Chapter 299: She hid him here!?

This afternoon, as usual she made an excuse saying she wanted to take a nap and didn't want people near her. Thus, out went Aunt Hu, Yoona and Yu Yan and in came the last stack of the letters.

From what Senja had read so far, she could gather information about the person Senja had hid.

His name was Gong Xu and it seemed this Gong Xu guy was the one who had saved her when Carye had tried to sell Senja off in the black market five years ago.

Senja knew about this from Elder Dam. If it wasn't for Senja's father that took Carye's side at that time, that woman and her daughters would have seen the last of their days in the Black Sword Clan Mansion by now.

All the while a few questions kept nagging at Senja: Where had she hid the man? If it wasn't inside her room, then where?

Then there was Senja's father. Even though Senja was his own daughter, his infatuation towards Carye had apparently turned him blind. Xiao Tianyao had cautioned her about him as well. All in all, Senja's father wasn't the right person to take refuge with. Her grandfather was the only one that she could rely on.

Senja couldn't imagine how Elder Dam's granddaughter had lived in this atrocious environment, add to it the fact that Elder Dam was away from home because he was still active in the military then. No wonder, the former Senja had disappeared. Senja had a gut feeling that the girl must have run away.

**Who could live with people as vicious as them? If I were Senja, I would have run away as well! ** Senja was pouting in annoyance as she read the last four papers. "How shortsighted of Elder Dam to leave his granddaughter with them? Couldn't he see that they would bury his dearest granddaughter alive?!" Senja mumbled about her grandfather's lapse of insight.

It had been a while of reading now and Senja stretched. By now, she had pretty much gotten the big picture through the other Senja's perspective when she glanced at the letters that she had yet to read scattered on the floor.

On one of the sheets, she saw something that answered her question.

(They think I like reading, so they don't object if I spend the whole day inside the library.)

That's right, the library was the one place that she had never visited before. **It was in the library then? She hid the man inside the library?! **

Senja abruptly stood up and tidied up all the scattered papers and hid it in its original place. She ran out of her room soon after.

"Young Miss Senja, your grandfather is waiting for you for lunch." Yu Yan stopped Senja in her tracks.

Senja was in high spirits to find the place the former Senja had hid the man, so she didn't feel hungry for now. "Tell grandfather that I have to finish reading something right away. So, I will see him at dinner." She sprinted as soon as she finished, in the direction of the library.

Once she reached the library, she slammed the door shut.

Senja had never visited this library before. This place was a big room that her grandfather had built for the other Senja because she really liked to read. Senja had heard about this library, but the thought to visit had never crossed in her mind.

Now, inside the room she could feel the coldness of this building and the loneliness that the former Senja felt. Indeed, it was like a prison to her.

Senja thought back to one of the letters that had mentioned how Rindy had trapped her inside the library after she had poured cold water on her and had locked her here for the whole night. Senja contracted fever the following day.

Resentment rose up in Senja's heart. She would ensure Senja's stepfamily gets its due!

**"Now, it's time for the real deal!" **

Senja stretched her body and walked around the whole room as she searched every corner of the bookshelves carefully.