Miyu returned to the office with her mobile phone, and then sat in front of her desk, staring coldly at the picture on her mobile phone.

On the wide mobile phone screen, a picture of a woman who was exposed too much appeared. Although the woman's face was not exposed, Gongyu could see that this person was su Yuchun. First of all, he wore the same clothes as Su Yuchun that day. Moreover, it was true that Su Yuchun also fell into the hands of those people. There is no guarantee that

But Meng Gong Yu shook his head. No, he can't doubt Su Yuchun like this. It's unfair to Su Yuchun. It's just taking a picture. What does it mean? He absolutely didn't believe it.

When Gongyu was still hesitating, another short message appeared on her mobile phone, which came from a strange number. Gongyu opened it and said, "Hi! Did the picture just now surprise you? I have a lot more here. Are you interested? "

"What on earth do you want to do, let's be frank?" Miyao immediately replied to the text message. He wanted to see what this person wanted to do and why he would send such a picture to himself for no reason? Is he entertainment? But if that's the case, why didn't he publish it directly? The impact would be much greater than now? Is it extortion for money? Gongyu guessed on one side.

"Oh, my friend, you don't mean anything. It's so direct. I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I think it's a very good deal to buy these photos with 200 million dollars. What do you think?"

"200 million? You're a lion, aren't you? So why do you think I will agree to your request? Why do you think these photos are useful to me? " Gong Yu continued to ask him if he must find out what the purpose of these people is, another 200 million? It seems that he has a close relationship with the 200 million yuan recently. The last time the project was launched, Su Yuchun was kidnapped, and even this time, it was 200 million.

"Friend, I have no confidence? If you don't want it, I'll publish it directly, see you

Seeing the text message sent by this person, Gongyu knew that this person was very confident and immediately replied, "wait a minute, maybe we can discuss it again?"

But the messages sent by Gongyu are just like a sea of stone sinking into the sea, and they never get any reply. At this time, if a reporter is in a hurry to get into the hands of the entertainment palace, is it really a reporter? The impact of this incident on Su Yuchun was enormous.

And the most important thing is that Su Yuchun's TV series for the company will be re shot soon. If the news is exposed at this time, it will also have an impact on the company's stock, so he must stop it.

After thinking about this, Gongyu immediately took action, left the company and drove to the police station. On the way, he first called Lao Wu and told him about the general situation. So when he arrived, Lao Wu met him directly at the door of the police station.

After going to the police station, miyao directly handed over her mobile phone to the technical department of the police station, so that the technicians could immediately analyze the IP address of the SMS, hoping to get some useful information from it.

Then Gongyu and Lao Wu sat in the office, discussing the matter.

"These people should send these photos to you on purpose. I think the technology department can't find out the address information. Even if it can find the IP, it should be fake. But I think these people must have more purposes to send these photos to you." Lao Wu said with analysis.

"You mean that person is not an ordinary entertainment reporter?" Gong Yu asked suspiciously. He thought these people might be entertainment reporters who are open-minded with money. But after Lao Wu's analysis, it's true. If they are ordinary entertainment reporters, it's impossible for them to speak. It's going to cost 200 million. It's impossible to find Gongyu directly.

"Of course, according to my analysis, these photos should have been taken in the hands of gangsters, and those people may not only take these photos to coerce Su Yuchun. If so, they can do something directly to Su Yuchun. How can they take photos and send them to you?"

"I guess it's likely to be bad for your company. You need to pay more attention to the recent situation of the company in case these gangsters do anything." Lao Wu is kind-hearted and puts forward suggestions with Gongyu. Gongyu really thinks the same way and should pay more attention.

In fact, as Lao Wu thought, the technology department did not find any clues at all. So this line is lost. We can only wait to see if these people will take the initiative to contact Gongyu again. Since their target is Gongyu, these photos should not be exposed. So there's still a chance.

There was no harvest in the police station, so Miyu went back to the company first. The company still had a lot of things to deal with. Moreover, he had to reorganize the company's resources, investigate the hidden dangers of the company, and prevent these gangsters from doing things unfavorable to the company through the company's loopholes.

Time always flies like this. Soon it's noon. Su Yuchun filmed all morning in the studio, and the overall shooting was very smooth. So she finished very soon. Looking at the time getting late, she took out her mobile phone and sent a text message to Gongyu, thinking of asking him to have lunch.After that, they didn't come out to eat together. It's time for them to have a chance to relax their relationship.

When Gongyu was still in the office, she received a text message from Su Yuchun. Then she looked at the message and couldn't help laughing, "I'll pick you up in ten minutes!" After texting, Miyu put down her things and left the company with her car key.

So Su Yuchun was waiting on the set. In a short time, Gongyu had already driven his car to the set. His car alone had already attracted the attention of many fans.

They choose a western restaurant, which is very affectionate. It's true that Western food can easily promote their feelings. Su Yuchun's favorite food is lamb chops, which can be eaten today. But Gongyu didn't let her eat. She had to drink something digestible.

When Su Yu's cell phone fell to the bottom of the palace, Su Yu's heart began to ring.