Chapter 182: Bring me with you

Senja beamed at Xiao Tianyao when she told him about the news. "Yesterday, when I ate at a stall near a brothel…" Senja not yet finished her sentences when Xiao Tianyao cut her off icily.

"Where did you eat?"

"A stall near a brothel." Senja replied innocently.

"What were you doing near a brothel?"

"Eating." Senja grew puzzled.

Xiao Tianyao kneaded his forehead, but didn't pursue the matter further, "Next time find a decent place to eat." After this, he would order Yang Yu to train again the shadow guards who guarded her. Their training has definitely declined lately.

"Oke," Senja agreed without a second thought as she hastily continued her report, "… There, at the stalls I saw Leader Mo with a prostitute, but the most shocking thing is Hu Feng had seen him when he was brought to an old house by Bian."

"Who is Bian?"

"The person who had brought Hu Feng after I saved him?"

"Mm." Xiao Tianyao remembered the person, but of course he didn't know his name, "Is he sure, that was Leader Mo who he had seen?"

Senja nodded firmly. She had confirmed it before, "Apparently, Leader Mo made a little commotion with his presence. That was why Hu Feng remembered him."

Then, Senja told him about what Yoda have got when she sent him there and added, "Right at that time, when Yoda gave me his report, Sana approached me," She said sullenly, "See? It wasn't me who look for trouble." She puffed her cheek and folded her arms.

Xiao Tianyao glanced at her with smile on his eyes, "Alright."

"So, what is your plan?" After her sullen expression, her face turned into eagerness in a split of second, "You will ask someone to investigate it further, right?"

"No," He said, "I will go."

"You will go?" Senja was surprised by his decision.

"Yes, any problem?"

"Bring me!" Senja beamed with a dazzling smile.

Xiao Tianyao's expression darkened and he sighed out of his frustration, "No."


"Because I object."


Xiao Tianyao looked annoyed with her questions. What is this girl thinking? She hasn't yet reached 17 years old which was a mature age in this era. Leaving that behind, she was a girl from respectable clan, but not ashamed to show her eagerness to go to brothel, regardless of the reasons.

Too lazy to answer her, he walked away to the door.

"Where are you going? You haven't answered me." Senja hurriedly followed him, "No, don't go through the door!" Senja pulled his hand. If someone saw him walked out from her room, it would be meddlesome to answer their questions. Xiao Tianyao and she shouldn't have any relationship that could allow him to enter her room.

But, Xiao Tianyao easily freed his hand from Senja and opened the door, leaving the stunned Senja behind.

After a shocking moment passed and Xiao Tianyao already out of her sight, Senja shrugged her shoulder. She forgot, if Uncle Su, the crazy guy had sneaked in by knocking out the guard, and she had sneaked in by depending on her ability, then Xiao Tianyao didn't need any of those.

He held the highest position. All the Shadow Guards and the soldiers were under his authority. In spite of the originals of the Shadow Guards belong to Black Sword Clan, however Xiao Tianyao was the chief in charge when they were outside the Black Sword Clan's training ground. Who would be so daring to tattle on him?

Moreover, it was only her room along this alleyway while the others were in the opposite direction. So the possibility for him accidentally passed someone was quite low.