Chapter 21: Water and breath.

Chapter 21: Water and breath.

"Couldn't you at least leave the base of the poor dummy?" The major shook his head at the display of power.Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

"My mother always told me if I'm to do something, do it properly." Astrid said.

“That’s some fine advice.” Jacob said. "Alright, now I've got your power levels, we'll start with the fun part. Survival training. First up, swimming."

The major ushered them into a separate room. Astrid stepped foot into the new room and was hit with a pungent, irritating smell. Behind a large pair of glass doors shimmered a crystal-clear pool. I was expecting to be swimming in the ocean or something.

“The most common way of reaching the Forgotten Cities is by swimming with breathing apparatus. Therefore, Wayfarers need to be excellent swimmers.” Jacob said. “Can everyone swim?”

Everyone nodded.

“Alright, pick a room and get changed into the provided uniform.”

Nodding, Astrid rushed into the changing room. They hung a uniform up on a peg. With her mind, she lifted it. The weight of the clothing was surprising, as she could feel it tugging at her mind.

What the hell is it made of? Stripping off her clothes, she changed into the swimwear provided, then clambered into the heavy uniform. The material was thick, clearly made for a harsh winter day.

I’m getting a bad feeling. Shaking her head, she scrambled out of the changing room and rushed to the side of the pool. Her eyes lay on Gloria as she looked back at Astrid, with a victorious glint in her eyes.

Childish. Astrid scowled back.

Gloria being first, and Astrid second, it took only a few more minutes before the other examinees joined them.

“Alright, now jump.” Jacob guided his hand to the water.

Astrid looked around. Soldiers were already in the pool wearing lightweight swim wear.

Gloria and the other non strength users looked hesitant. However, a boy from the Lower District walked forward. Dense muscle visible even through the thick uniform. He was about to step forward into the pool when Astrid took over him and leapt in.

Oh shit, it’s freezing! I thought it was a heat treated pool, dammit! Astrid’s teeth immediately started chattering. Thanks to her recently upgraded strength stat, she could wade in the water, but the water rapidly absorbed into the uniform's thick cotton. It felt like her arms were trying to force their way through soggy sand.

Change to the You’re not a fish title!

Title: Mind Scrambler -> You’re Not A Fish

| You can hold your breath 15% longer.

| You can swim 10% faster.

With the faster swimming buff, she felt the water resistance lessen. With a splash, the others joined her. Those that had added some stats to strength found the swimming no problem, while there were others that had neglected it entirely. Gloria, for example.

Damned brute. Astrid pulled his hand to the other lever on the opposite side. The same happened. With a crunch, the lever was snapped.

Is this another part of the test? She could feel her lungs becoming strained, even with the title buff. Her vision turned to Gloria. She was clasping at her throat. Astrid swam to her and held her shoulders still. Placing her thumb to Gloria’s mouth, Astrid leant forward and locked lips. Blowing into Gloria’s mouth, her panicking soon stopped as she sucked in the spare air Astrid had.

You greedy bitch! Her head was becoming light-headed. She connected to the specks of matter–the water–and gathered it all into where the metal hinges were located. Using Crash, the surrounding water ruptured into an explosion. The door’s hinges shattered, sending the door hurtling through the water.

The intense need for air struck her. Clutching at her throat, she willed her mind to last longer. Grabbing hold of anyone that was nearby, Astrid launched herself up and breached the surface. Gasping for air, she coughed and spluttered, having swallowed a cup’s worth of water. Scrambling to the pool's edge, she just lay there, breathing heavily within her arms.

Those that weren’t invested in strength or constitution struggled. Some had passed out and were being healed to the side. They pumped their stomachs, emptying the water contents within.

“Well, how was the first part of your training?” A light smile covered Jacob’s face.

“You enjoy this job, don’t you?” Astrid took her last catch of breath and raised herself out of the pool.

“Ah, of course, it reminds me of the good old days. Finish training with the team and venture into the shopping district. Losing my entire month's allowance on a single damned pastry.” Jacob said with a sight of longing. “Quick thinking in there, Astrid. Looks like you have skills befitting a Sinwen after all.”

“Chloe, you have failed. Your intense panic caused you to lose all of your air supply, activating the collar.” At Jacob's words, the girl welled up in tears. With a nod, she left the hall.

“Next it’s survival training. Follow me.”

Astrid and the others followed closely behind. Their group was one short.

Astrid turned her head. Gloria's eyes attached her eyes to Astrid's face.

“What are you looking at?” Astrid frowned.

“Was it you who gave me mouth to mouth?” Gloria touched her lips.

Frederick's, and the others' eyes opened wide.

“Will you guys stop staring at me?" Astrid looked away. "Anyway, thank me for saving your ass, otherwise, you’d be joining that Chloe girl.”

Froderick broke out into a grin, his cheeks flushed. Astrid’s mind twitched as she sent a crash to his ankle, sending him tumbling to the floor.

“Keep to your feet, soldier.” Astrid said.

“Thank you, Astrid.” Gloria’s lips twitched as she watched Froderick scramble back to his feet.

“For the kiss?” Froderick chuckled, despite eating a face full of concrete.

Gloria and Astrid both sent death glares his way as he quickly ducked his head and continued to walk.

“For keeping me in the examination.” Gloria said. “But, from now on, I’ll be first in all the tests. I’ll show you where my expertise is at.” Her pace quickened.

Just try it. Astrid ran to catch up.