Asked about the price of cotton and coarse cloth, cotton is not harvested yet. It's very expensive, but it's not in a hurry, because it's not cold now. Finally, sucang spent 40 Wen to buy some coarse cloth and put it in the back basket.

She also spent five Wen to buy some needles and thread. She had left some at home before, but it was not enough. Moreover, she was going to make clothes, so she naturally needed to buy some.

Finally, sucang went to buy a can of rapeseed oil. On the way out of town, she went to a small grocery store and bought a large bag of soda noodles. Just now she was afraid that Yang Ford would guess that the soap was made from soda flour, so she didn't buy it. Fortunately, during the saponification reaction, the alkali noodles were not used much.

Last time, one kilo can be used for a long time. This time, she bought another two, which is enough for a long time. As for the amount of rapeseed oil, she is not afraid to know. After all, most people know that it is for cooking, and they will not think it is for soap.

After buying these, Su Tang and Su Nuo walked together to Sujiatun. The two brothers and sisters made money today and returned home with a smile.

After the two returned home, she prepared to go to the other side of the Qingjiang River and continue to "fish" back. Su Nuo was not willing to go to the river because of his previous experience of being thrown into the river, so Su Tang let him play at home.

However, Su Tang went to the river with a bamboo basket. Chen XiuXiu also went to Su Yonggui's house to talk to Jiang.

"Tut Tut, your big Nier and big Lang are quite capable. I saw them come back from the town and carry bamboo baskets on their backs. OK, they look very heavy and completely different from before."

Seeing Chen XiuXiu coming, Wu generously grabbed a handful of melon seeds to her, and Chen XiuXiu said.

Wu's face changed when she heard Chen XiuXiu say this. "Nonsense. My danier and Dalang are still at home. When did they go to town?"

Chen XiuXiu also sneered at Wu's appearance. "I don't know what you're thinking about. Guixiang, you just look at the two kids out there so carefree?"

"You don't know. Just now they came back from the town. Many people saw it. But they said that after their adoption, they had a better life. Tut Tut, I heard Yang Cuihua talk about you behind their backs."

As soon as Chen XiuXiu saw that Wu's family was still pretending, she said directly that before that, her brother and sister had been making a living under Wu's hand, and her hair was still dirty every day. At that time, when the Wu family went out and was instructed by others, they all refused to say that they were stepmothers, and they did not care too much about it.

Everything is due to the fact that the two children don't like her and don't love to be clean. She is not easy to manage and dare not say anything. Therefore, although some people see what Wu is, many people believe in Wu.

After all, it's like this when you fill a room. It's hard to say when the child is light or heavy. Su Dani doesn't come out very much and works at home. She doesn't argue with her. No one wants to play with her when she goes out.

Before that, Wu pushed himself clean. Many people really believe that it was su Dani and Dalang who didn't love to be clean.

Of course, there are many people who have a good ear and a clear eye, and there are also some discussions behind it. However, Wu can barely maintain his reputation. As a result, Wu's reputation began to deteriorate after the previous events.

Wu also knew that if Su Dani and Dalang were allowed to sacrifice to the river god, her reputation would certainly be affected. However, if all the people died, it would be only for a while. As long as she could make up for it in the future, people would soon forget how the two children died. At that time, she would still be able to manage a good reputation. Weichang novel network

Wu used to be a servant girl in a rich family. She was very proficient in these techniques, but she had a thousand calculations. She didn't expect that her sister and brother were both thrown into the river and still alive.

Now that the two children are alive, everyone will remember how they adopted him to Su laoshuan, and that she was the stepmother of the two children. How could she not know what Chen XiuXiu said.

On that day, she didn't expect that her brother and sister had not died when they went to sacrifice to the river god. She was flustered for a moment. If she was still at home, she could always find a way to clean them up. Now she would not be right to leave home.

Speaking of it, Wu looked at Chen XiuXiu, but also gnawed her teeth. At that time, if Chen XiuXiu had not said something about her brother-in-law's fate, she would not have been in a panic and told her mother-in-law Zhao.

"You also said that if you hadn't told me about their hard life, there would have been no adoption. They had been making a living under my hand. Would it still be now?"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Wu Guixiang, if I didn't tell you what I was doing, you complained to me about the two kids, and I gave you advice.

I help you like this, and you do this to me? What's more, you dare say that you were not afraid at that time. But I watched you and your father-in-law throw them into the river. In an instant, they were flooded, and you saw it yourself.

Later, I heard that they had a good relationship with the Fuhua family. They searched for nearly an hour on the river, but they didn't find anyone. All of a sudden, people appeared on the bank. Before the dead girl could not fart, she came out crying and said that the river god hated them and was determined not to have them.You're not afraid? Your brother-in-law's illness is false, but it doesn't mean that other things are not true. When you gave birth to Wulang, you lost half your life. "

Chen XiuXiu was also infuriated by Wu's remarks.

The Wu family has always been very good at pretending to be a good person. When she saw Chen XiuXiu like this, she grabbed her tightly and said, "Oh, my good sister, it's me who said the wrong thing. I'll make up for it with you!"

As he spoke, he also slapped himself in the mouth. After hearing what Chen XiuXiu said later, Wu also said, "I know you are kind-hearted and think for me."

As a matter of fact, Chen XiuXiu herself had thought that Su Sanshou pretended to be ill, but the accident was real. It was not so serious that she almost died. However, she suffered from dystocia when she gave birth to Wulang, and nearly gave up her life for the sake of her son.

Later, the doctor said that it would be difficult for her to have a baby in the future. That was how she made up her mind to get rid of Liu's two children. All the things in their big room could only belong to her children.

Moreover, because of the dystocia, Wulang is not very well. However, Dalang is always beaten and can't eat enough, but she is very strong. She only sees her son's weak kitten, but Dalang is so good, which is even more like frying and burning. How can you look at them.

It's true that she didn't take any life hard before, but this time she really believed the river god.

Su Sanshou had an accident and didn't have a big problem. It was because she was only an uncle and nephew with the two cubs. Her stepmother nearly died of childbirth because she was more intimate with them.

As for the Liu family, who gave birth to two young children, he was not killed. These two lowly species are hard life and close relatives.