Orange cat sighs at the side, so she really knows nothing about dark Lori. What do you think and archery with her? She can not only win chess, but also miss the target to make people doubt life.

The beautiful two legged beast has no brain. It actually uses its own weakness to surpass its owner's advantages. Orange cat has a lot to say.

In fact, Pei Xuan is really good at playing chess. It's a pity that Su Tang, who is mature and calculating on the surface, can only lose miserably.

Su Tang looks at Pei Xuan's autistic suspicion of life, and feels that her mood is instantly refreshing. Even if she is really a small moneymaker, others can't say that she only knows how to make money. Ha ha, if you don't abuse her, you doubt life. Do you deserve her identity as a passer-by.

Orange cat said, a mature adult so embarrassed a teenager, conscience in ah.

In the evening, Su Tang and Jiang Hong told him to invite someone to come over in the afternoon and go to the Yamen to go through the formalities. Jiang Hong did not know why he had to delay it, so he agreed to come down.

Seeing that it was dark, Pei Xuan was still autistic. Su Tang seldom found out her conscience and cooked fish in the small kitchen in the yard.

The sour and spicy smell came out of the kitchen, which caught people's appetite. The autistic little grandfather sat in his room and recalled today's chess game. After smelling it, he sniffed, "it's disgraceful. I don't want to see it, don't go!"

Losing to his junior sister so many times in a row, the young man who felt ashamed said he would continue to be autistic.

Su Tang's roasted fish is so delicious that even the miraculous animal, orange and cat, are waiting to eat. As a result, Pei Xuan did not go out.

It seems that this is really a blow. Su Tang brings the grilled fish to the table and knocks on Pei's door. "Young master, sour and spicy super delicious roast fish, don't you really want to try it?"

"This roast fish is roasted on charcoal fire, and then stewed in a special soup bottom. The unique sour and spicy taste are combined together. The fish meat is crisp outside, and the meat inside is tender. With tofu, cabbage and potatoes in the soup bottom, oh, don't mention the taste. I've eaten it once and want to next time!"

Sucang stood at the door and began to say. Chinese novel Library

Orange cat is speechless, bullying others when very happy, not to coax themselves?

Su Tang's white eyes "you're in charge!"

Dare to say so much, don't want to eat the grilled fish. The orange cat shut up immediately. In order to eat, dignity is nothing. It's just a lazy meow.

It's not a problem to give it to the cat.

Pei Xuan heard that Su Tang said this. He was hungry after lunch. It's not like that Su Tang also ate steamed stuffed bun in the afternoon. When young people grow up, their stomachs have been purring, which means that they have no face after losing.

"No more!" Sure enough, after su Tang finished, Pei Xuan opened the door and asked her not to talk.

As a result, he saw that sucang was smiling at him. "Why, I'm angry when I lose. I can only make money. Can't you beat me?"

"Who is angry, I can't win you, don't be arrogant!" Don't care if you are autistic just now. You are suspicious of life. Su Tang here stimulates you. Ao Jiao's young response is quite rapid.

Su Tang laughs when he looks at him. It's just funny.

"Then I'll wait, so, young master, do you want to eat grilled fish?" Sucang didn't continue to bully people. It's almost today. Come back tomorrow.

Pei Yan swallowed his saliva. "I'll try what you do."

Then, in Su Tang's smile, my grandfather ate three bowls of rice and half of the fish. He tasted a lot!