Chapter 59: A Dream and Rebuilding

Chapter 59: A Dream and Rebuilding

Leena dashed after a tiny girl. Her long golden hair bounced around like a golden mane. The little girl was wearing a basic Wayfarer’s outfit of a military styled jacket and a pair of bunched up trousers, clearly too big for her stumpy limbs.

She was running within a grand hallway that put the Sinwen residence to shame. Royal red carpets line the hall, and sparkling chandeliers shone from above. Unlike the Sinwen’s, which were dull and cracking.

“Astrid, wait up!” Leena shouted after the young girl. nove(l)bi(n.)com

Her eyes widened as Astrid halted to an abrupt stop. A group of children stood in Astrid’s way. They held expressions filled with friendliness, but Leena had personally witnessed how cruel the children of nobility could be. When she was younger, she had experienced bullies from the Lower District, but where they resorted to physical violence, the noble caste relied on emotional torment. Rumours, and as a result–segregation.

“Florrie, get out of my way!” Astrid stomped her foot against the marbled floor.

“Why are you being mean to me in my own home?” Florrie crossed her arms in arrogance. “This isn’t like your lame house filled with emotionless men in armour!”

A red tint emerged from her puffed-out cheeks, her hands trembled. “You–” She took a miniature step forward before holding herself back.

“Look at this,” Florrie pinched a glittering necklace from around her neck and pulled it taut in display, “Not you, your cousins, or even brothers get given gifts like these. My mother said it’s made from the pearls of the Leviathan.” She raised her head, yet Astrid still didn’t react.

“Your house is cracked and used. Unlike this, look at the walls and beautiful pictures.” Florrie pointed her little finger at the grand paintings and etchings on the walls.

“Astrid...” Leena grabbed hold of her lady’s hand.

Florrie glanced at Leena. “And how dare you bring a stinky slave from the Lower District here? She doesn’t even know her manners in front of a noble–”

Astrid screamed and launched herself at Florrie. The forward momentum sent them both crashing to the floor. Astrid didn’t wait as she slung her fist to Florrie’s face. With a thud, a sharp cry left the little girl’s mouth.

Astrid scrambled to her feet as she realised what she had done. Tears welled up in her eyes. “Ar–are we still friends?” She mumbled.

“Friends?! Who would want to be your friend, you devil!” Florrie wailed as the others sent verbal abuse toward Astrid. “You hit me!”

“Little demon!”


“I’m going to tell everyone that you’re crazy and attacked all of us!”

The shouts continued. The golden-haired girl could no longer take it as she ran away. Leena broke out into tears as she chased after her. They sprinted out of Florrie’s family manor and a few minutes later; they were wandering around a pond.

“Astr–my lady...” Leena wiped her face with her sleeve. “Be–because of me, you lost your friends.”

“Who needs them anyway?” A tear fell down Astrid’s cheek as she violently wiped it away. Her gaze fell onto Leena with worry. “Will you be my friend forever?”

“Forever and ever.” Leena held onto Astrid’s hand as the little girls broke out in a cry that startled the birds lazing within the tree’s.

“Hey Astrid, what are you doing here?” Garret swept a mound of dirt out of his broken shop.

“Thought I’d lend a hand." Astrid said. "Well, more like I'll lend my mind.”

“Are you sure?" Garret chuckled. "Don’t you have anything else to do other than help out an old man?”

“Not until I get a letter through my door telling me otherwise,” Astrid said. “I’m on call.”

“Ah, the life of a Wayfarer,” Garret continued. “I hope your new team is treating you well.”

“They are.” Astrid smiled.

“Well, if they’re ever mean to you, show them in my direction.” Garret thrust his fist forward. “I may be a baker, but these arms have kneaded dough in the tens of thousands!”

“I’ll make sure to tell them,” Astrid smiled. “Now I’ll get to work.”

Astrid moved the debris from inside the shop and shoved it outside. She controlled the dust within the air and corralled it outward by making a box out of matter. It was surprisingly fun. Connecting to so many things at once reminded her of controlling her blades. Especially with trying to figure out ways on how to better move the dust within the air.

Ha, mother would be ecstatic. Astrid chuckled as she imagined what it would be like if her mother had her abilities.

Just as Astrid had finished cleaning the inside of the shop and was going to move on to the next building, she noticed the bricklayers giving her glances now and then. One of them slapped the youngest on the chest as he opened his mouth to talk.

“Sorry, could you please give us a hand?” The man said. “I just noticed you helping... and th–thought you could–never mind.” He shuddered his head.

He fancies me? Astrid thought.

“Of course I will.” Astrid smiled. “You need me to raise the bricks?”

The man’s eyes lit up. “Are you sure? That would be a lifesaver!”

Astrid got to work once more and lifted the bricks for them to stick it together with mortar. With them not having to haul bricks up ladders all the time, the job was quick to get done. Astrid was pleased to smell a fresh smell of baked goods waft through the stench of dust and stone.

Garret walked out with a tray full of golden brown pastries. Astrid and Leena salivated as their eyes were glued to the tray.

“Here everyone, have a break and get something to eat.” Garret placed the tray in front of them.

Astrid immediately pinched hold of a croissant and, without waiting, bit into the flaky, buttery goodness. The sweetness of salted butter tickled her taste buds.

“Mmm, so good.” Astrid tapped her foot on the ground. “Thanks Garrett!”

“No. Thank you.” Garret chuckled. “You saved us a lot of time.”

In a few bites, the pastry was gone, and she replaced it with another. That was the best thing about constitution points. No matter how much she ate, she wouldn’t get fat! Although... she wondered if there was a limit.