"As for me, my teacher is song Zhongwen and Mr. Song. The little Duke of Pei's mansion is my little elder martial brother. Don't get out of my way and let me visit him!"

When Princess Ruixue was still young, her father died, leaving only her as a single seedling. Therefore, the old emperor, in order to help the meritorious officials, made an exception to make her the princess.

Ruixue, whose real name is Li Huilan, is 12 years old. Ruixue is the old emperor, thinking that her father died in the winter, so she was given the title.

When Li Huilan was about nine years old, she went out with her mother. She happened to meet Pei Xuan, who attended the poetry meeting with several senior brothers. Her mother taught her that although she was a princess, she could not be hereditary. In the future, she must marry a good family in order to have a good future.

At that time, Pei was only a 13-year-old boy. She had a bad temper and didn't talk much. She had a good-looking appearance, and Li Huilan fell in love with her at first sight.

Although the big ladies in the capital can go out and walk occasionally, their parents are the masters of marriage affairs. They never go to make arrangements by themselves. However, Li Huilan's mother is not from a high background. After learning about her daughter's mind, she learns that Pei is the little Duke of Pei state's government, and her mother is Princess Mingxi.

I also think that this is an excellent marriage partner. Although my father-in-law has a higher status, his daughter is also a princess, but it is not easy for young men and women to get in touch with each other.

At that time, Song Yi had a great influence in the capital, so Li Huilan's mother made up her mind to ask Princess Ruixue to join Song Yi. In this way, Li Huilan and Pei Xuan got the reputation of elder martial brothers and sisters. They got along more in private, and it was easier to get married in the future.

I think so well, but it was revealed to Song Yi at that time. Song Yi didn't even care about Li Huilan's qualifications. At first, Song Yi refused to accept murongzhao's sister to become a teacher. How could Song Yi accept Li Huilan. 360 Literature Network www.360wxw.com

It can also be seen that Li Huilan was not pure in mind. Later, Princess Ruixue entangled with her, which made Song Yi unbearable. Until Song Yi left the capital and went to Qinghe town, Princess Ruixue wanted to join Song Yi.

But Princess Ruixue is so entangled that the whole capital does not know what she wants Song Yi to be a teacher in the end. Pei Xuan has been making no false remarks about her.

Although Pei was a bit awkward, he was also of royal lineage. In addition, he practiced martial arts from a young age and studied with Song Yi. He was gifted and intelligent, and he always paid lip service to stupid people.

In a few limited contacts, Pei has seen Li Huilan with his own eyes. He is a man who can't understand his words and has no ink in his stomach. His appearance is not good. How can Li Huilan be attracted by his appearance.

It's a pity that Li Huilan can't see through all the things in the capital city. She has been pestering Pei Xuan all day and wants Song Yi to be her teacher. In recent years, it has become a joke in the capital.

Li Huilan is the princess, and there are some high-ranking ladies who are mean to her. However, Li Huilan is not a smart one. Others are mean to her, but she still can't understand. She makes jokes and she doesn't realize it.

As for laughing at her behind her back, I'm afraid some yellow mouthed children in the capital will say one or two words about the glorious deeds of Princess Ruixue!

Although Li Huilan was not smart and could not hear the twists and turns of sarcasm, Su Tang said so frankly at this time, but she understood.