Chapter 130: Extra Dungeon Mission

Chapter 130: Extra Dungeon Mission

The purple ball moved faster than their eyes could make out. The only image that was visible was a purple streak, then, an enormous explosion rocked the earth.

It was payback from the attack of the summoned golem, and it was returned three-fold. Hundreds of soldiers were obliterated from the surging purple explosion, but it didn’t stop there. The explosion was like a sphere, almost like Astrid’s barrier, but when it started shrinking, it sucked in the warriors that had managed to survive the initial blast.

Just like her dark matter [Crash] it pulled them all in and the power of the void began eating, and breaking their flesh into mangled scrap.

Sweat dripped from Astrid’s forehead. A path was forged.

“Charge!” Astrid yelled, alongside the fervent screams of the psycho’s.

After using the dark matter explosion, her mana was almost entirely drained. Drinking a mana potion, she instead connected to the matter in her body and strengthened her physical attributes. The more she used her Omni-Kinesis, the easier it became to improve her strength. Not only that, she was thinking of new ways it could be used.

If regular matter could strengthen her physical state, and dark matter consisted of energy, then the thought of increasing her magic power with it entered her mind. But, it was something that would have to be tested within her Mind Domain when she had time.

However, right now there were enemies to slaughter.

Astrid pulled out her Voidbent long-sword and charged straight for the survivors. To improve the momentum of her swing, she controlled a small amount of mana and used [Crash] just behind her blade. The miniature explosion caused her swing to blast into a nearby draider. It cleaved him in two without him able to put up any resistance.

Stomping the ground, Astrid blasted forward and ducked under an incoming spear. Her leg snapped forward like a whip as the driader’s leg cracked backward in half. His body was falling to the ground, but Astrid didn’t even let it hit the jungle floor as his head was separated from his body.

Something streaked toward her body, it first slowed, then crashed into her Mind Barrier. The impact caused it to shake slightly, but it wasn’t enough to crack it. It was a purple missile, the remnants of the magic caused her to glare at the mage in the distance.

With a devious grin, Astrid connected to the sword in her hand and sent it hurtling through the air. Since it was a heavier weapon compared to her knives or needles, it was less agile. But it didn’t matter in this instance.

Astrid felt the mana surrounding the driader mage surge as it was getting ready to use a defensive magic, but she wouldn’t allow it.

With the extra Wisdom that she had gained, her range had increased by quite a lot. She connected to the matter behind the hilt of the blade and used a lot more mana this time. A loud explosion sent the nearby warriors, psycho's included, backwards as the sword tore through the air. A wet thud was heard as the hilt of the blade was stopped from the mage’s rib cage.

The impact impaled the mage into a nearby tree. Astrid was about to will the sword back to her when a driader warrior charged straight at her with a hulking axe in hand.

He was clad in heavy armour that resembled tree bark, she had seen a few of them on the battlefield so it seemed like their armour was difficult to obtain. Or maybe it held cultural value, whatever it was, she just wanted to kill him.

She could hear the air swish at his movements, her blood boiled in anticipation of a good fight.

Level ??? – Driader Knight

Astrid raised two of her Mind Barrier’s at the incoming knight. His large axe swung in a wide arc and cleaved straight for her translucent shield.

She could have easily dodged, or [Crashed] her mind into the man, or even wrestled him to the ground, but Astrid was curious if her barrier could hold up from the impact of a Level one-hundred plus genetically advanced warrior.

No birds, no other monsters to her knowledge–nothing. That usually only meant one thing. There was a predator in the vicinity.

Astrid, with her increased Wisdom, used Psych Domain in an attempt to spot anything out of the ordinary. First she checked behind the trees for any strange lumps or bumps, not seeing anything, she turned her vision down underground.

But once more, there were no beating red hearts, nor was there any sign of blue that indicated a mana container.

Is it my imagination? Astrid thought.

None of the other psycho’s seemed to realise what was going on, but Astrid had experienced ambushes far too often to simply lower her guard.

Stopping by an incredibly thick tree that was very small in height compared to the others. Astrid raised her hand, forcing the psycho’s to stop. She had to figure out why it was so quiet, moving simply made everything more difficult. Besides, the more they moved, the more likely they were to fall into a trap.

Astrid created multiple clones of herself as the psycho’s eyes widened in shock.

They didn’t know what to do with themselves as they gazed from one body to the other. Astrid had to stop them from falling to their knees in worship.

Grunting, she cast her Voidbent string along the tree line and encased her army with it. Then, Astrid formed multiple barriers around herself, and the psycho’s.

A Psycho looked from one image of Astrid, to another and screamed. “Pull out my eye–”

Astrid waved her hand as the warrior shut up. He slouched his shoulders back in fear of losing the Eye Queen's favour, lest he wouldn’t receive his dose of Eyeball-Pulling.

With the world finally quiet, she gazed into the deep, dark depths of the jungle from one side–to the other.

Is it really just my imagination playing tricks on me? Astrid sighed.

Shaking her head, she was about to order a command to continue, but the hulking tree that was as wide as a building, creaked.

Astrid twitched her shoulders as the ground under her trembled. Before she could react, the ground was torn asunder, tens of her psycho warriors were swallowed whole by the splitting earth. The shouts, and screams were cut short as they vanished underground.

Extra dungeon mission acquired.

The Kings War: The monster Kings are taking part in the War of Evolution for a chance of rebirth. Defeat all four of the kings.

Reward: Epic grade weapon relating to your Class.

Astrid ignored the System words and bolted away, only for the ground to open once more. She attempted to fly up, yet an incredible strength was pulling her down towards the black abyss.

She used every technique at her disposal, yet it was as if she was destined to fall within the ground. Despite her intense struggle, Astrid disappeared within the earth.