there are not too many people planting it. People are gradually getting familiar with this new crop. Although it is known that the fresh corn is sweet and tender after cooking, the sun dried corn is not very popular because it tastes rough after grinding.

Hua light snow asked the price, found very cheap, then happy to buy two or three.

Hua Qingxue, who has been shopping for so much, returns to her residence with satisfaction. It is almost noon and she is hungry. But there is nothing to eat at home. She just remembered that she had been shopping for tea materials, but she had forgotten the rice, oil and salt used by the buyer.

Alas What a mess

Just preparing to go out the door again, I lifted my eyes and saw aunt he came back with the carriage.

Hua Qingxue's eyes lit up and asked, "Auntie, do you have any steamed buns left over? Can you sell me? "

Aunt he was stunned first, then laughed, "didn't you eat?"

Hua light snow shy smile, "well, not enough to do."

Aunt he turned around and took out two or three steamed buns from the basket and stuffed them into Hua Qingxue's hands. "The steamed stuffed buns are sold out. Take these and eat them."

Hua Qingxue quickly paid for the money, aunt he was naturally not willing to, two people and back and forth refused, he aunt just reluctantly accepted the money.

Aunt he went into the house and put away the bamboo baskets and mattresses. Hua Qingxue was eating steamed bread and following her like an asshole. She asked, "Auntie, I'm going to set up a stall in the street to sell tea. Do you have any good suggestions?"

Auntie he looked back at her with some hesitation, "you little girl, go out and set up a stall I'm afraid we'll lose. "

In particular, Hua Qingxue is still soft and weak. It would be bad to meet a local ruffian?

Hua Qingxue opened her eyes and asked, "is there any danger? But I was on the street just now. It's very good to watch the public order... "

Aunt he thought for a moment and said to her, "why don't you go to Dongzheng street and have a try. The stalls over there are delineated by the Yamen. As long as you pay the money, no one will occupy the place. Moreover, there are servants who patrol the street from time to time. The public order is very good."

Hua Qingxue asked, "how much should I pay?"

"I remember as if Fifty Wen a month. " Auntie he thought for a moment and told her seriously, "it's a small matter to spend some money. The most important thing is safety. You're a little girl. Unlike us, you'd better be careful."

Hua Qingxue nodded repeatedly.

Aunt he reminded her: "but if you want to rent a stall, you have to go to the Yamen first. If you want to rent a stall, you have to go to the Yamen first. If you want to rent it, you have to go as soon as possible."

So much trouble

Hua light snow in mind, and with aunt he thanks, carrying the remaining steamed bread back to the house.

In the afternoon, Hua Qingxue went out with her household registration certificate and silver.

However, she was not going to yamen, but to the general's office.

To tell you the truth, as a woman, she is really afraid to go to a place like Yamen. It was probably because the shadow was too deep in liaobing last time

Since moustache has said that you can go to the general's house to find a housekeeper if you have anything to do, of course, this kind of relationship can't be wasted.

Hua Qingxue followed the route given by the soldiers last time, and walked and found the general's house in the rumor as expected.

High walls and green tiles, red lacquer gate, just above the majestic hang the plaque of "the general's Mansion", and on both sides of the gate stand two majestic lions.

Hua light snow has not yet had time to be excited, the guard of the gate waved to her in disgust, "go to the side door."

What side door?

Hua light snow Leng Leng Leng, immediately thought, seems to be like this, some of the ancient elite, the main door is rarely used in weekdays, in and out are to go to other doors.

But Where is the side gate of the general's residence?

Hua Qingxue takes a disappointed glance at the two guards at the gate. Judging from the disdain and disdain in each other's eyes, she can't expect anyone to lead the way. Find it by yourself

Hua Qingxue walked slowly along the outer wall of the general's mansion. After a long walk, she finally found the side door!

It's a side door, but it's a circle bigger than the gate of ordinary people.

Hua Qingxue came forward and patted the door. Soon someone opened the door. He was a young servant. It seemed that he was just taking a nap. At the moment, he was holding half the door with one hand and yawning.

Hua Qingxue said quickly, "Hello, is housekeeper Zhao there?"The other side frowned and swept her from head to toe, and asked, "what can I do for you? Who is it in his family? "

Hua Qingxue replied cautiously: "it's not the family of housekeeper Zhao, but I want to ask housekeeper Zhao for help..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted impatiently by the other side: "housekeeper Zhao, can you see what you want to see?"?! Go, go! Stay away from me! If you don't look at where it is, you dare to climb up the relationship with others! "

Then he slammed the door! , the fastest update of the webnovel!