Chapter 121: Overload: Obsession 2/4

Chapter 121: Overload: Obsession 2/4

Astrid dodged a sudden attack from a leaping Femora. As the monster missed its intended target, the golden haired young woman ripped out its eyes from its skull.

With a shower of blood, she shot through the air and hurtled toward her next target.

Four hours had passed already, and she had massacred around fifty, but Astrid was sure it was more than that. She just stopped counting after a while.

Surprisingly, they were the only monsters in the area. The dense jungle made it their perfect hunting ground, so she guessed that this was their domain. Their sense of companionship was also something she had to applaud, once she killed one–they all chased her as if they had injected drugs into their veins.

Well, it made her life a lot easier as the experience she was gaining was rapid. She had already gained two levels from the slaughter, but there was still no sight of her friends.

This dungeon was obviously a lot bigger than she had originally thought.

Stopping for a moment, she encased the tree in hard metal, then took a breather as she gazed at the System messages.

You have defeated - Strengthened Femora - level 98

You have defeated - Strengthened Femora - level 105

You have defeated - Strengthened Femora - level 112


You have levelled up!

Psychokinetic level 90 -> Psychokinetic level 91

Voidmare level 90 -> Voidmare level 91

Gained 10 stat points.

You now have 234 wisdom.

Skill level up!

Void Graviton level 3 -> Void Graviton level 4

Eye of the Void level 3 -> Eye of the Void level 4

Void Storage level 2 -> Void Storage level 3

[ Stage 2 ] Major Image level 15 -> Major Image level 16

[ Stage 2 ] Mind domination level 15 -> Mind Domination level 16

[ Stage 2 ] Weightless Levitation level 13 -> Weightless Levitation level 14

[ Stage 2 ] Mind Armour level 17 -> Mind Armour level 18

[ Stage 3 ] Mind Barrier level 1 -> Mind Barrier level 2

[ Stage 2 ] Crash level 19 -> Crash level 20 [ Max ]

[ Stage 2 ] Psych Warp level 10 -> Psych Warp level 11

[ Stage 2 ] Psych Domain level 14 -> Psych Domain level 15

Glancing at the missing tree, an idea formed within her mind–a plan.

Creating more illusions, and multiple layers of Mind Barrier, Astrid started [Crashing] the matter just behind the femora. She focused on destroying the trees.

The monster would attempt to gain power in its leg every time, but Astrid’s range and power meant that it didn't have time to use its advantageous surroundings. But that wasn’t all. Every time the monster landed, it lost a tree.

Soon, most of the trees in the area were wiped out from Astrid’s psychic attacks.

Astrid grinned as the monster looked around, only for a [Crash] to rock its body. It was sent tumbling. Blood seeped from the cracks in its durable exoskeleton. It bore its fangs. It was then that Astrid felt a power well up inside the monster. It was mana, but it was unusual.

It was difficult to describe, but it felt almost... primal in nature. Uncontrolled. Beastly. Whatever it was, it felt dangerous.

She heard a crunching noise from the beast's legs as it crouched into a squatting position.

Astrid immediately connected to the matter within the air, but the femora cocked its legs instantly, then leapt forward.

Her eyes widened at the speed. The femora was but a blur within her vision as it streaked toward her illusion, severing it in two with its deadly scythe arms as it passed by.

It had obviously already calculated its trajectory as it was heading for another tree in the distance. Astrid attempted to connect to the tree, but it was just barely out of range.

Does it know my range? Astrid had a sinking feeling as it took only a couple seconds for the femora to load up its spring-like legs once more and sprung toward her like a bullet.

Once again, it tore through another one of her illusions with one swipe and landed just out of range of her attacks.

It leapt at her again. But Astrid refused to stay still, she surged the matter within her body and dodged to the side.

As the femora was going to pass by, its mana suddenly surged. It twisted its body in mid-air. Then, it created a translucent barrier around its foot, and cocked its leg in one swift motion.

Astrid could hear the crack as it smashed the barrier and hurtled toward her. She instinctively raised her arms as she had no time to dodge.

The monster’s scythe cleaved through all her barriers, its attack slowed, but it wasn’t enough. The blade met her Mind Armour as the attack was slowed even further, then it sliced through her flesh like cutting through butter.

Astrid felt no pain, only a hotness from the blood spilling onto her skin, and clothes.

As the scythe struck her Voidbent metal forged bones, purple, and orange sparks flew in the air from the impact. With the monster stopped, Astrid wouldn’t let the opportunity go to waste.

Ignoring the pain, she amassed the matter within the air around its legs and [Crashed] it. With a devastating explosion, Astrid, and the monster were flung into the distance.

Without looking, her mana reconnected into the needles that she had left lying within the jungle leaves. She fired them into the femora’s body as it screeched in pain.

Astrid controlled the matter within her body and immediately destroyed the surrounding trees. [Crash] after [Crash].

The monster stood panting. Blood seeped from its face, and the cracks within its exoskeleton. It must have suffered quite a lot of damage from destroying all three of her Mind Barriers. Then there were the impacts from the multiple [Crashes], and the needles that were still embedded in its flesh.

It let out a primal screech and leapt straight for her.

Astrid grinned as the needles within its body returned within her range of control. With a twitch of her mind, the needles pierced its heart all at once.

Stepping to the side, the monster slammed into the ground and left a trail in its wake as it passed by Astrid.

Walking up to the monster, she pulled out its eyes and happiness welled up within her when her bonus attack activated from the ring. With a pop, it’s skull opened up

Get somewhere safe, then open the System messages. Astrid reminded herself.

Pain wrecked her body and mind. Blood dripped down as she finally spared the energy to stop the stream of red. Despite her wounds throbbing, the euphoric sensation of winning a hard fought battle filled her with excitement.

You have defeated - Femora Prince - level 128

That means, it’s not the strongest femora within this area. Astrid rubbed her hands in anticipation.

But first, some levelling was in order. A lot of it.