Hearing sucang say so, the middle man quickly stood up "dare not dare!"

Su Tang looked at him with a smile. "Since I dare not, let me introduce those two shops."

In this way, Zhongren can't say anything more, so he continues to introduce Su Tang, "these two shops are just two extremes. One of them is just beside the wharf, which is a tiny facade.

At first, one family sold some stewed food there. Later, the old man of that family passed away. However, he was in a hurry and took the secret recipe of making stewed flavor with him. After that, his family's business was not as good as before. With several brothers sharing property, they wanted to sell the shop for money.

The other shop, on the contrary, is a three story shop with a large area. It was just rebuilt last year. Next to it is the warehouse of the Qin family. It was originally intended to compete with the Qin family, but it did not.

In our Qingzhuo County, no one can eat such a big shop except the Qin family. But the family said that everyone sold except the Qin family, so it has been there for three months, and it has not been sold yet. "

Haibin street is the most prosperous street in Qingzhuo county. The two shops are so well located that they can't be sold. After hearing the explanation of the middle-aged man, Su Tang fully understands the trouble, so she asks directly.

"What's the price of the small shop? Did the Qin family intend to buy that big shop before?"

Not to mention, after hearing the question of sucang, they really put aside their contempt for sucang. What Sutang asked was the most critical question of the two shops.

"The girl is keen. The small shop is just on the dock. There are numerous merchants on the wharf. It is the best to sell some food. However, the shop is not sold because the area of the shop is not large, but the price is 500 Liang, and the price is not negotiated."

Zhongren praised Su Tang and continued to introduce "as for the big shop, Qin's warehouse was already big enough, and Qin Shao did not show the idea of buying it." Chinese www.huaxzw.com

It's very simple for Su Tang to ask this question. Listen to the meaning of the Chinese people's tone, I'm afraid the Qin family is not small in this neighborhood. Su Tang, who is not familiar with his hometown, comes here to do business. It's not wise to confront the local villains all of a sudden. If you can avoid it, it's best.

Of course, if the shop is really good and sucang is interested in it, even if it is on, there is no way.

"What's the price of the big shop?" Almost understood, sucang asked the most important question.

They were very familiar with the price and directly said, "this big shop doesn't bargain. It's four thousand Liang silver at one time."

Su Tang didn't know much about the price. On the contrary, Zhu Wenzhu, who was close to Sutang, heard that Sutang was talking about shops with people. The price was so frightening that he took a breath of cold.

When he saw him like this, he also took a look at him. Su Tang was light. He took a look at Zhu Wenzhu, and then he said, "now go and see the shop."

After all the prices were said, Sutang still wanted to see it. The middle man nodded immediately and took sucang out to see two shops.

Su Tang and Zhongren talk very fast, also did not consider the location of the shop is not good enough, so in a while they went out.

So when Qiao Zhun sent someone over, he threw himself into the air. He only saw that the tea in the room was still hot, but he had already left. So he quickly went up to tell Qiao Zhun and Qin Qian.

Besides, Su Tan Qian will find out what he promised to leave.